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periodic screening for at least 2 years is recommended,   PREGNANCY AND DISEASE
           even for  patients who are in recovery.  Younger age (<
           12  years), older age (> 40 years), and male gender are   There is concern that the anti‑NMDAR antibody
           associated with a reduced risk of tumor. [14]       (subtypes IgG1 and IgG3), which can cross the placenta
                                                               beginning at 14th week of gestation and up to the time
           TREATMENT, CLINICAL RESPONSE AND                    of delivery,  may affect the developing brain of the
           RECOVERY                                            fetus. Factors that may determine outcomes are the
                                                               gestational age of disease onset, antibody titer of the
           A large observational cohort study showed that      maternal serum, timing of treatment to deplete maternal
           immunotherapy  (high‑dose  steroid  plus  either    pathologic antibody, and the fetal  BBB. A few case
           plasmapheresis or intravenous immunoglobulin)       reports of anti‑NMDAR encephalitis during pregnancy
           and tumor removal, if applicable, yielded beneficial   showed a positive outcome. [36,37]   However, one case
           neurological outcomes.  Patients in whom a tumor    report showed evidence for the transplacental transfer
           was detected and removed within 4 months of disease   of NMDAR antibody.  The antibody titer in this infant
           onset experienced a more complete and rapid recovery   was the same as in the mother at 2 days after delivery
           than those without tumor.  In patients who did not   and declined until a negative titer was determined at
           respond to first‑line treatment, second‑line therapy   the age of 1 year. The infant showed a delay in global
           (cyclophosphamide or rituximab) resulted in improved
           outcomes and fewer relapses. Two independent        development and had cortical dysplasia. It remains
           predictors of good outcomes were a lower severity of the    unknown whether these abnormalities resulted from
           disease and an earlier time to appropriate treatment.   the effect of the transplacental anti‑NMDAR antibody
           These determining factors are maintained irrespective   or were an indirect effect of the maternal illness.
           of the age of disease onset. [14,33]  The recovery process
           is usually the reverse of the clinical presentation. [11]   OVERLAPPING ANTI‑NMDAR ENCEPHALITIS
           Autonomic and abnormal movement are usually         AND DEMYELINATING DISEASE
           recovered before other symptoms. Psychiatric features   Many case reports have described the co‑existence
           may persist up to several months.  The anti‑NMDAR   of  anti‑NMDAR antibody and demyelinating disease
           titer in the CSF usually decreases in parallel to the   (AQP4‑IgG, MOG‑IgG). [39]  The encephalopathy may
           clinical response, but the presence of antibody may   precede, follow, or occu simultaneously with a clinical
           persist for a long period (up to 15 years) despite normal   episode of demyelinating disease. Most patients
           clinical features.  Clinical history and neurological   respond to immunotherapy but tend to require more
           examination, including a neuropsychiatric test, is the
           most useful indicator of the treatment response,  and    intensive treatment and display more residual deficits.
           thus, the periodic detection of the anti‑NMDAR titer is    These findings should prompt the awareness of
           not necessary in the context of stable clinical status.  physicians that patients with the demyelinating disease
                                                               who develop atypical symptoms such as abnormal
           ANTI‑NMDAR ENCEPHALITIS IN OLDER AGE                movements or vice versa should be investigated for
                                                               other conditions. [39]
           The onset of anti‑NMDAR encephalitis at an age
           of  > 45 years has some characteristic features that   CONCLUSION
           differ from those of young patients. There is a greater
           frequency of males compared to females (1:1.2), a   Anti‑NMDAR encephalitis is more common than
           reduced frequency of tumor association, fewer seizure   expected and may be the most common cause of
           episodes, and a greater tendency to present with    antibody‑mediated encephalopathy. This disease
           memory deficit in the late‑onset group.  If tumors are   should be suspected in children or young adults with
           found, then carcinoma is more likely than teratoma.   acute behavioral problems, seizure, and abnormal
           However, within 4 weeks of onset, the patients develop   movements. Late‑onset disease (patients > 45 years
           symptoms that are typical of the disease in young   old) may present with memory problems. Investigations
           adults. The delay in diagnosis and treatment is longer   of anti‑NMDAR antibody or other autoantibodies that
           in the late‑onset group. This observation may be due to    are present in the CSF and serum are recommended.
           the wide differential diagnosis in clinical presentation.   Patient outcomes depend on the severity of the disease
           However, other prognostic factors, including an     at the time of onset, early immunotherapy, and
           earlier time to treatment, the use of second‑line   adequate second‑line drugs if the response to first‑line
           immunotherapy in the case of first‑line drug failure,   therapy fails. Long‑term surveillance of ovarian
           and younger age are associated with improved        teratoma in young female patients is prudent if the
           outcomes.                                           initial workup is negative.

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