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Yang et al.                                                                                                                                                                    PANDA, LincRNA-p21, PUMA in Xuanwei

           from Xuanwei and 42 patients with lung cancer were   lung tissues (P  >  0.05).  There  was  no  significant
           from non-Xuanwei  regions.  All patients  were  ethnic   difference in the expression of PANDA in lung cancer
           Han Chinese. Non-Xuanwei regions included Kunming,   tissue and normal lung tissue between the 2 groups
           Yuxi, Baoshan,  Dali, Chuxiong, Honghe, and other   (P > 0.05). Expression of PUMA in lung cancer tissue
           areas. Eighteen cases of squamous  cell carcinoma   was lower than normal tissue (P < 0.05). Expression
           and 27 cases of adenocarcinoma were from Xuanwei.   of PUMA in patients from Xuanwei was lower than that
           Seventeen cases of squamous cell carcinoma and 25   of non-Xuanwei patients, not only in cancer tissue, but
           cases of adenocarcinoma  were from non-Xuanwei.    also in normal lung (P < 0.05) [Tables 3 and 4].
           There were 24 males and 21 females from Xuanwei
           and 24  males  and 18 females from  non-Xuanwei    Expression of  LincRNA-p21,  PANDA, and
           regions. Meanage of patients from Xuanwei was 54.91   PUMA in  squamous  cell carcinoma and
           ± 9.62 years while in the non-Xuanwei group, the mean   adenocarcinoma
           age was 58.33 ± 10.13 years. There were 21 patients   There was no significant difference in the expression
           from  Xuanwei and 22 from  non-Xuanwei  who were   of three genes in squamous cell carcinoma  and
           smokers. Eighteen patients from Xuanwei consumed   adenocarcinoma (P > 0.05) [Table 5].
           alcohol whereas 16 from non-Xuanwei did [Table 2].
                                                              Expression of LincRNA-p21, PANDA, PUMA in
           Expressions of  LincRNA-p21,  PANDA, and           smokers and non-smokers
           PUMA in Xuanwei and non-Xuanwei patients           The expression of LincRNA-p21,  PANDA, PUMA in
           Expression of LincRNA-p21 in lung tissues of Xuanwei   smokers and non-smokers was showed in Table 6.
           patients was increased  (P < 0.05).  There was no
           significant  difference  in  expression  of  it  between  2   Analysis of  correlation  in  expression of
           groups of patients in lung cancer tissues and normal   LincRNA-p21, PANDA and PUMA in tissues of
                                                              lung cancer patients from Xuanwei and non-
           Table 2: Comparison between the two groups         Xuanwei areas
                                                              LincRNA-p21 and PANDA in lung cancer tissues and
                                 Xuanwei      Non-Xuanwei     normal  lung  tissues were characterized  by positive
            n                    45           42              correlation.  PANDA with  PUMA in lung  cancer
            Squamous cell carcinoma  18       17
            Adenocarcinoma       27           25              and normal lung tissue showed  no corresponding
            Male                 24           24              correlation [Table 7].
            Non-smoking          3            2
            Smoking* < 400       7            9
            Smoking > 400        14           13              Expression of LincRNA-p21,  PANDA and PUMA
            Female               21           18              in lung cancer patients from non-Xuanwei  areas:
            Non-smoking          21           18              LincRNA-p21  was positively correlated  with PUMA
            Smoking < 400        0            0               in normal tissue, but not in lung cancer tissue.
            Smoking > 400        0            0               LincRNA-p21 and PANDA in lung cancer and normal
            Age                  54.91 ± 9.62  58.33 ± 10.13
            Alcohol              18           16              lung tissue all showed positive correlation. PANDA was
           *Smoking index: the number of cigarettes smoked per day x   positively correlated with PUMA in normal lung tissue
           number of years of smoking, high-risk groups > 400  but not in lung cancers [Table 8].
           Table 3: Expression of LincRNA-p21, PANDA, PUMA in males and females
            Gene                                     Male                 Female                      P
            LincRNA-p21          Xuanwei             15.18 ± 1.44         15.19 ± 1.65               0.63
                                 Non-Xuanwei         13.33 ± 1.85         13.01 ± 1.05               0.51
            PANDA                Xuanwei             14.36 ± 1.65         14.38 ± 2.79               0.88
                                 Non-Xuanwei         14.14 ± 1.23         14.03 ± 1.67               0.85
            PUMA                 Xuanwei             5.32 ± 1.85          5.23 ± 1.43                0.74
                                 Non-Xuanwei         7.45 ± 2.18          7.34 ± 2.42                0.77
           Expression of the 3 genes in lung tissues of both males and females showed no statistical difference (P > 0.05)

           Table 4: Expression of LincRNA-p21, PANDA, PUMA in Xuanwei and non-Xuanwei patients
            Gene                                     Xuanwei               Non-Xuanwei                P
            LincRNA-p21          Cancer tissue       15.12 ± 1.27          12.21 ± 1.51              0.03
                                 Normal tissue       15.07 ± 1.42          12.19 ± 1.62              0.04
            PANDA                Cancer tissue       14.36 ± 1.46          14.08 ± 1.27              0.52
                                 Normal tissue       14.44 ± 1.55          14.11 ± 2.32              0.47
            PUMA                 Cancer tissue       5.14 ± 1.37           7.38 ± 2.74               0.01
                                 Normal tissue       6.19 ± 1.43*          8.82 ± 2.89**             0.01
           *P = 0.04 (cancer tissue vs. normal tissue); **P = 0.03 (cancer tissue vs. normal tissue)
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          67
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