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                                (QGRWKHOLDO FHOO              &2;    IHHGEDFN ORRS   (3
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           Figure 1: Schematic drawing of the mechanisms that regulate aneurysmal formation and progression. PGE : prostaglandin E ; COX-2: cyclooxygenase-2;
           MCP-1: monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; NF-κB: nuclear factor-kappa B
           tissue degeneration observed in CAs [31,35]  [Figure 1]. The   and macrophage infiltration via the NF-κB-induced
           critical contribution of MCP-1 mediated macrophages   MCP-1 expression) seems to be two major mechanisms
           recruitment/infiltration in the pathogenesis is clearly   that contribute to the amplification, expansion, and
           shown by recent experimental reports in which the   chronicity of inflammatory responses.
           deficiency of MCP-1, administration of the dominant
           negative  form  of  MCP-1  (7-ND),  or  depletion  of   This recent experimental evidence on the role of
           macrophages by clodronate liposome all significantly   inflammation in CAs may be useful in developing of
           suppressed CA formation and progression. [31,35]   therapeutic drugs for CA treatment. Recent experimental
                                                              studies in human and rodent models have greatly
           The remaining question to be solved is whether the   advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of
           processes are regulating the initiation and progression   CAs, making it more likely that the current treatment
           of CAs are different. This important issue remains to be   of CAs will be improved.
           elucidated. As an initiation, as well as the progression of
           CAs, can be suppressed by inhibiting the inflammatory   POTENTIAL OF ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS
           processes in lesions, these two steps of the pathogenesis   FOR TREATING CEREBRAL ANEURYSMS IN
           presumably share the same underlying mechanisms    ANIMAL MODELS
           in terms of inflammation. However, because the
           hemodynamic status surrounding CA lesions is       As discussed, a long-lasting inflammatory response is
           completely different (e.g. a high hemodynamic status   detected in CA lesions, which plays a crucial role in the
           at the prospective site of the initiation [46,47]  but a low   pathogenesis of CAs. Recent findings in rodent models
           hemodynamic status in the dome of the enlarging    have amassed evidence indicating the therapeutic effect
           CAs [48,49] ), there must be some differences in the   of antiinflammatory drugs on the further enlargement
           processes that regulate the initiation and progression   or rupture of CAs and have proposed the potential of
           of CAs, and this is worthy of investigation.       these drugs for treating CA. [31,33-36,50-58]  Among these
                                                              drugs that have a suppressive effect on CAs in animal
           In summary, based on the recent studies on CAs,    models,  statin, [50,51,55]   nifedipine, [52]   and  emedastine
           long-lasting inflammatory responses in arterial walls play   difumarate [53]  are already used in humans with clinical
           a crucial role in CA formation and progression, and NF-κB   indications. Therefore, these drugs are good candidates
           mediates this inflammation as a major transcription factor   for  treating  CAs  in  humans  to  prevent  rupture  or
           that regulates inflammation. In addition, the presence of a   enlargement. We summarize the effect of these drugs
           vicious cycle/positive feedback loop (i.e. NF-κB activation   on CAs in animal models.

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