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           receptor on presynaptic, postsynaptic, and extrasynaptic   opsoclonus‑myoclonus, [17,18]  and brainstem encephalitis
           membranes, expressed in both the central and peripheral   is now appreciated. Extralimbic presentations may be
           nervous systems, particularly the hippocampus, thalamus,   explained by the high expression of GABA R outside
           and cerebellum.  This receptor is a heterodimer comprising   of the hippocampus, including the cerebellum.  Other
           two subunits: GABA  and GABA . Both subunits need to   rarer neurological features of anti‑GABA R encephalitis
                            B1        B2                                                          B
           be co‑expressed in order to form a functional receptor. [9,10]    include chorea, myelopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and
           The extracellular domain of the GABA  subunit binds   myopathy, particularly in patients with lower antibody
           to GABA while the GABA  subunit couples the receptor   titers. [4,20]  It is uncertain, whether all of these extralimbic
           with  the  effector G protein.  Antibodies  to GABA R   neurologic manifestations can be attributed solely to the
           bind to the B1 subunit of the GABA R,  the component   GABA R antibodies or whether the co‑existence of other
           that is required for GABA binding and receptor function.  neural autoantibodies may contribute to the increasingly
                                                              diverse  neurological features being  reported. Known
           GABA R exert inhibitory regulatory effects on synaptic   neural antibody accompaniments to the GABA R
                B                                                                                            B
           transmission by inhibiting presynaptic voltage‑gated   antibodies include the 65 kDa isoform of glutamate
           calcium  channel‑mediated  neurotransmitter  release   decarboxylase (GAD‑65), voltage‑gated calcium channels
           and by activating postsynaptic potassium channels,   (N‑type and P/Q type), voltage‑gated potassium‑complex
           resulting in hyperpolarization of neuronal membranes,   (VGKC‑complex), and neuronal nuclear and cytoplasmic
           and inhibition of adenylate cyclase. [11,12]  GABA R   antibodies [such as antineuronal nuclear autoantibody
           dysfunction is implicated in a variety of  neurological   (ANNA‑1),  ANNA‑3,  collapsing  response  mediator
           disorders such as epilepsy, in which genetic mutations   protein‑5 IgG, and anti‑glial nuclear autoantibody/SOX‑1
           may  play  a  role. [13,14]   Pharmacological  disruption  of   antibodies]. [4,20‑22]
           the GABA R leads to seizures, cognitive deficits, and
           behavioral changes, [10,15,16]  all of which may be seen in   In comparison to other cell surface neural antibody
           autoimmune anti‑GABA R limbic encephalitis.        associated  encephalitis,  anti‑GABA R  encephalitis
                                                              is  probably  uncommon.  In  a  clinical  service
           Antibodies to GABA R were first described in 15    laboratory,  only 7 of 3,989 (0.2%) patients with
           patients with limbic  encephalitis, in whom subacute   suspected  autoimmune encephalopathy were found
           early onset of seizures was a distinctive feature.    to have the GABA R antibody.  There is no obvious
           Seizures were predominantly of temporal lobe onset   gender predisposition for this neurologic disorder. A
           with secondary generalization, and 3 of the 15 patients   paraneoplastic etiology is diagnosed in approximately
           developed status epilepticus. Memory impairment,   half  of  the  patients  with  GABA R  antibodies. [4,17,20,21]
           confusion, hallucinations, and behavioral changes   The neurologic disorder usually precedes the diagnosis
           consistent with limbic involvement were frequently   of malignancy, and the most frequently encountered
           seen. Electroencephalography (EEG) changes included   tumor is small cell lung cancer. [4,20]  Tumors are more
           epileptiform  discharges,  electrographic  ictal  activity,   likely to be detected in older patients.  Although, lung
           and/or temporal lobe slowing.                      tumors from patients with GABA R encephalitis have
                                                              not been studied for GABA R expression, samples of
           Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain imaging     archived small cell lung cancers from patients without
           typically demonstrates unilateral or bilateral increased   encephalitis were found to react with both guinea pig
           T2/fluid  attenuated  inversion  recovery signal  changes   and human GABA IgG. This suggests that the GABA R
           in the medial temporal region, consistent with limbic   could be expressed by small cell lung cancer and could
           encephalitis. [4,17]  Extratemporal changes in the grey and   potentially trigger an autoimmune reaction.  Other
           white matter, cerebellum, basal ganglia, and brainstem   oncologic associations of anti‑GABA R encephalitis
           have also been reported. [4,17‑19]  Cerebrospinal fluid   include neuroendocrine lung tumor, multiple myeloma,
           (CSF) examination may yield lymphocytic pleocytosis,   esophageal carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and
           elevated protein, and oligoclonal bands.  As with other   carcinoid of the thymus. [4,19,20,22,23]
           types of limbic encephalitis, the EEG, MRI brain, and/or
           CSF exam may be normal, and should not preclude the   Neurological improvement has been reported in up
           diagnosis or presumptive treatment when the clinical   to 90% of patients with anti‑GABA R encephalitis
           presentation is suspicious.                        who received immunotherapy and appropriate cancer
                                                              treatment (if the tumor was detected). [4,17,20,21]  As the
           Limbic encephalitis, the  most common neurologic   cases reported so far were retrospectively ascertained,
           manifestation of anti‑GABA R encephalitis,  [4,20,21]   there was heterogeneity in the immunotherapies used. A
           typically occurs in the setting of very high GABA R   variety of immunotherapie have been used successfully,
           antibody titers. [4,20]  A widening phenotypic spectrum of   including various combinations of first‑line agents,
           anti‑GABA R disorders including cerebellar ataxia, [17,20,22,23]    corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg),

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