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initiation and progression of IAs using animal models.   SDF‑1 was present in the walls of both human and mouse
           The authors were able to demonstrate that NF‑κB    aneurysms. Hoh et al. [47]  also found SDF‑1 promotes
           participates in the initiation of IA formation through   aneurysm wall angiogenesis through endothelial cell
           transactivation of many downstream genes related to   tube formation and macrophage infiltration. Inhibiting
           macrophage recruitment and vascular inflammation,   SDF‑1, using anti‑SDF‑1 blocking antibodies, supressed
           such as MCP‑1, vascular cell adhesion molecule     murine aneurysm wall angiogenesis and resulted in
           1 (VCAM‑1), MMP‑2, MMP‑9, IL‑1β, and inducible     the development of significantly fewer IAs compared
           nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). [43]  In addition, NF‑κB   to control mice.
           decoy oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), which inhibit
           NF‑κB, abrogated the upreguation of inflammatory   Macrophages mediate flow‑induced vascular
           factors, including MCP‑1. In an additional study   remodeling, in part, through the release of MMPs, a
           conducted by the same group, Aoki  et al. [44]  linked   process that under physiologic conditions, preserves
           MCP‑1 expression in VSMCs with Ets‑1, a transcription   vascular integrity and health. [39,49]  However, increased
           factor implicated in many vascular inflammatory    levels of MMP expression, particularly MMP‑2 and
           diseases. Ets‑1 binds to the promoter region of MCP‑1   MMP‑9, have been reported in IAs. [10,11,50,51]  Studies using
           resulting in increased Ets‑1 expression. Utilizing the   broad‑based MMP inhibitors, such as doxycycline, have
           knowledge obtained from previous studies on the role of   shown significant reductions in the incidence of IAs
           NF‑κB and Ets‑1, Aoki et al. [45]  showed that treating rats   in animal models. [49,52]  Tolylsam, a selective inhibitor
           with chimeric decoy ODNs, designed to simultaneously   for MMP‑2, ‑9, and ‑12 also abolished the progression
           inhibit NF‑κB and Ets‑1, reduced aneurysm size while   of IA, although it did not reduce the incidence of total
           thickening aneurysm walls of preexisting aneurysms.   aneurysmal changes. [10]  Using more refined inhibition
           Furthermore, decreased expression of MCP‑1 and     techniques, a greater understanding for the role of
           reduced macrophage infiltration was observed in rats   MMPs has materialized. Nuki et al. [52]  showed that
           treated with the decoy ODNs.                       MMP‑9 KO mice, but not MMP‑2 KO mice, diminished
                                                              the incidence of IAs. A separate study by Ota et al. [49]
           Additional molecular signaling molecules associated   also demonstrates a reduced incidence of IAs in MMP‑9
           with  macrophage‑induced  aneurysm  formation      KO animals but not in MMP‑12 KO animals.
           include tumor necrosis factor alpha  (TNF‑α) and
           stromal cell‑derived factor‑1  (SDF‑1). Several    Whereas MMP‑9 is the main gelatinase, MMP‑12 is
           studies have suggested that TNF‑α is a key mediator   the main elastase secreted from macrophages. Since
           in  aneurysm  development  through  the  activation   MMP‑12 appears to have no effect on aneurysm
           of several cytokines and MMPs. [17‑19,46]  TNF‑α has   formation  and  rupture,  other  sources  of  elastases
           been shown to upregulate MCP‑1, which in return    are  likely. Neutrophil elastase is involved in
           attracts macrophages, thereby leading to additional   atherosclerotic plaques and AAA and is produced
           TNF‑α expression in a positive feedback loop. [18]    by not only neutrophils but also macrophages and
           Using TNF‑α KO mice, Starke et al. [18]  demonstrated   vascular endothelial cells. [53,54]  Furthermore, neutrophil
           a reduction in IA formation and rupture. Additional   depletion studies inhibited AAA development through
           studies using a synthesized TNF‑α inhibitor 3,     a non‑MMP‑2 and non‑MMP‑9‑mediated mechanism,
           6’dithiothalidomide (DTH) substantiated the results   implying other mediators must exist, including the
           from the KO experiments. Starke et al. [18]  also showed   possibility of neutrophil elastase. [55]
           DTH to inhibit IA progression with fewer ruptured IA
           in the treatment group compared to the control group.   Another protease that is of interest is the cathepsin
           Furthermore, using tumor necrosis factor receptor   family (B, D, K, and S), which have been shown to be
           superfamily member 1a  (TNFR1) deficient mice,     expressed in IAs and promote their progression. [56,57]
           Aoki et al. [46]  demonstrated suppressed IA formation   Specifically, histological analysis of ruptured aneurysms
           with decreased NF‑κB activation, reduced MCP‑1     exhibited a cluster of macrophages expressing cathepsin
           and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX‑2) expression, and fewer   D within the aneurysm wall where there was evidence
           infiltrating macrophages. These results suggest that   of collagen erosion. [31]  Multiple studies suggest that
           TNF‑α/TNFR1 signaling is critical in IA pathogenesis.  a polarized macrophage population is associated
                                                              with a variety of diseases including atherosclerosis,
           Stromal cell‑derived factor‑1 is an important chemokine   inflammatory lung disease, and inflammatory
           that promotes inflammation directly as well as through   diseases of the nervous system. [58‑62]  Two populations
           angiogenesis. [47]  Macrophage recruitment and retention   of macrophages, the M1  (pro‑inflammatory) and
           around new blood vessels has been shown to be mediated   M2 (anti‑inflammatory) subtypes, have been identified.
           by SDF‑1. [48]  Expression of SDF‑1 in IAs was recently   Predominance of the M1 subtype has been implicated
           evaluated in a study conducted by Hoh et al.,  wherein   in aneurysm progression and rupture.

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