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a                        b

                                                                a                    b

           c                        d
          Figure 2: Joint inflammation and bone destruction. T2-weighted MRI indicating
          edema in contralateral (left) and ipsilateral (right) stifle joint one week after mineral
          oil (a) or CFA (b) injection. FLASH‑based MRI of femurs after intramedullary
          injection of PBS (c) or NCTC cells (d) three weeks earlier. CFA: complete freund
          adjuvant; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; PBS: phosphate buffer saline
           Exploratory behavior
           Dark phase exploratory activity in a dimly‑lit open   c
           field device was significantly decreased on the 1  day                    d
           after intra‑articular CFA injection as compared to that   Figure 3: Behavioral effects of joint inflammation and bone cancer (n = 18‑23,
                                                              except for von Frey testing where n = 9‑13). a: food intake during last week of
           of mineral oil [Z = ‑4.059; P < 0.001 and Z = ‑3.553;   experiment. b: horizontal exploration of open field. Sessions 1, 2 and 3 correspond
           P < 0.004; Figure 3b]. No differences in activity were   to days 1, 4 and 7 after stifle joint injection and days 14, 17 and 20 after femur
                                                              injection, respectively. c: percentage of paw guarding during rearing against
           observed 14, 17 or 20 days after tumor cell or PBS   wall. Sessions 1 and 2 correspond to days 2 and 5 after stifle joint injection and
           injection into the femur intramedullary [Figure 3b].  days 18 and 21 after femur injection, respectively. d: paw reaction to von Frey
                                                              filament stimulation on the last day. Statistical differences: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01
                                                              and ***P < 0.001. CFA: complete freund adjuvant; PBS: phosphate buffer saline
           During the light phase, animals injected with CFA
           into their stifle joint reared less under the inverted   Spinal Fos expression
           beaker glass on days 2 and 5 compared to animals   The number of c‑Fos immunoreactive cells in L3‑L5
           that received mineral oil (Z = ‑4.860; P < 0.001 and   spinal cord increased significantly after intra‑articular
           Z =  ‑2.198; P  <  0.0280, respectively). They also   CFA injection (F[1,27] =10.24; P < 0.004) and after
           reared less against the wall compared with control   non‑noxious  hind  paw  palpation  (F[1,27]  =17.85;
           animals on day 2 (Z = ‑2.857; P < 0.0043). While   P < 0.001), whereas the number of FosB‑immunoreactive
           rearing against the wall, animals injected with CFA   cells did not differ. No differences in the numbers
           displayed significantly more hind paw guarding than   of c‑Fos‑and FosB‑immunoreactive cells were found
           those administered mineral oil on days 2 (Z = 5.411;   between NCTC‑bone tumor‑bearing and PBS‑injected
           P < 0.001) and 5 [Z = ‑5.650; P < 0.001; Figure 3c]   control animals.
           after injection. No differences in rearing were observed
           after NCTC tumor cell or PBS injection into the femur   Plasma cytokine concentrations
           intramedullary canal, but while rearing the former   Significantly higher IL‑6 concentrations in plasma
           showed significantly more hind paw guarding than   were found in mice that received intra‑articular CFA
           the latter on days 18  (Z  =  2.457; P  <  0.015) and   as compared to mineral oil [Z = -2.237; P < 0.019;
           21 [Z = 3.554; P < 0.004; Figure 3c].              Figure  4] while significantly increased circulating
                                                              MCP‑1/CCL2 levels were observed in animals injected
           Mechanical allodynia                               with NCTC tumor cells rather than with PBS into their
           Mice injected intra‑articularly with CFA required   femur [Z = 3.269; P < 0.002; Figure 4]. Circulating
           significant lower forces to elicit paw withdrawal   MCP‑1/CCL2 was probably tumor‑derived as NCTC
           compared with those administered mineral oil       bone tumors were highly MCP‑1/CCL2‑immunoreactive.
           [Z = ‑3.644; P < 0.003; Figure 3d]. Palpation of the hind
           paw had no effect on mechanical allodynia. Although   Spinal and dorsal root ganglia mRNA expression
           bone tumor‑bearing mice did not display active paw   L3‑L5 spinal expression of COX‑2 mRNA was
           withdrawal, they allowed their paws to be lifted with   significantly increased  (P  <  0.004) in animals
           the filament. This pressure‑reducing behavior was   that received intra‑articular CFA compared with
           significantly more frequent after femur NCTC tumor   those  receiving  vehicle  in  the  absence  of  paw
           cell injection than after PBS administration [Z = ‑2.124;   palpation [Table 2]. Among animals that underwent
           P < 0.034; Figure 3d].                             paw palpation, CFA‑injected mice showed significantly

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