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Interestingly, paw palpation similar to pain sensitivity   body weight were measured every day. To assess
           testing, and direct sensory nerve stimulation induce   exploratory activity during the dark phase, animals
           spinal transcription factor and IL‑1β expression,   were placed in a dimly‑lit (10 Lux) open field device
           respectively. [32‑34]  In the present work, we therefore   (40 cm × 40 cm) divided into 16 equal zones. Number
           studied spinal and DRG expression as well as plasma   of entries of the animal into a different zone and
           concentrations of cytokines in murine models of arthritis   rearing with or without leaning against the wall were
           and bone cancer in relationship to signs of spontaneous   scored during 10 min. [37]  To study hind paw guarding
           pain and paw palpation, rather than to pain sensitivity.  during rearing, animals were introduced into an
                                                              inverted glass beaker of 20 cm diameter for 4 min
           METHODS                                            during the light phase. [38]

          Animals                                             As hallmarks of spinal neuroinflammation are variable
          One hundred male C57/Bl6 mice(CharlesRiver,Arbresle,  between studies, in particular among those using CFA,
          France) weighing 25‑30  g and  46  male C3H/HeN     we tested if mechanical non‑noxious stimulation is
          mice (Janvier Labs, Le Genest St‑Isle, France) weighing   one of the underlying factors. Therefore, half of the
          20‑26 g were used. Four days before surgery, animals   animals underwent hind paw palpation every second
          were housed individually in plastic transparent cages   for 2 min and were sacrificed 90 min later [Figure 1].
          with unrestricted access to food and water in a room   To avoid any effect of mechanical allodynia testing on
          maintained at 21.5‑22.5 °C. Lights were on from 3:00 a.m.   spinal gene expression, hind paw responses to von Frey
          to 15:00 p.m. All experimental procedures were approved   filaments (0.16‑2.4 g) applied to the plantar surface
          by the local ethical committee (No. AP/2/11/2006).  were studied a few minutes before sacrifice.
           Arthritis and bone cancer induction                Articular inflammation and bone destruction
           C57/Bl6 mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and   To assess inflammation, extracellular fluid was
           placed in a supine position to insert a 26‑gauge needle   detected in vivo using T2‑weighted magnetic resonance
           into the knee joint as described by Gauldie et al.  Fifty µL   imaging (MRI) on a 4.7 T horizontal magnet (Bruker,
           of complete Freund adjuvant (CFA; Sigma‑Aldrich,   Ettlingen, Germany). To determine bone destruction,
           St. Louis, MO, USA) or mineral oil vehicle were    3D FLASH‑based magnetic resonance microscopy
           injected on days 0 and 6 into the same joint [Figure 1].   of femurs was carried out ex vivo on a 9.4 T vertical
           C3H/HeN mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and   magnet (Bruker Biospec 47/50, Ettlingen, Germany).
           injected with 10 µL of phosphate buffer saline (PBS)
           containing 10  NCTC‑2472 cells (LGC Promochem,     Tissue preparation
           Molsheim, France) propagated in  vitro  or 10  µL of   Two days after the second intra‑articular injection, that
           PBS into the intramedullary  canal  of  the  femur  in   is 8 days after the first injection, or 21 days after femur
           accordance with a previous report by Schwei et al. [33]  injection [Figure 1], animals were deeply anesthetized
                                                              with sodium pentobarbital to allow for intracardiac
           Behavioral testing                                 puncture. Animals were rinsed with PBS after which
           Reduced  food  intake  and  exploration  are  signs  of   animals assigned to immunohistochemical analysis
           pain in rodents. [36]  After surgery, food pellets and   were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 mol/L
                                                              PBS. L3‑L5 spinal cords and DRGs of these animals were
                                                    Hind Paw   post‑fixed for 4 h, cryoprotected in 30% sucrose, frozen
               Open Field  Beaker  Open Field Beaker  Open Field  OR  on dry ice and stocked at ‑80 °C. For animals allocated
               Session 1  Session 1 Session 2 Session 2  Session 3  Von Frey  to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments, L3‑L5
           Time                                               spinal cords and DRGs were removed within 3 min after
               D0  D1   D2      D4   D5   D6   D7  D8         rinsing with PBS and then frozen at ‑80 °C.

             First CFA               Second CFA  MRI  Sacrifice
              injection               injection               Spinal Fos expression
           a                                  Beaker          Immunohistochemical detection of c‑Fos and FosB
                                             Session 2
               Open Field  Open Field  Beaker  Open Field     transcription factors in the spinal cord was performed
               Session 1  Session 2  Session 1 Session 3  Von Frey  using  rabbit  antisera  (diluted 1:2000;  Santa  Cruz
           Time                                               Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) as previously
               D0  D14       D17  D18     D20  D21  D22       described. [39]
             Tumor cell                           Sacrifice
           b  injection                                       Circulating cytokines
                                                              Blood samples were collected in EDTA‑coated vials,
           Figure  1:  Timelines  representing  joint  inflammation  (a)  and  bone  cancer
           (b) experiments. CFA: complete freund adjuvant; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging  centrifuged for 15 min at 3000 g at 4 °C and the plasmas

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