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cells (primarily neutrophil granulocytes), may potentially   Silva et al. [60]  explored the therapeutic effect of Ang
           be used as a tissue-specific biomarker of inflammation   1-7 in aneurysm-induced mice and found that Ang 1-7
           and cerebral aneurysm instability. [55]  Previously, Deleo   decreased the frequency of morality and IA rupture.
           et al. [56]  developed a method to access MPO enzymatic   The authors believe that Ang 1-7 acts through a Mas
           activity as an inflammatory biomarker in a rabbit   receptor-dependent pathway as Ang 1-7 administration
           model of IA. The group used clinical field strength   did not decrease the frequency of aneurysm rupture
           MRI and an MPO specific paramagnetic substrate,    in Mas KO mice.  To investigate the applicability of
           di-5-hydroxytryptamide of gadopentetate dimeglumine,   Ang 1-7 as a therapeutic option, immunostaining was
           as  an  MR  contrast agent. Following  endovascular   performed on human cerebral aneurysms to confirm Mas
           injection of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, which   receptor presence. Immunostaining for Mas receptors
           resulted in inflammatory cell infiltration into the   was found to be positive in unruptured and ruptured
           aneurysm wall and increased active MPO expression,   aneurysms. The expression of Mas receptors was also
           the investigators found the MR enhancement ratios   identified in the intima and media layers of control human
           were consistent with the inflammatory changes. [56]    cerebral arteries.  These data suggest Angiotensin 1-7
           Ultimately, these studies suggest enzymatically specific   mediated targeting of the Mas receptor pathway may be
           MR imaging may help identify aneurysms with a      an efficacious noninvasive treatment modality.
           significant rupture propensity.
                                                              Aoki et al. [27]  found that in aneurysm-induced rats,
           These studies further highlight inflammation’s role in   the activation of NF-κB in the arterial wall of earlier
           the progression and rupture of cerebral aneurysms.   stages of aneurysmal development corresponded with
           In vivo  targeted molecular imaging may ultimately   the expression of the downstream pro-inflammatory
           provide the needed noninvasive metric required for   genes, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
           optimal management of IA. Given the strong association   and MCP-1. The group explored the inhibitory
           of inflammation and macrophage infiltration with IA   effects  of NF-κB  through  the use of  a synthesized
           rupture, IA experts have agreed on the importance of   decoy  oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN)  in a  rat  model.
           these findings and suggested that larger scale studies   Investigators found that the facilitation of ODN 1-week
           are needed. [53]                                   following aneurysmal induction inhibited VCAM-1
                                                              and MCP-1 expression and overall, reduced aneurysm
           THERAPEUTICS TARGETING INFLAMMATION                size and IEL disruption. [27]  In a follow-up study, the
                                                              authors used chimeric decoy ODNs against both NF-κB
           Studies focused on developing noninvasive IA       and proinflammatory transcription factor Ets-1. [61]  Aoki
           therapeutics reaffirm inflammation’s pathophysiological   et al.  found that chimeric decoy ODNs reduced IA size
           role in IA formation and progression. Hasan et al. [57]    and thickened the walls of existing IAs in a rat model.
           investigated the anti-inflammatory effect of acetylsalicylic   Rats treated with chimeric decoy ODNs also showed
           acid (aspirin) on the progression of aneurysm to rupture.   a reduction in MCP-1 expression and macrophage
           A secondary analysis of the ISUIA study revealed that the   infiltration into the aneurysm wall. If nuclease resistant
           aspirin decreased patients’ risk of aneurysm rupture by   ODNs can be administered transorally or transvenously,
           60%. Furthermore, the group found ruptured aneurysms   these findings suggest that NF-κB and Ets-1 are both
           had higher levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and   potential therapeutic targets in human IAs. [61]
           microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase 1 (mPGES-1)
           expression.  An exploration of acetylsalicylic acid’s   Additionally, Aoki et al. [19]  tested the effects of tolylsam,
           effect on inflammatory mediators through ferumoxytol   a selective inhibitor of the gelatinases MMP-2, MMP-9,
           enhanced MRI and immunostaining found aspirin-treated   and MMP-12, in a rat model. Facilitation of tolylsam
           patients  to  have  both  decreased  macrophage    did inhibit aneurysm progression, as the rate of
           infiltration and COX-2 and mPGES-1 expression. [52]    advanced aneurysms in the tolylsam group was lower;
           These pro-inflammatory enzymes were found to be    however, the incidence of aneurysm development in
           overexpressed in ruptured IA tissue. Taken together, these   the tolylsam group and control group was not different.
           findings suggest that low doses of aspirin (81 mg daily   The authors concluded that the tolylsam may delay
           for 3 months) may effectively attenuate inflammation in   aneurysm progression rather than formation. [19]
           IA, preventing acute SAH. [57]
                                                              Granulocytes were found to be present in the cerebral
           Angiotensin 1-7 has also been explored as a potential   aneurysm wall. [17]  Specifically, Ishibashi  et  al. [17]
           therapeutic option as Ang 1-7 is an antagonist to Ang 2.   reaffirmed mast cells’ role in aneurysm pathogenesis
           Ang 2 has been shown to increase the expression of   by administering in a rat model the mast cell inhibitor,
           various pro-inflammatory cytokines as well as promote   tranilast (N-(3,4-dimethoxycinnamoyl) anthranilic acid;
           blood vessel extracellular matrix remodeling. [59]  Peña   Kissei Pharmaceutical, Nagano, Japan) and emedastine

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