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HIV was negative, the hepatitis B surface antibody,   antigen, alpha fetal protein, and carbohydrate antigens
           hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis B e antibody   (CA‑199, CA‑125) in the blood. Only CA‑199 was
           were all positive. Lung computed tomography (CT)   moderately elevated (90.1 U/mL). B‑mode ultrasound
           scans showed nodules  and  fibrous  stripes in the   scans of the abdomen revealed multiple low signals
           right middle lobe, left apex, and lingular lobe, with   in the hepatic hilar region and splenic hilum region.
           multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum. We   Ultrasound doctor considered them as enlarged lymph
           repeated a lumbar puncture on November 16 , 2009.   nodes. CT intensified scans of the upper abdomen
           The CSF tests showed: pressure 204 mmH O, white    showed an occupied lesion in the right hepatic lobe
           blood cell count 36 × 10 L, protein 0.48 g/L, glucose   with intra‑hepatic bile duct dilation. Radiologists
           2.70 mmol/L, and chloride 117 mmol/L. The CSF      thought the occupied lesion was cholangiocarcinoma,
           cytology showed that lymphocytes increased mainly.   combining with the history we thought it was
           Both acid‑fast staining and the antigen of the tubercle   apt  to  inflammatory  pseudotumor,  but  could  not
           bacillus were negative. Brain magnetic resonance   exclude malignant tumor, however, because systemic
           imaging (MRI) scans [Figure 1] presented multiple high   candidiasis is always seen in immunocompromised
           signal lesions on T2‑weighted imaging (T2‑WI) and   individuals.
           fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (T2‑WI
           and FLAIR). Remarkable intensify leptomeninges and   Cervical lymph node biopsy [Figure 2] showed mycotic
           abnormal strengthening signal in the right side of the   lymphadenitis. There were a lot of granulomatosis‑like
           caudate nucleus were observed. It was necessary to   structures  and  mold in macrophages.  Lymph node
           rule out metastatic tumor or granulomatous according   puncture fluid smears [Figure 3] showed that hyphae
                                                              were visible. CSF smears showed no fungus. CSF and
           to the history. Hence, we tested the carcinoembryonie
                                                              lymph node puncture fluid cultures  [Figure  4] we
                                                              saw blastoconidia with India ink staining, and not
                                                              saw capsule in the culture. Non‑albicans candida was

           Figure 1: Brain magnetic resonance imaging scan presented multiple high‑signal
           lesions on T2-weighted and fluid attenuated inversion recovery. Remarkable
           intensity of leptomeninges and abnormal strengthening in the right side of the
           caudate nucleus                                    Figure 2: Cervical lymph node biopsy showed mycotic lymphadenitis (arrow).
                                                              There were a lot of granulomatosis‑like structures and mold in macrophages

           Figure 3: Cerebrospinal fluid and lymph node puncture fluid culture showed positive
           identification  of  blastoconidia (arrow) with India ink staining,  but was not observed   Figure 4: Lymph node puncture fluid smears showed that hyphae (arrow)
           capsules                                            was visiable

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