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Vascular smooth muscles cells (VSMCs), mainly found   MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION
           in the media layer, are recognized as major producers
           of matrix in the vessel wall. Upon endothelial injury,   Human and animal studies have both shown that
           intimal thickening occurs as VSMCs migrate into the   inflammatory cells and mediators are involved in IA
           intima and proliferate. [7,10]  Phenotypic transformation   pathogenesis [Figure 1]. A number of these inflammatory
           is seen in these migrated VSMCs as environmental   cells and mediators are highlighted in this section, with
           change induces a switch from a contractile phenotype   a special focus on the most recent investigation. Mast
           to a synthetic pro-inflammatory matrix remodeling   cells infiltration into the aneurysm vessel wall has
           phenotype in these cells. [11]  Nakajima et al. [12]  showed   been illustrated throughout the pathophysiological
           phenotypically modulated VSMCs have lower          chronology of IA development. [17]  Ishibashi et al. [17]
           expression of contractile smooth muscle myosin     analyzed mast cells levels at different time intervals
           heavy chain isoforms when immunohistochemically    following  aneurysm  induction  in  a  rat  model  and
           stained. Furthermore, the group observed decreases in   discovered that the number of mast cells in the IA walls
           contractile protein staining intensity in ruptured IA,   significantly increases over time. To further understand
           suggesting VSMC phenotypic modulation is related to   mast cells’ role in the aneurysm pathogenesis, mast cell
           a rupture mechanism.                               degranulation inhibitors, tranilast and emedastine, were
                                                              administered into an aneurysm-induced rat model. The
           Endothelial cells are also affected by the hemodynamic   inhibitors had an impact on aneurysm progression by
           insult. As blood flows, mechanical stimulus has notable   decreasing aneurysm size, as well as the extent of media
           affects on the cells of the vascular system.  Shear stress   thinning in the induced IAs. Mast cells’ contribution to
           influences arterial physiology, in particular, the cellular   the inflammatory process was simultaneously studied
           function of the vessel wall.  Consequently, IAs develop in   through the analysis of mast cell degranulation’s
           vessel regions exposed to high hemodynamic stress such   effect on cultured arterial smooth muscle cells of rat
           as arterial bifurcations and sharp angles.  Endothelial   IAs. The group found that mast cell degranulation
           cells under laminar flow become aligned with the flow   promoted MMP-2, MMP-9, and iNOS expression. [17]
           but endothelial cells under turbulent flow become   Based on previous findings that iNOS deficiency leads
           cuboidal due to F-actin reorganization.  Experimentally,   to a decrease in apoptotic smooth muscle cell death,
           endothelial cells respond to hemodynamic stress with the   Ishibashi et al. [17]  and Sadamasa et al. [18]  suggested that
           up-regulation of the inflammatory mediator, prostaglandin   the inhibition of mast cell degranulation impacts the
           E receptor 2 (EP2), during the formation of cerebral   process of media thinning through its induction of
           aneurysms.  When shear stress was applied to primary   iNOS. The authors also concluded that the decrease
           endothelial cells, EP2 was found to be up-regulated.    in media thinning results from mast cells’ modulation
           The stimulation of EP2 in primary endothelial cells also   of MPP-2 and MMP-9 expression. [17,19]  Overall, these
           led to the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB, a   data suggest that the degranulation of mast cells plays
           well-studied transcriptional mediator of inflammation   a role in IA formation.
           in IA. [15]
                                                              T cells and macrophage infiltration have found to be
           As  cerebral  vessel  walls  undergo  change  during   associated with human cerebral aneurysm rupture. [20]
           aneurysm development, the formation of new         Kanematsu et al.  studied leukocyte infiltration into
           vessels, angiogenesis, also contributes to aneurysmal   the aneurysm wall of an aneurysm-induced mouse
           progression. [16]  Angiogenesis indirectly advances   model and found macrophages to be one of the dominant
           the inflammatory process of aneurysm progression   leukocytes present. Cerebral aneurysm incidence was
           by aiding in the delivery of inflammatory cells to   found to be significantly attenuated in mice with lower
           vessel walls. Hoh  et  al. [16]  recently showed that   macrophage levels as well as in mice with inhibited
           stromal cell-derived factor-1  (SDF-1) is expressed   monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), a macrophage
           in murine carotid IAs, murine circle of Willis IAs,   chemoattractant, when compared with wildtype mice.
           and human cerebral aneurysms. The study found      Certain proteinases secreted by macrophages have been
           increased levels of progenitor cells expressing the   found to be involved in the vascular remodeling of
           SDF-1 receptor, CXCR4, in mice with carotid and    aneurysm formation. Aoki et al.  demonstrated that in
           cerebral aneurysms. Study findings also showed SDF-1   aneurysm-induced rats, the expression of MMP-2 and
           to promote endothelial cell migration, endothelial   MMP-9, was present in the arterial wall undergoing the
           cell tube formation (angiogenesis), and macrophage   beginning stages of aneurysm formation. This expression
           migration. [16]  Inhibition of SDF-1 in the murine model   was found to increase alongside the progression of
           significantly decreased the amount of endothelial cells   the studied cerebral aneurysms. Macrophages were
           and capillaries in the aneurysm wall, and the overall   determined to be the main secretes of the MMPs in the
           rate of aneurysm formation was reduced. [16]       study.  Further connection has been found between

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