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responses in CA lesions and have suggested the role   inflammatory responses in the pathogenesis of CA
           of the inflammatory processes in the pathogenesis of   formation and progression [22,31-41]  and have supported the
           CAs. For example, the expression and induction of   notion that inflammation in arterial walls contributes to
           pro-inflammatory factors such as tumor necrosis factor   the pathogenesis in human cases. Nuclear factor-kappa
           alpha (TNF-α), infiltration of inflammatory cells in   B (NF-κB) is a master transcription factor regulating
           the CA lesions (mainly macrophages), and the change   the induction of various pro-inflammatory genes
           in cell population during CA progression or rupture   through the activation of responses to nociceptive
           were identified. [6-13]  Furthermore, comprehensive gene   stimuli. [42]  Experimental studies have revealed  the
           expression analyses have revealed the induction of   crucial role of NF-κB in the pathogenesis of CAs by
           pro-inflammatory genes in lesions such as TNF-α and   triggering and regulating the inflammatory processes
           the up-regulation of the inflammation-related pathways   in  lesions [43]   [Figure  1].  During  CA  formation,
           through bioinformatics analyses such as antigen    many NF-κB-activated cytokines/mediators such as
           processing, immune responses, and responses to outward   interleukin (IL)-1β, [38]  prostaglandinE , [34]  TNF-α, [37,40,41]
           stimuli, which indicated a significant contribution to   and reactive oxygen species [44]  are induced, and they
           the pathogenesis of CAs. [14-16]  Comprehensive gene   significantly contribute to CA formation and progression.
           expression analyses have also identified an increase in   Furthermore, NF-κB-targeted pro-inflammatory
           extracellular matrix turnover. [17,18]  By linkage analyses,   genes, including matrix metalloproteinase-9, [26,32]
           pro-inflammatory genes or extracellular matrix-related   cyclooxygenase-2  (COX-2), [34]  inducible nitric
           genes positively correlate with CAs. [19-22]  However,   oxide synthase, [36,39]  monocyte chemoattractant
           a considerable limitation is present in studies using   protein-1 (MCP-1), [31,35]  TNF-α, [37,40,41]  and IL-1β [38]  are
           human samples because of the variety of background   induced and likewise contribute to CA formation and
           characteristics such as the genetics and clinical   progression. In addition, the critical contribution of
           history. Furthermore, we cannot examine the exact   NF-κB to the pathogenesis of CA is demonstrated in
           association of each inflammation-related factor with   the deficiency of the NF-κB p50 subunit in mouse or
           CA progression through pharmacological inhibition   the inhibition of the NF-κB transcriptional activity by
           or genetic modification. However, the establishment   decoy oligonucleotides treatment in the rat, which both
           and use of animal CA models [23-27]  has overcome these   significantly suppress CA formation and progression
           intrinsic limitations associated with human samples   by inhibiting NF-κB-mediated inflammatory responses
           and has greatly advanced our understanding of the   in lesions. [33]  Importantly, vicious cycles are formed
           mechanisms that regulate CA formation, progression,   around NF-κB activation in lesions; for example, TNF-α
           and rupture.                                       activates NF-κB and then NF-κB transcriptionally
                                                              induces TNF-α. Similarly, NF-κB forms the positive
           In a rodent model, CAs are induced at the bifurcation   feedback loop of the COX-2-prostaglandinE2-EP2-NF-κB
           sites of intracranial arteries through an increase in   pathway [34,45]   [Figure  1], and COX-2 is induced by
           hemodynamic stress, which is also a trigger of CA   hemodynamic stress loaded on the arterial walls at
           formation in human, [28-30]  and is achieved by performing   bifurcation sites of the intracranial arteries producing
           one-sided carotid ligation and inducing systemic   prostaglandinE . [34,45]  Then synthesized prostaglandinE
           hypertension through salt over-loading. [23-25]  Because   acts on one of its specific receptor subtypes, EP2,
           CAs induced in models share common pathological    and further activates  NF-κB.  Because  NF-κB
           features with human cases (e.g. disrupted internal elastic   transcriptionally induces the COX-2 expression, once
           lamina and degenerative changes of the media, including   hemodynamic stress activates COX-2, another positive
           the loss of medial smooth muscle cells) and also   feedback loop between the prostaglandin system and
           spontaneous rupture, they highly mimic human CAs and   NF-κB is formed [34,45]  [Figure 1]. The presence of this
           are presumably suitable for examining the mechanisms   vicious cycle and positive feedback loops amplifies
           underlying CA formation and progression. [23,24]  In some   and prolongs the triggered inflammatory responses.
           models, elastase is injected into the basal cistern to   Along with the amplified inflammation, the infiltration
           degenerate internal elastic lamina in intracranial   of macrophages and other major inflammatory
           arteries and to facilitate CA formation and progression   cells in the CA walls, which are recruited via the
           in combination with induced systemic hypertension   NF-κB-induced MCP-1 expression,  contributes  to
           by angiotensin II infusion. [26,27]  In this model, induced   the further expansion of inflammation in the whole
           CAs in mice can rupture at a higher rate than that in   arterial walls [31,35,43]  [Figure 1]. MCP-1 is first induced
           former models; therefore, they can be used to examine   in the endothelial cells during CA formation and
           the mechanisms regulating CA rupture. [27]         recruits macrophages in the arterial walls. [31]  Then
                                                              recruited macrophages produce various cytokines
           Recent experimental studies mainly using animal    and tissue-destructive proteinases such as MMP-9
           models of CAs [23-26]  have clarified the involvement of   that contribute to the expansion of inflammation and

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