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Topic: The Role of Inflammation in Cerebral Aneurysm

           Inflammation mediates the pathogenesis of

           cerebral aneurysm and becomes therapeutic target

           Tomohiro Aoki
           Center for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University,
           Kyoto 606‑8501, Japan.

                                                   ABSTRA CT

            The treatment of cerebral aneurysms (CAs) is of social importance, because poor outcomes result in subarachnoid hemorrhages
            after rupture. However, there is currently no medical treatment available to prevent the progression and rupture of CAs, which results
            in a large number of patients without receiving treatment. Recent studies using human samples have revealed the presence of
            inflammatory responses in lesions and also the possible correlation of inflammation with CA progression or rupture. Furthermore,
            experimental studies using animal models of CAs have supported the notion from human studies and have clarified the crucial
            contribution of inflammation to the pathogenesis. In this process, a vicious cycle/positive feedback loop includes the nuclear
            factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation, which plays a role in amplifying inflammatory responses to the point of chronicity. In addition, the
            infiltration of macrophages via NF-κB-mediated monocyte chemotactic protein 1 induction expands inflammation in whole arterial
            walls and contributes to the degeneration of media by producing various cytokines and tissue-destructive proteases. These series
            of studies have provided an important insight - antiinflammatory drugs can be therapeutically significant in the treatment of CAs.
            Indeed, in animal models, some drugs with an antiinflammatory effect effectively suppressed CA formation and progression, which
            supports this hypothesis. In addition, in human cases, some case-control studies have reported the preventive effect of statins
            and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs on CA rupture. Therefore, the development of novel medical treatment for preventing the
            progression and rupture of CAs is needed in the near future. In this literature review, articles were selected by performing a PubMed
            search using the key words “cerebral aneurysm” and “inflammation”.
            Key words: Cerebral aneurysm, inflammation, macrophage, nuclear factor‑kappa B

           INTRODUCTION                                       those with a higher probability of rupture (e.g. CAs with
                                                              a large size or irregular shape) are selected for surgical
           Cerebral  aneurysms  (CAs)  have  a  great  impact  on   treatment. [1-3,5]  Importantly, the remaining portion of
           society because of their high incidence and subsequent   CAs, more than half,  receive no treatment, except
           subarachnoid hemorrhages after rupture. [1,2]  In recent   for the treatment of risk factors related with rupture,
           times, a large cohort study in Japan reported that the   and are only followed-up with monitoring rupture
           annual rate of CA rupture was 0.95%, and the risk   and enlargement. Considering that there is a high
           was increased according to the size of CA.  Since   incidence of CAs in the general population and poor
           subarachnoid  hemorrhages have  a high  mortality   outcomes resulting from subarachnoid hemorrhages
           rate of up to 50%, the prevention of CA rupture and   despite intensive treatment, the development of a new
           enlargement are of considerable significance to society.    drug therapy for unruptured CAs is indispensable.
           Many CAs are detected through brain examinations   Therefore, the mechanisms underlying the formation
           before the rupture, so there is a chance for preventative   and progression of CAs need to be clarified.
           treatment. Among these incidentally detected CAs, only
                                                              INFLAMMATION AND CEREBRAL ANEURYSM
                          Access this article online          FORMATION, PROGRESSION AND RUPTURE
               Quick Response Code:
                                    Website:                  Over the past couple of decades, a large number of
                                                              studies have examined the underlying mechanism of

                                    DOI:                      CA formation, progression and rupture by investigating
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.154381   human CA specimens. These series of studies
                                                              have identified the presence of the inflammatory

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Tomohiro Aoki, Center for Innovation in Immunoregulation Technology and Therapeutics,
           Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606‑8501, Japan. E‑mail:‑

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