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Topic: The Role of Inflammation in Cerebral Aneurysm

           Inflammation in human cerebral aneurysms:

           pathogenesis, diagnostic imaging, genetics, and


           Sarah A. Dooley , Joseph S. Hudson , David M. Hasan 3

           1 Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
           2 Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
           3 Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA.

                                                   ABSTRA CT
            Intracranial aneurysms are a life-threatening cerebrovascular pathology with a probability of spontaneous rupture. Current intervention
            techniques carry inherent risk. Recent investigation has reinforced inflammation’s role in the pathophysiological process of cerebral
            aneurysms. These data suggest alternative diagnostic and noninvasive therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, novel characteristics
            of the underlying disease have been elucidated through distinct bioinformatic and gene expression profile analyses. This article will
            emphasize the most recent investigation, highlighting findings of clinical significance and etiological relevance.

            Key words: Diagnostic imaging, genetics, intracranial aneurysms, pathogenesis, therapeutics

           INTRODUCTION                                       as it pertains to IA pathogenesis, with a focus on
                                                              the most recent investigation. Furthermore, it will
           Intracranial aneurysms  (IAs) are a common         offer a review of recent genetic and bioinformatic
           multifactorial cerebrovascular disease. While having   analyses, highlighting findings of pathological
           a 3.2% prevalence rate in the general population   significance and methodological diversity. The final
           and 1.1% annual rupture risk, aneurysms remain     sections will further illuminate both innovations in
           lethal upon rupture in 40% of cases. [1-3]  Risk for   diagnostic imaging of aneurysmal inflammation and
           aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is higher   experimentally efficacious noninvasive attempts at IA
           in hypertensive patients, smokers, heavy drinkers, and   prevention and regression.
           females. [2,4]   The  current  interventional  techniques,
           surgical clippings  and  endovascular  occlusions,   PATHOGENESIS
           remain invasive despite advancements in technology.
           Although SAH risk factors are known, a more complete   Hemodynamic insult is considered to be one of the
           understanding of  the  complex  pathophysiology    first  steps in  activating  the  cerebral  vessel  wall’s
           underlying IA formation, progression, and rupture   inflammatory response.  There is a continuous balance
           is needed. The majority of evidence from intensive   between hemodynamic stress and the integrity of the
           investigation has implicated a mounting inflammatory   vessel wall.  Upon the hemodynamic insult, this
           response during the aneurysm pathogenesis.   [5,6]    balance is perturbed, leading to vessel wall weakening.
           This data ultimately provides promising targets    Dilation results, as extracellular matrix is degraded by
           for in  vivo  molecular imaging and noninvasive IA   increased levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)
           therapeutics. This article will discuss inflammation   compounded by concomitant apoptotic death of
                                                              vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).  Initially, the
                          Access this article online          vessel wall is highly organized. Integral disturbances
               Quick Response Code:                           lead to less organization within the aneurysm wall
                                    Website:                  and fewer distinct layers.  Simultaneously, MMP
                                                              activation has been found to facilitate flow-induced
                                    DOI:                      internal elastic lamina (IEL) fragmentation.  Similar
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.154433   IEL fragmentation is a feature commonly observed in
                                                              atherosclerotic lesions. [9]

           Corresponding Author: Dr. David M. Hasan, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, 200 Hawkins
           Drive, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA. E‑mail: david‑

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | April 15, 2015                              77
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