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The M1 population is pro-inflammatory and secretes   treated with an antineutrophil-antibody showed
           high levels of IL-2, IL-23, IL-6, IL-1, and TNF-α.  The M2   a decreased number of macrophages compared to
           population is antiinflammatory and secretes high levels   wild-type  (WT)  mice. [55]   Furthermore,  depletion  of
           of IL-10. Hasan et al.  examined 10 patients with IAs (5   neutrophils attenuated the size and incidence of AAA.
           unruptured and 5 ruptured) for the presence of M1 and   Diminished  macrophage  infiltration  in  aneurysms
           M2 macrophage populations. The authors demonstrated   of neutrophil-depleted mice is not associated with a
           a predominance of M1 over M2 macrophages within    decrease in chemoattracts such as MCP-1 and MIP-1α.
           the walls of ruptured aneurysms and observed an    This suggests that additional mediators are contributing
           increase in mast cells in ruptured aneurysms compared   to this complex interaction. Importantly, there was no
           to unruptured aneurysms. The authors hypothesized   difference in expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9, despite
           that the imbalance between M1 and M2 may be in part   a decrease in macrophage infiltration.
           due to the effects of mast cells. Given these results, the
           interplay between M1 and M2 phenotypes appears to be   The presence of neutrophils was recently reported
           important in the aneurysm pathogenesis and warrants   by Marbacher  et  al. [70]  using a decellularized rat
           further investigation.                             aneurysm model. This rat model simulated the loss
                                                              of mural cells (endothelial and VSMCs), a hallmark
           ROLE OF MAST CELLS                                 of ruptured cerebral aneurysms. [12,31]  The ruptured

                                                              aneurysms displayed marked adventitial fibrosis
           Mast cells are resident leukocytes that contain    and inflammation, complete wall disruption, and
           cytoplasmic granules rich in histamine and heparin, as   increased neutrophil accumulation in unorganized
           well as, the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α, IL-1,   intraluminal thrombus. [70]  Neutrophils trapped
           IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-8 and IL-13, and transforming growth   in unorganized thrombus are a major source of
           factor-beta. [64,65]  Mast cell degranulation and release of   matrix-degrading proteases. Intraluminal thrombus
           cytokines has been linked with vascular inflammatory   is a site of protease and cytotoxic compound release
           processes, such as, atherosclerosis and AAAs. [66,67]  Recent   leading to wall inflammation and subsequent matrix
           investigations have targeted mast cells as contributors   degradation. [55,71]
           to IA genesis and progression. In a study conducted by
           Ishibashi et al.,  an increase in the total number of   Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a peroxidase enzyme that
           mast cells during IA formation was observed using a rat   catalyzes the formation of a number of reactive oxidant
           model. Mast cell degranulation inhibitors suppressed   species and is primarily produced by neutrophils. [72]
           IA progression through attenuation of the local chronic   Along with a well-known role in host mechanisms
           inflammatory response, as was evident from decreased   against pathogens, MPO has recently been implicated
           NF-κB activation, macrophage infiltration, and expression   in the initiation and destabilization of atherosclerotic
           of MCP-1, MMPs, and IL-1β.  In addition, Ollikainen        [73]                                  [74]
           et al. [68]  demonstrated that mast cells in the wall of   plaques.   In a study conducted by Gounis et al.,
           IAs were associated with histopathological changes   MPO was detected in all three ruptured IAs and 10 out
           consistent with wall remodeling, lipid accumulation,   of 20 unruptured IAs.   Additionally, Gounis et al.
           and inflammatory cell infiltration. Finally, Hasan et al.    demonstrated that MPO positivity was a significant
           observed increased mast cells in ruptured IAs relative to   predictor of 5-year aneurysm rupture rate. An emerging
           unruptured IAs. Taken together, these studies indicate   picture suggests a key factor in aneurysm formation
           that mast  cell degranulation play a critical role  in   and rupture is the ongoing inflammatory process
           aneurysm formation and may contribute to IA rupture.  mediated by infiltration of leukocytes. This suggests
                                                              that MPO may play an important role in the aneurysm
           ROLE OF NEUTROPHILS                                pathogenesis. Therefore, MPO may also serve as a
                                                              potential biomarker.
           Neutrophils are recruited to sites of injury and are
           a hallmark of acute inflammation. Although the     Neutrophils represent a potential therapeutic target for
           contribution of neutrophils in IA formation is largely   pharmacologic interventions designed at preventing
           undefined, evidence from investigations into AAA   aneurysm progression and rupture. Hannawa et al. [69]
           pathogenesis offers insight into their role. Animal   demonstrated suppressed AAA formation in L-selectin
           models have demonstrated progressively increasing   KO mice. L-selectin, an adhesion molecule expressed
           neutrophil infiltration into the walls of AAAs over the   on the surface of most leukocytes, is responsible for
           course of aneurysm development. [55,69]            the recruitment of immune cells. [75-77]  Hannawa et al. [69]
                                                              postulated that the diminished AAA formation seen in
           Neutrophil recruitment to the vascular wall may    WT mice compared with the L-selectin KO mice is most
           be associated with macrophage infiltration. Mice   likely due to the impaired recruitment of neutrophils

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