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and macrophages. Specifically, since neutrophils are   macrophages  in  aneurysms  with  early  MRI  signal
           present in the aortic wall before macrophages in WT   changes. These results showed similar expression
           mice, a decrease in neutrophils in the L-selectin KO   patterns  to ruptured  aneurysms. Unruptured
           mice is most likely due to the lack of L-selectin. [69]  aneurysms with late uptake  (72  h postinfusion),
                                                              did not rupture or increase in size after 6  months
           ROLE OF LYMPHOCYTES                                of follow-up. As a result, these studies show that
                                                              ferumoxytol  signal  changes may indicate  a  greater
           The contribution of T and B lymphocytes to IA      risk of aneurysm rupture and suggest macrophage
           formation is an additional avenue of exploration.   infiltration as a potential marker of aneurysms more
           B lymphocytes are rarely detected, and their role in IA   likely to rupture.
           pathogenesis is unclear. [20]  However, T-lymphocytes
           have been documented within aneurysm walls  [12,20]    Myeloperoxidase-specific paramagnetic magnetic
           and CD8+  T-cells have been linked with AAA        resonance (MR) contrast agents, which are specific for
           development. [78]  T-lymphocytes have been shown to   MPO activity, have been evaluated in animal and tissue
           secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α,   culture studies to examine their utility for imaging
           IFN-γ, and IL-6. [79]  T-lymphocytes were detected   active inflammation. [74,84,85]  Rabbit studies have shown
           within the walls of ruptured aneurysms and were    promise for the use of an MPO-specific paramagnetic
           associated  with  increased  infiltration  in  samples   MR contrast agent, di-5-hydroxytryptamide of
           taken < 12 h from rupture. These results indicate   gadopentetate  dimeglumine,  in  detecting  local
           that this observation was not reactive. [12]  Based on   inflammation. [86]  Since MPO has been detected in IAs,
           these observations, T-lymphocytes may play an      specially ruptured IAs, using MPO-specific contrast
           important role in not only aneurysm formation,     agents to monitor MPO within IAs will predict active
           but also rupture. Additional studies focused on the   inflammation and may aid in the management of
           role  of  lymphocytes  in  IA  formation  and  rupture   unruptured aneurysms.
           are necessary to further our understanding of the
           aneurysm pathogenesis.                             FUTURE DIRECTION AND THERAPEUTIC
           IMAGING                                            Despite advances in microsurgical and endovascular
                                                              therapy, outcomes following IA rupture remain poor.
           The apparent relationship between inflammation     Thus, the identification of indicators of pending rupture
           and aneurysm rupture is of clinical significance and   and the development of pharmacologic interventions
           may provide an avenue through which more accurate   designed at limiting aneurysm progression and rupture
           predictions of aneurysm rupture can be made. MRI is   are of great clinical interest. A better understanding
           currently being explored as a noninvasive modality   of the relationship between inflammation and IA
           with the potential to evaluate the inflammatory state   pathogenesis is a promising avenue of exploration, as
           of aneurysms.                                      there are multiple cellular and molecular targets for
                                                              potential exploitation. Pharmacologic interventions
           Hasan et al. [80]  have reported on ferumoxytol-enhanced   targeting inflammation-driven IA formation and
           MRI images to evaluate aneurysm walls for macrophage   progression have shown promise in animal and human
           infiltration. Ferumoxytol, which is used to treat iron   studies.  These drugs target inflammatory molecules
           deficiency  anemia  in  patients  with  chronic  renal   such as TNF-α  (DTH), [18]  NF-κB  (decoy ODN), [43]
           failure, is a Food and Drug Administration approved   Ets-1  (decoy ODN), [45]  SDF-1  (blocking anti-SDF-1
           drug consisting of an iron oxide nanoparticle. [81,82]  The   antibodies), [47]  MMPs (tolylsam and doxycline), [10,49,52]
           investigators imaged 19 unruptured aneurysms in    MCP1 (7ND),  and cathepsins (NC-2300) [56]  [Table 1].
           11 patients and determined that images acquired 72 h   In addition, mast cell degranulation inhibitors (tranilast
           postinfusion of ferumoxytol were optimal for detecting   and emedastine difumarate) [65]  have also been
           macrophages within the aneurysm wall.              tested. All these therapeutic agents have shown
                                                              to  decrease  aneurysm  size  in  experimental  animal
           In a follow-up study, Hasan et al. [83]  found that early   models. Ferumoxytol-enhanced and MPO-specific
           uptake (within 24 h of infusion) of ferumoxytol in   paramagnetic MRI appear to offer a possible means
           unruptured  aneurysm  walls  suggested  an  active   by which to evaluate the inflammatory profile of
           inflammatory process leading to aneurysm instability,   individual aneurysms. Additional investigations into
           ultimately resulting in rupture within 6 months. This   the role of inflammation and IA formation, progression,
           hypothesis was validated with increased expression   and rupture are required to better elucidate potential
           of COX-2 and mPGES-1 and an increased number of    clinically relevant pathways for intervention.

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