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forces and changes in aneurysm morphology (luminal   Hemodynamic and environmental factors both
           factors), vessel wall integrity (extra-luminal factors),   contribute to phenotypic modulation and eventually
           immunological pathways, and patient-specific       damage of and death to SMCs. [25]  Initially, SMCs adapt
           factors. [8,12-14]  Clinical management and risk stratification   to hemodynamic stress by migrating from the tunica
           has generally relied on luminal characteristics (i.e. size,   media into the intima to form myointimal hyperplasia.
           location),  and  patient-specific  risk  factors,  mainly   However, in response to local signals, they also become
           smoking, hypertension, heavy alcohol consumption,   a secretory, pro-inflammatory cell type characterized by
           positive family history, [15-18]  but this does not differentiate   upregulation of necrosis factor-κB signaling, increased
           among aneurysms that have similar morphological    production of MMP, IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, and
           features yet heterogeneous natural histories and   initiation of pathways leading to SMC apoptosis. [34-40]  As
           pathological features.                             SMCs are largely responsible for the production of the
                                                              ECM, [41]  their apoptosis results in decreased synthesis
           Strong hemodynamic forces are thought to play a role   of the new matrix, which exacerbates the effects of the
           in initiating aneurysm formation as a result of high   overabundant MMPs and further weakens the vessel
           shear stress on vessel walls, which is greatest at the   wall. MMPs are also produced by macrophages, [42,43]
           bifurcations of cerebral arteries, where aneurysms   which play a large role in neuroinflammation, and
           occur  most often. [19]  Shear stress has been  shown   in intracranial aneurysms there is downregulation of
           to lead to loss and damage of endothelial cells, loss   tissue inhibitors of MMPs [42,44]  and up-regulation of
           of the internal elastic lamina  (IEL), migration of   proteolytic cathepsins. [45]
           vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and induction of
           intracellular pathways in endothelial cells that induce   In effect, the key processes believed to be responsible
           pro-inflammatory cytokine release. [8,20-24]       for weakening of the vessel wall, and potential
                                                              subsequent rupture, include enzymatic degradation
           Endothelial  injury is considered to be a  necessary   of the ECM, progressive loss of SMCs, and also the
           first step in the aneurysm pathogenesis. [25,26]  In   decreased synthesis of new collagen fibers. [34]  The
           response to increased wall stress, endothelial cells   result is a chronic state of remodeling and inflammation
           undergo not only morphological, but also functional   that ultimately results in critical weakening of the
           changes,  in  which  they  upregulate  production  of   vessel wall that is progressively less capable of
           pro-inflammatory signals (cytokines, interleukins such   withstanding  hemodynamic stress,  thus leading to
           as interleukin-1β [IL-1β], leukocyte chemoattractants)   growth and potentially rupture of the aneurysm. [25]
           as well as matrix metalloproteinases  (MMPs), [27]    Inflammation causing enzymatic remodeling of the
           resulting in recruitment of inflammatory cells and   vascular ECM is a shared pathological mechanism
           MMP-mediated enzymatic remodeling of the vessel    also seen in several other vascular diseases including
           wall. In addition, disruption of the IEL, which may   atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and
           initially be in the form of shear stress-induced   arteritides. [46-48]  Atherosclerosis is itself a common
           tears, is a characteristic histopathological feature   feature  in  saccular  intracranial  aneurysms  and  as
           of saccular aneurysms. [8,24]  As the IEL is damaged,   in abdominal aortic aneurysms, is associated with
           the hemodynamic environment becomes turbulent      aneurysmal progression and likelihood of rupture. [25]
           within the lumen of the nascent aneurysm, leading   The contribution of atherosclerosis and patient risk
           to further endothelial damage and eventually       factors, including hypertension and smoking are similar
           de-endothelialization within the luminal surface of   to its contribution to abdominal aortic aneurysms. [46]
           the aneurysm. [22,28]  This hemodynamic environment,
           in concert with the exposed subendothelial matrix,   Although the acute mechanism of aneurysm rupture
           promotes formation of intraluminal thrombi which   has yet to be fully elucidated, there are several key
           consist  of  layers  of  platelets,  red  blood  cells,   factors that play a role. Clinically, a major predictor of
           lipid-laden macrophages, and other leukocytes leading   rupture is increased diameter > 7 mm, above which the
           to  increased  oxidative  stress,  inflammation,  and   5-year risk of rupture increases from 2.6% for 12 mm
           further cell death. [14,29-30]  The subsequent inflammatory   to 40% for 25 mm. [49]  In addition, using patient-specific
           response within the damaged vessel wall consists   computation flow dynamics analyses, it has been
           of leukocytic infiltration with macrophages, T-cells,   shown that small size of the impingement region
           and mast cells, and is found in both ruptured and   within the aneurysm, unsteady flow dynamics, and
           unruptured aneurysms. [8,15,21,31-33]  This inflammatory   concentrated inflow jet are all associated with rupture
           response results in progressive disorganization and   of the aneurysm. [14,50,51]  However, repeated studies have
           loss of SMC and extracellular matrix  (ECM) from   shown that a higher degree of inflammatory infiltration
           the media and open and stretched collagen in the   is associated with aneurysm wall degradation and
           adventitia. [8]                                    subsequent higher risk of rupture. [13,31,52,53]  Owing to

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