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catatonic schizophrenia. These symptoms alternate    infection which later precipitate autoimmune disease.
           with periods of agitation. Some patients develop
           bizarre and inappropriate behavior such as smiling,   Psychiatric symptoms
           echophenomenal (both words and movement), or        The psychiat ric sy mptoms of a nti‑N M DA R
           catalepsy‑like symptoms.  Dissociative (paradoxical)   encephalitis encompass a broad spectrum that
           responses to stimuli (unresponsive to painful stimuli,   includes anxiety, depression, agitation, abnormal
           but resistant to eye opening) are often presented   behavior, delusion, hallucination, mania, and frank
           in  patients, mimicking a psychogenic condition or   psychosis. [13]  The symptoms usually present at the
           malingering. Most patients later develop hyperkinetic   beginning of the disease, leading to medical attention
           abnormal movements, the majority of which are       (mostly by a psychiatrist). It is the most common
           oro‑lingual‑facial dyskinesia; however, other types   initial manifestation in both sexes. [15]  In younger
           of movement may also be observed. During the same   children, parents may describe the symptoms as
           period, autonomic instability and hypoventilation   temper tantrums, behavioral changes, aggression,
           also occur. The autonomic manifestations include    and progressive speech deterioration.  Staff phobia
           hyperthermia, tachy‑bradycardia, and labile blood   has also been reported in children or adolescents.
           pressure. Autonomic dysfunction leads to a prolonged   Overall, the psychiatric symptoms associated with
           cardiac pause and requires a temporary pacemaker.   the initial manifestation or during relapses are the
           Hypoventilation can present alone or in association   same in both sexes and all ages.  Isolated psychiatric
           with  autonomic instability,  which  necessitates    symptoms can be observed in up to 4% of patients
           respiratory support. This phenomenon often occurs    (either at disease onset or during relapses).  These
           during the period of hyperkinetic movement, or it can   symptoms may be  explained by reduced NMDAR
           occur during early stages of symptoms. Within 4 weeks   synaptic content and disruption of receptor function
           of symptom onset, most patients develop a similar   in discrete regions of the brain. NMDARs are widely
           spectrum of symptoms irrespective of their age.  The   expressed throughout the entire brain, and, therefore,
           characteristics of classical anti‑NMDAR encephalitis   the density of receptor expression or the susceptibility
           progression are summarized in Figure 1. However, the   of some regions (especially the frontostriatum or
           clinical presentation of patients with anti‑NMDAR   hippocampus) to autoantibodies may be the cause of
           encephalitis varies depending on the individual patient.   the symptoms. [17]
           This review focuses on each symptom of anti‑NMDAR
           encephalitis.                                       Cognitive dysfunction
                                                               Cognitive dysfunction, especially short‑term memory
           Prodromal symptoms                                  impairment, has been underestimated due to the
           This viral‑like illness usually presents 1‑2 weeks before   predominance of psychiatric and speech problems
           the development of psychiatric symptoms.  It is not    that interfere with the cognitive assessment.  There is
           known whether the symptoms are due to NMDAR         evidence that IgA antibody subtypes recognizing the
           dysfunction, the systemic immune response to        NMDAR antibody might be present in patients with
           autoimmune disease or secondary responses to a viral   progressive cognitive decline.  However, a later study
                                                               suggested that IgA subtypes against NMDAR can be
                                                               found in the control population and are not related to
                                                               the neurological disease.  The role of NMDAR‑IgA
                                                               remains uncertain.

                                                               Seizures occur in approximately 70% of adults and
                                                               are even more common in children.  They typically
                                                               occur after a prodromal period and psychiatric
                                                               symptoms in adults, but they may be the initial
                                                               manifestation and occur with greater frequency in
                                                               children and adult males.  This phenomenon may
                                                               be explained by a reduced influence of hormonal
                                                               factors or by a selection bias whereby women with
                                                               initial psychiatric symptoms are more likely to be
                                                               suspected of this disease compared to men. Up
                                                               to 5% of patients with anti‑NMDAR encephalitis
           Figure 1: The spectrum of anti‑N‑methyl‑D‑aspartate receptor encephalitis   have purely a seizure disorder without prominent
           showing the common sequence of symptoms with clinical worsening and             [20]
           improvement                                         neuropsychiatric involvement.   The seizure types

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