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can present as generalized, focal, or complex partial   MR spectroscopy of the basal ganglia and thalamus
          seizures. Some cases may progress to status epilepticus   may show a reduction of the N‑acetylaspartate/creatine
          or nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Most of these cases   (Cr) ratio in patients during involuntary movements. [30]
          are refractory to treatment with standard antiepileptic
          drugs but may respond well to  immunosuppressive    DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATIONS
          drugs. One case report described nonconvulsive status
          epilepticus lasting for 6 months that was refractory to   The CSF profile in cases of anti‑NMDAR encephalitis
          all immunomodulating therapies but showed marked    typically shows pleocytosis and mild protein
          improvement following removal of an ovarian tumor.    elevations. The normal CSF profile does not exclude
          Seizures in anti‑NMDAR encephalitic patients usually   immune‑mediated disease. The brain MRI may be
          have an extratemporal origin. [20,22]               normal in up to 50% of cases.  The EEG typically
                                                              shows diffuse slow or rhythmic activity. The EEG
          The most commonly observed (90%) electroencephalogram   of anti‑NMDAR encephalopathy is characterized
          (EEG) pattern typically shows diffuse slowing or    by an extreme delta brush, which can be found in
          predominantly anterior slowing, but these phenomena   up to 30% of cases.  For specific antibody testing,
          do not correlate with the clinical and MRI findings.  it is recommended that both CSF and serum be
                 One‑third (34%) of patients exhibited focal   assessed. In the majority of immune‑mediated limbic
          slowing. One case series described a unique EEG     encephalitis including anti‑NMDAR encephalitis, the
          pattern of “extreme delta brush” in 30% of the patients   CSF is more sensitive than the serum, excluding cases
          in early stages of the disease. This pattern suggests the   of  VGKC‑complex autoantibody (Lgi1 and Caspr2),
          occurrence of more severe disease (a more prolonged   in which the serum may be more sensitive than
          hospitalization). [23]                              the CSF. [13,31]  The NMDAR‑IgG can be demonstrated
                                                              by the presence of immunologic reactivity to
          Abnormal movement                                   mouse brain tissue (especially in the hippocampus
          Abnormal movement (mostly hyperkinetic movement)    area and the granular layer of the cerebellum) or
          has been described in up to 80% of patients during
          the course of the disease and may be the initial    NMDAR‑transfected cells [Figure 2]. The antibody titer
                                                              is higher in the CSF compared to the serum in patients
          manifestation in some patients, especially in the   with a poor outcome or the presence of teratoma, and
          pediatric group. [14]  However, abnormal movement
          usually follows psychiatric symptoms or seizure. Some   titer changes in the CSF are more likely to be related to
          of these symptoms may be difficult to differentiate   clinical relapses than to changes in the serum.
          from seizure clinically, but the EEG does not reveal   Because ovarian teratoma is found in up to 40% of cases
          electrographic seizure during an episode. [24]  These   of anti‑NMDAR encephalopathy, it is recommended
          abnormal movements do not respond to anti‑epileptic
          or dopamine receptor antagonist drugs. Abnormal     that these patients be screened for this condition. If
          movements can alert clinicians to investigate       the initial workup is negative for ovarian teratoma,
          autoimmune processes in cases of suspected viral
          encephalitis, which do not typically present this
          feature. [25,26]

          Various forms of abnormal movement have been
          described in anti‑NMDAR encephalitis. The majority
          of these movements are complex uni‑ or bilateral
          stereotypic movements, in particular, orofacial
          dyskinesia. [14,27]  The spectrum of abnormal movements
          includes chorea, choreoathetosis, facial/limb
          myorhythmia, facial‑limb‑truncal dystonia, myoclonus,
          tremor, opsoclonus‑myoclonus or ataxia,  and
          opisthotonus. [14,27‑29]  The distinct abnormal movements
          observed in anti‑NMDAR encephalitis may be due to
          a dissociated state, in which movement disorder may
          persist during unconsciousness.  This feature may
          be difficult to differentiate from frontal lobe seizure,
          but an EEG might provide helpful information.  One   Figure 2: Immunohistochemistry of mouse brain sections showing binding of
                                                              the N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate receptor (NMDAR)‑IgG to the hippocampus. (a) and
          patient can develop more than one characteristic of   granular layer of the cerebellum; (b) HEK293 cells expressing NMDAR (GluN1);
          abnormal movement during the course of the disease.   (c) show antibodies binding to the cell membrane; (d) no reactivity is seen with
                                                              normal cerebrospinal fluid

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