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Figure 1: The three pathways of the complement cascade

           the lectin (mannose-binding) pathway, a complement   a parallel pathway of direct cerebral injury via iron
           pathway triggered when MBL or Ficolin bind to      toxicity. [78,79]
           terminal mannose groups on the surfaces of microbes.
           This binding allows MBL to associate with circulating   A link exists between the complement and coagulation
           MASPs, which then cleave C4 and C2 to form the     cascades, as kallikrein and thrombin may also cleave C3
           C4bC2a C3 convertase. [76,77]  In both the classical and   and C5. [80,81]  In addition, C-reactive protein (CRP) may
           lectin pathways, C3b may then bind to C4b2a to form   either activate complement by recruiting C1q to the surface
           the C5 convertase, C4b2a3b. This is different from the   of damaged cells or regulate the cascade by recruiting
           C5 convertase in the alternative pathway, where C2   complement inhibitors. [82,83]  Cholesterol-containing
           and C4 do not play a major role.                   lipids and enzymatically-modified or oxidized LDLs
                                                              in atherosclerosis can activate complement via C1, [84-87]
           The alternative pathway is triggered by carbohydrates   and these also play a role in the pathogenesis of coronary
           or proteins found on self and nonself surfaces. [10]  In   atherosclerotic plaques. [88]
           the plasma, C3 is spontaneously hydrolyzed (but not
           cleaved) at a low rate to form iC3, which is amplified   MODULATORS OF THE COMPLEMENT SYSTEM
           in the environment near pathogens due to these
           carbohydrates or proteins. iC3 binds to Factor B, which   The complement system  is highly regulated by
           Factor D then cleaves into to Bb and Ba, producing the   activators and inhibitors so as to confine the
           fluid-phase C3 convertase (iC3Bb). The fluid-phase   destructive mechanisms of the complement system
           C3 convertase cleaves C3 to C3a and C3b, creating   to nonhost surfaces while protecting the healthy
           sufficient C3b to bind with Bb and form C3bBb, which,   tissue, and alteration of these modulators plays a
           when stabilized by Properdin on a microbial surface,   role in a variety of disease processes. [57]  As noted the
           acts as the principal C3 convertase of the alternative   alternative pathway C3 convertase (C3bBb) is stabilized
           complement pathway. The “alternative” C3 convertase   on the microbial cell surface by Properdin, [89]  which
           C3bBb may then  associate with  an  additional  C3b   is released by a variety of leukocytes, [90-92]  some of
           to  form  the  C5  convertase,  C3bBbC3b. [75]   The  C5   which, as mentioned, are present in aneurysm walls.
           convertases from any of the three pathways may     In addition to microbial surfaces, Properdin can also
           then facilitate the assembly of the MAC. In addition,   bind to apoptotic and necrotic cells and facilitate a
           several of the cleavage byproducts, chiefly, C3a and   complement response. [89]  Regulators of complement
           C5a, known as anaphylatoxins, initiate a cascade of   activation  inhibit  the  complement  system  at  two
           signals which induces leukocyte chemotaxis, [57]  the   predominant steps: either at the level of convertases,
           effects of which include degranulation and resulting   or in the assembly of the MAC. [57,93]  Factor I acts at the
           smooth muscle contraction and increased vascular   convertase level by cleaving C3b into its inactive form,
           permeability. [55,56]  Cleavage products of C3 also cause   iC3b, which is unable to form an active C3 convertase

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