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and rupture. The contributions of individual cell   and in all of the ruptured IAs. Using electron
           types are detailed, with special attention paid to the   microscopy, the authors were able to demonstrate
           cytokine and molecular profiles. The role of magnetic   an association between advanced deterioration in
           resonance imaging  (MRI) as a means by which to    the wall of ruptured aneurysms and the infiltration
           evaluate aneurysm-associated inflammation is       of leukocytes and macrophages. [31]  Frösen  et  al. [12]
           reviewed. Finally, we discuss leukocytes as potential   also observed more prominent leukocyte infiltration
           targets of pharmacologic intervention.             in ruptured IAs when compared to unruptured IAs.
                                                              These findings suggest that the structural architecture
           DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF                     of ruptured aneurysms differs from that of unruptured
           LEUKOCYTES IN HUMAN INTRACRANIAL                   aneurysms. Furthermore, leukocyte invasion appears
           ANEURYSM PATHOGENESIS                              to be a mediator of this change and a potential driving
                                                              impetus behind the progression to aneurysm rupture.
           Currently,  the  literature  suggests  that  leukocyte
           infiltration of the intracranial vasculature may play   ROLE OF MACROPHAGES
           various roles in the prolonged formation and acute
           rupture of IAs. Frösen et al. [12]  reported that IA walls   Animal and clinical studies have identified macrophages
           obtained less than 12 h after rupture demonstrated   as important contributors to the formation and rupture
           T-cell and macrophage infiltration, as well as VSMC   of aneurysms. These cells participate in the synthesis
           proliferation, indicating a chronic process that preceded   and secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
           rupture. In addition, the observation of leukocytes   and elastases, which play significant roles in the
           spread throughout aneurysm walls supports their role   degradation of the extracellular matrix and internal
           in the global deterioration of the vessel and suggests   elastic lamina. Histopathological analysis of both
           that their prominence in ruptured aneurysms is not an   unruptured and ruptured aneurysms has repeatedly
           acute response to the sudden event. [31]           identified macrophage infiltration within the aneurysm
                                                              walls. [12,20,37]  In addition, Ruzevick et al. [38]  observed
           Transcriptome analysis of control vessels and IAs   the pro-inflammatory haptoglobin 2-2 genotype to
           demonstrates upregulation of gene expression of the   be associated with larger aneurysms and increased
           pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with leukocyte   macrophage infiltration within the aneurysm walls.
           infiltration within aneurysm walls. [15,32-36]  Weinsheimer
           et al. [35]  in an analysis of IAs obtained from autopsies   Macrophage-depleted mice have been shown to have a
           within 24  h of death, showed upregulation of      moderate protective advantage from aneurysm formation
           several pro-inflammatory genes, including, adherens   and rupture, suggesting macrophages play a critical role
           junction, the mitogen-activated protein kinase     in the aneurysm pathogenesis. [13,39]  Corroborating this
           pathway, and Notch signaling. Krischek  et  al. [36]    hypothesis are two animal studies investigating the
           investigated gene expression on 10 IAs (6 ruptured   role of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1),
           and 4 unruptured) and determined that the most     an important macrophage chemoattractant that has
           significantly upregulated pathway was antigen      been studied in atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic
           processing. Shi et al. [15]  interrogated 6 IAs using the   aneurysms (AAA). [40,41]  By using MCP-1 knockout (KO)
           illumina microarray platform and determined focal   mice, both Aoki et al.  and Kanematsu et al.  were able
           adhesion, extracellular matrix receptor interaction, cell   to demonstrate a decrease in aneurysm formation and
           communication, inflammatory response, and apoptosis   macrophage accumulation. Aoki et al.  also reported
           to be the most significant functional pathways     that inhibiting MCP-1 activity using a dominant
           involved in IA pathogenesis. These findings indirectly   negative mutant of MCP-1 resulted in the inhibition
           implicate leukocyte infiltration as a major contributor   of aneurysm progression in rats. MCP-1 deficient mice
           to aneurysm genesis and progression.               also demonstrated decreased macrophage accumulation
                                                              and  expression  of  MMP-2  and  MMP-9.   A  recent
           Finally, immunohistochemical analysis of the       study conducted by Chalouhi et al. [42]  surveyed the
           animal model and human aneurysms has repeatedly    cytokines and chemokines in aneurysm lumen blood
           demonstrated leukocytes within the aneurysmal walls.   and found an increase in chemoattractant cytokines
           Chyatte et al. [20]  reported the presence of macrophages   interleukin-7 (IL-7), IL-8, and MCP-1, suggesting active
           and T-lymphocytes within the walls of unruptured   recruitment of inflammatory cells into the aneurysm.
           aneurysms. Ruptured aneurysms have also been found
           to harbor T-lymphocytes and macrophages within     Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) is a family of transcriptional
           their walls. [12,31]  In a study of ruptured and unruptured   factors involved in regulating the expression of a
           IAs, Kataoka et al. [31]  observed leukocyte infiltration,   variety of inflammatory factors including MCP-1.
           particularly macrophages, in 50% of the unruptured   Aoki  et  al. [43]  investigated the role of NF-κB in the

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