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DISCUSSION                                         Although experimental joint inflammation and bone
                                                              cancer gave rise to similar pain behaviors in the
           The present study shows that chronic pain behaviors   absence of spinal neuroinflammation, the underlying
           during deep tissue damage occur in the absence of   mechanisms differ. Subcutaneous CFA injections
           spinal neuroinflammation but in the presence of    may result in blood‑brain barrier breakdown and
           circulating cytokines. In addition, evidence is provided   increase spinal COX‑2 expression, [29,43]  that mediates
           to indicate that the latter may act on DRG cytokine   mechanical pain hypersensitivity. [44]  Our work
           receptors and that mechanical stimulation increases   confirmed increased spinal COX‑2 expression after
           spinal cytokine expression.                        less severe intra‑articular CFA injections suggesting
                                                              that it also mediates mechanical allodynia during local
           Our work extends a number of previous studies      inflammation. However, in contrast to what has been
           showing variable spinal GFAP responses across models   reported after subcutaneous CFA injection, [27]  we did
           of inflammatory and cancer pain. [27‑33]  It reports the   not observe increased spinal cytokine expression in
           absence of increased spinal cytokine expression in   the absence of mechanical stimulation. Interestingly,
           addition to the lack of GFAP up‑regulation in models   in addition to IL‑1β and TNF‑α, peripheral IL‑6 also
           of moderate deep tissue pain. Indeed, the fact that we   increases central COX‑2 expression and pain sensitivity
           injected less biologically‑active agents and induced less   during inflammation. [45]  Since we observed increased
           severe pain behavior and tissue damage, compared to   circulating IL‑6 concentrations, we propose that
           previous reports, [27,29,38]  may partly explain discrepancies   IL‑6‑induced spinal COX‑2 upregulation underlies
           concerning spinal neuroinflammation between studies.  mechanical allodynia after intra‑articular CFA injection.
                                                              Alternatively, circulating IL‑6 may have acted on
           However, studies employing concentrations and routes of   IL‑6 receptors in DRG, [23,24]  accessible to circulating
           administration of biologically‑active agents comparable   molecules, [22]  to induce COX‑2.
           to those used currently have shown increased spinal
           GFAP  and  cytokine  expression. [16,30,31]   Interestingly,   In the absence of increased spinal cytokine and
           these studies, like those using higher concentrations of   COX‑2 expression during bone cancer pain behavior,
           disease biologically‑active agents, imposed mechanical   we considered nervous system actions of peripheral
           stimulation or movement on animals. Non‑noxious    cytokines. We confirmed tumor MCP‑1/CCL2 production
           palpation of bone tumor‑containing paws increases   and showed for the first time increased circulating
           transcription factor expression in the spinal cord. [32,33]    MCP‑1/CCL2 and constitutive CCR2 protein expression
           We show here that the palpation induced spinal     in murine DRG nociceptors. These findings are important
           c‑Fos expression, although not to the same extent as   given that circulating molecules can access DRGs and
           CFA‑provoked articular inflammation. Since sensory   that MCP‑1/CCL2 increases nociceptor excitability, [22,46]
           nerve stimulation can induce CNS IL‑1β expression, [34,41]    and suggest that circulating MCP‑1/CCL2 action on
           we tested the effect of paw palpation on spinal cytokine   DRGs contributes to bone cancer pain behavior.
           expression. Our observation that palpation increased
           spinal IL‑1β and IL‑1R1 expression in mice with joint   In conclusion, our present work shows that in two
           inflammation indicates that afferent nerve stimulation   different types of deep tissue lesions, inflammatory
           during deep tissue injury can indeed induce hallmarks   and neoplastic, signs of spontaneous, chronic pain
           of neuroinflammation. Results obtained in models   are not correlated to spinal neuroinflammation, but
           employing imposed mechanical stimulation to assess   rather to peripheral cytokines. In addition, we present
           pain sensitivity should, therefore, be interpreted with   evidence indicating that mechanical stimulation of
           caution.                                           the body segment containing the lesion, similar to
                                                              what may occur during pain sensitivity testing, can
           As we hypothesized that imposed paw stimulation    induce spinal cytokine expression as a hallmark of
           during deep tissue injury influences spinal gene   neuroinflammation. As such, our work provides
           expression, we assessed spontaneous behaviors      important new insights into the occurrence and role
           indicating pain, such as decreased food intake and   of spinal neuroinflammation in chronic pain. Finally,
           exploration as well as paw guarding, [36,42]  and we studied   our findings suggest that circulating cytokine action
           allodynia only minutes before sacrifice. Although   in dorsal root ganglia may contribute to experimental
           joint inflammation affected exploration more than   joint inflammation and bone cancer pain.
           bone cancer, both conditions reduced food intake and
           provoked hind paw guarding. The latter behavior is in   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
           accordance with earlier studies and has been shown
           to be reversed by morphine, [38,42]  thus suggesting that   We thank Pascale Roux and Alexandra Serre for skilful
           paw guarding reflects spontaneous pain.            assistance in PCR and immunohistochemical experiments,

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