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irregular and often damaged, even denuded, a probable   shear stress can result in activation of inflammatory
           consequence of disturbed hemodynamic stress. [8]   mediators, such as the master regulator of inflammation,
                                                              nuclear factor-kappaB  (NF-κB). [19,20]  Mechanical
           Although shear stressors likely trigger the initial injury,   stressors can denude the endothelium, triggering the
           further degradation and disorganization of the vascular   expression of chemoattractants, pro-inflammatory
           wall leading to the aneurysmal growth is likely the   cytokines, and cell adhesion molecules at the surface
           result  of an  inflammatory cascade. [9-11]  In general,   of endothelial cells. [21]  Absent from normal control
           the  vessel  wall  is  transformed  into  a  disorganized   arteries, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)
           array, with fragmentation/loss of the internal elastic   and interleukin-8  (IL-8) are expressed in human
           lamina, myointimal hyperplasia, and disorganization   and experimental IAs [22]  and vascular cell adhesion
           of muscle fiber structure. [12-14]  SMCs transition   molecule-1  (VCAM-1) is expressed in the walls of
           from a contractile phenotype to a pro-remodeling,   human and rat model IAs. [23]
           pro-inflammatory synthetic phenotype, and finally
           to  a  dedifferentiated  phenotype prior to  aneurysm   Macrophages and other inflammatory infiltrates
           rupture. [15]  Though the initial vascular injury was   Numerous studies have demonstrated the presence of
           from high shear stress, the cavity of the aneurysm is   inflammatory cell infiltrates, particularly macrophages,
           subjected to low, atheroprone-like shear stress, the   in IAs. [24]  In one study, inflammatory infiltrates were
           type conducive to inflammatory cell adhesion and   present in half of all unruptured aneurysms (10/20)
           infiltration. [16]  In large aneurysms (e.g. those prone   versus 100% of all ruptured aneurysms  (40/40). [25]
           to rupture), there are often advanced atherosclerotic   And in a study by Frösen et al. [26]  whereby 42 ruptured
           changes, phenotypically modified SMCs, lipid-laden   IAs were histologically compared with 24 unruptured
           macrophages, and lymphocytes. [17]                 IAs, infiltration of the aneurysm wall by macrophages
                                                              correlated strongly with aneurysm rupture. Macrophages
           INFLAMMATORY MEDIATORS OF ANEURYSM                 are thought to be a key mediator of IA vascular remodeling
           WALL REMODELING                                    as they release matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) such
                                                              as MMP-9 and MMP-2. [27,28]  In one study by Kanematsu
           The histological findings in the walls of IAs, those   et al., [29]  macrophage-depleted mice had a substantially
           of degeneration and pathologic vascular remodeling,   lower risk of IA development compared with control
           are similar to the findings evident in inflammatory   mice (10% vs. 60%).
           atherosclerotic lesions. Summarized here and depicted
           in Figure 1 are the mediators of inflammation likely to   Extracellular matrix remodeling
           play a role in IA pathogenesis.                    An essential feature of IAs is fragmentation of the
                                                              internal elastic lamina (IEL) and thinning of the arterial
           Endothelial dysfunction                            media. These changes alter the mechanical properties of
           Flow-mediated endothelial dysfunction is likely pivotal   the aneurysm wall; in response to further shear stress,
           in aneurysm formation. [18]  Several mechanosensors,   the destabilized arterial wall may progressively balloon.
           such as ion channels, integrins, cell adhesion molecules,   MMPs are proteolytic enzymes secreted by activated
           G-protein-coupled receptors, have been identified at   macrophages and by phenotypically modified SMCs.
           the apical and basal surfaces of the endothelium; [14]    MMPs are capable of degrading the principal structural
           these sensors can identify variations in wall shear   components in the artery wall, collagen, and elastin,
           stress and adapt lumen diameter accordingly. High   and are, therefore, likely responsible for the structural

           Figure 1: (1) Flow‑related endothelial injury; (2) triggers an inflammatory response whereby cells (macrophages) infiltrate the arterial wall and secrete pro‑inflammatory
           cytokines and metalloproteinases; (3) the mounting inflammatory response results in proteolytic destruction of the extracellular matrix and smooth muscle cell
           phenotypic modulation; (4) macroscopically, the arterial wall is remodeled into an aneurysm wall with progressive aneurysmal ballooning

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