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the highly effective and quickly-amplified nature   In PNH, for example, decreased expression of the
           of the activated complement cascade, the acute     complement regulators CD55 and CD59 allows for
           pathogenesis of aneurysm rupture is of particular   complement-mediated lysis of red blood cells in
           interest. Understanding the role of complement in this   a predominantly intravascular hemolysis. [10,68]
           mechanism as well as the chronic processes responsible   Anticomplement therapy already exists to treat many of
           for aneurysm development is invaluable for future   these conditions that directly result from complement
           clinical endeavors.                                dysregulation. These include a complement component-1
                                                              (C1)-inhibitor concentrate (which inactivates C1r and
           FUNCTION OF THE COMPLEMENT SYSTEM                  C1s and mannose-binding lectin  (MBL)-associated
                                                              protein 2 (MASP 2) and is approved to treat hereditary
           The complement system, a network of approximately   angioedema [69,70] ), as well as eculizumab (a monoclonal
           30  plasma  and  membrane-associated  proteins,  is  a   antibody approved for PNH and atypical hemolytic
           major mediator of innate immunity, functioning in   uremic syndrome [71] ). Anticomplement therapy may
           cell lysis (e.g. lysis of microbes, virus-infected cells,   also attenuate the damage from ischemia-reperfusion
           tumor cells), inflammation, cell signaling, chemotaxis,   injury. [72-74]
           opsonization, and vascular effects. [54-57]  In addition,
           complement facilitates the adaptive immune response   CLASSICAL, LECTIN, AND ALTERNATIVE
           by functioning in antigen presentation, immunologic   PATHWAYS
           memory, and costimulation of B-cells via antigen
           receptors. The presentation of “nonself” or damaged   There are three recognized pathways of complement
           cells leads to a cascade of events that result in the   system activation: the classical, lectin, and alternative
           destruction of the microbes or targeted cells and   pathways [Figure 1]. The common point of each pathway
           subsequent inflammation. The cascade is catalyzed by   is the formation of a C3 convertase, which activates
           complement components (many of which are proteases)   C3 by cleaving it into C3b and C3a. [75]  C3 activation
           that circulate in inactive forms (zymogens) until they   serves as a nidus for amplification of the complement
           are  activated  by  several  mechanisms. [10]   Excessive   response.  All  three  pathways  eventually  form  C5
           complement activation, however, damages healthy    convertases that cleave C5 into C5a and C5b, after
           tissue, and is implicated in a variety of central nervous   which the C5b fragment initiates assembly of C6, C7,
           system conditions (SAH, intracerebral hemorrhage,   C8, and C9 into the membrane attack complex (MAC;
           ischemic stroke, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and   also known as the terminal complement cascade, or
           multiple sclerosis [58-60] ) as well as myocardial infarctions   C5b-9) which lyses the cell by forming a pore in the
           and asthma. [61-64]  In SAH in particular, complement   lipid bilayer. [57]
           activation has been associated with poorer functional
           outcomes and even vasospasm. [60,65-67]            The classical pathway is primarily activated by
                                                              antigen-antibody complexes. After binding to an
           Dysregulation  of  any  of  the  above  processes,   antigen, the Fc region of the antibody (typically IgM
           deficiencies in the complement proteins, and activation   or IgG) undergoes a conformational change that allows
           by various molecules can lead to a pathological over-or   it to bind to the C1q subunit of C1, a multimer that
           under-activation of the complement system. These   also contains C1r and C1s subunits. The C1s subunit
           complement disorders [Table 1] include paroxysmal   then cleaves C4 and C2, and then two of the products,
           nocturnal hemoglobulinuria  (PNH), hereditary      C4b and C2a, associate to form the C3-convertase,
           angioedema, and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome.   C4bC2a. C4bC2a also serves as the C3 convertase in

           Table 1: Complement pathway disorders
           Classic pathway        Membrane      Alternative     Control proteins           Others
                                  attack complex pathway
           C1q deficiency         C5‑9 deficiency  Factor B deficiency  Factor I deficiency  Serosal protease deficiency
           C1r/C1s deficiency                   Factor D deficiency  Factor H deficiency   Mannose binding lectin
           C4 deficiency                                        C4 binding protein deficiency
           C2 deficiency                                        C1 inhibitor protein deficiency
           C3 deficiency                                        Complement receptor 1‑3 deficiency
           Scleroderma                                          Paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria
           Immunoglobulin A                                     Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
           nephropathy                                          syndrome
           Henoch-Schonlein purpura                             Hereditary angioedema
           Membranous nephropathy                               Age-related macular degeneration
           Systemic lupus erythematosus

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