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judging  from  the  finding  of  their  second  study,  in   time period varied widely among and within studies,
           which IgG was more densely deposited towards the   including one of the studies in which samples varied from
           outer aneurysm wall, it is unclear whether this graded   4 h to 47 days. [101]  However, although this is a consideration
           IgG concentration could be the primary factor in the   for judging the quality of the immunologically analyzed
           greater MAC activity in the outer wall.            specimens, they were generally flash-frozen in liquid
                                                              nitrogen so as to minimize degradation and preserve
           Studies  on  genetic  expression  profiles  have  also   their immunohistological staining characteristics. In
           identified the role of complement-related genes in   addition, the aneurysm samples represent patients
           aneurysmal tissue. In a small study, [103]  which compared   requiring surgical, but not endovascular intervention,
           aneurysm samples to control superficial temporal artery   which imparts a selection bias to patients with certain
           tissue, there was upregulated expression of three genes   clinical and aneurysmal morphological characteristics.
           for C1q, the deposition of which was found in the   The results of the Tulamo studies from Finland may also
           aforementioned study by Tulamo et al., [84]  as well as   have limitations in their external validity because Finland
           those for complement Factor D, Factor H, Factor B, and   represents a relatively homogenous population, and the
           C3a. The authors pointed out that these alterations   prevalence of intracranial aneurysms is twice as high as
           in the expression profile of these genes represent a   other comparable countries. [1]
           change in equilibrium of the complement system in the
           perianeurysmal environment. There has also been an   A  larger  issue  with  interpreting  the  results  of  the
           animal study by Aoki et al., [104]  in which the investigators   analyses, in which authors have attributed the aneurysm
           used a DNA microarray to compare intimal and medial   pathogenesis to complement activation, are confounding
           gene expression in cerebral aneurysms versus normal   causes of the observed immunohistological properties of
           cerebral arteries. It was found that in the media there was   aneurysm tissue. In several of the human studies there
           upregulation of Factor H and C4 expression, although   were statistically significant differences in the proportions
           downregulation of C3 and C6. By contrast, C3 and C6   of patients with characteristics known to affect aneurysm
           were upregulated in the intima. The authors argue that   pathology (including smoking history, hypertension,
           their differing results from the initial study by Tulamo   and family history of aneurysms) as well as differences
           et al., [100]  may be explained by different regulation of   in the gross aneurysm morphology. Furthermore, it is
           complement mRNA expression between the endothelial   unclear whether the increased complement activation
           cells and the SMCs in cerebral aneurysms.          in ruptured compared with unruptured samples (as
                                                              was reported in the studies by Tulamo et al. [84,100,101] )
           Although the genetic and histopathological studies   contributed to the acute mechanism of rupture, or
           mentioned were no doubt pioneering, there are certain   whether the resulting rupture and SAH hemorrhage
           points of discussion. Among the studies assessing the   occurred for other reasons (i.e. hemodynamic factors,
           role of the complement in aneurysms, the experimental   etc.) and then initiated a secondary complement and
           design often differed significantly. In general, the study   inflammatory response as a result of the injury. Indeed,
           sizes were small, although this is what would be expected   as mentioned, there is evidence that the complement
           given the limits of intraoperative sample collection. In   system is upregulated in patients with SAH. [60,65,66]  In
           addition, one study was an animal model. [104]  Whereas   response to this concern, Tulamo et al. [84,100,101]  have
           some of the studies compared aneurysmal tissue to   argued that the increased density of macrophage
           control samples  (such as the superficial temporal   infiltration in ruptured versus unruptured aneurysms
           artery), [48,103,104]  the three studies by Tulamo et al. [84,100,101]    argues for a more chronic inflammatory process, as dense
           only compared ruptured to unruptured aneurysms. In   accumulation of macrophages typically occurs over days
           effect, although several studies provide compelling   to weeks following an acute injury. In addition, they
           evidence that there is more complement deposition and   point out that although less concentrated, complement
           activation in aneurysms than in healthy cerebrovascular   deposits were found in unruptured aneurysms. Their
           tissue, those by Tulamo et al. [84,100,101]  generally cannot   argument is also supported by the numerous animal and
           make this comparison since these studies lacked controls   human studies that have shown inflammatory infiltrate
           from nonaneurysmal vascular tissue.                in aneurysms that have not ruptured. [22,32,36,37]  Tulamo
                                                              et al. [84,100,101]  suggest that the hemorrhagic insult and
           In general, the method of specimen collection involved   physical factors may have contributed to complement
           taking a sample of aneurysm tissue, intraoperatively, that   activation but that more studies will be needed.
           was distal to the placement of a surgical clip and then
           running immunhistological analyses. There is a possibility,   CONCLUSION
           therefore, that the pathology of the sample and/or its
           immunological characteristics may have changed between   There is mounting evidence that the complement cascade
           the time that the sample was collected and analyzed. This   plays a role in the chronic as well as acute inflammation

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