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Yang et al.                                                                                                                                                                    PANDA, LincRNA-p21, PUMA in Xuanwei

           Research has found that PUMA is more important than   cell membrane, damage to mitochondria, and mutation
           NOXA in DNA damage that induces activation of the   in nuclear DNA and mt-DNA.
           p53-mediated mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. PUMA
           is located downstream of the  p53 gene and has a   Expression of LincRNA-p21  in lung cancer patients
           powerful  effect in  promoting  apoptosis  and  inhibition   from Xuanwei was higher than non-Xuanwei patients
           of cell growth. Low expression of PUMA exists in some   (P < 0.05). We observed that alveolar epithelial cells
           tumor tissues and it is associated with the occurrence   and bronchial epithelial cells were severely damaged
           and development of tumor. Thus, increasing of PUMA   in patients from Xuanwei due to serious air pollution
           can inhibit tumor growth.  Long non-coding RNA p21   caused by burning of coal. There was also damage to
           interacts with hnRNP-K to activate p21 to enforce cell   DNA from pollutants released as a result of combustion
           cycle arrest at the G1/S phase. LincRNA-p21  is an   of coal. Our initial research in Xuanwei found that ash
           important member of the cell cycle and its expression   and smoke of bituminous coal contained large numbers
           is directly induced by p53. The result of flow cytometry   of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and nano-sized quartz
           and apoptosis-related enzyme activity assay confirmed   particles, [12-14]  which were also found in lung tissues
           LincRNA-p21 induced apoptosis in the p53 dependent   of lung cancer patients from Xuanwei.  Polyaromatic
           pathway, and related to the formation of tumor. PANDA   hydrocarbons and nano-sized quartz particles can lead
           is a noncoding RNA that inhibits expression of apoptotic   to damage of nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA. [15,16]
           genes by sequestering NF-YA.
                                                              Expression of PUMA in lung tissues of Xuanwei patients
           When DNA damage occurs, it activates expression of   was lower than non-Xuanwei patients (P < 0.05). The
           p53 and LincRNA-p21. In one aspect, the combination   correlation  analysis revealed that the expression  of
           of p53 and LincRNA-p21 activates expression of PUMA.   LincRNA-p21  had no correlation  with expression  of
           PUMA  interact with members of  the antiapoptotic   PUMA in  normal  lung  tissues of Xuanwei  patients,
                                                              while normal lung tissues of  non-Xuanwei  patients
           family, and release  Bax and Bak. Baxis embedded
           in the outer membrane  of mitochondria,  leading  to   were positively correlated. We considered that PUMA
           increased  permeability  of the outer mitochondrial   is a highly  conserved  gene in  eukaryotes,  possibly
           membrane. Release of cytochrome C apoptotic factors   due  to air pollution  in Xuanwei  causing  damage  to
           activates the caspase cascade, eventually leading to   PUMA or effect the gene  transcription  process, but
                                                              also polymorphism of LincRNA-p21 and PUMA in local
           cell death.
                                                              population  could not be ruled out,  for  which further
           This study found that expression of PANDA,         research with larger sample is required.
           LincRNA-p21  and  PUMA  showed  no  significant    We have successfully cultured a type of Xuanwei lung
           difference in lung tissue of  male and female (P  >   adenocarcinoma cell line (XW-05). We are now carrying
           0.05). Expression  in squamous  cell carcinoma  and   out  gene  transfection and silencing experiments on
           adenocarcinoma also showed no significant difference   XW-05 cells, human  adenocarcinoma  cells  (A549),
           (P > 0.05), indicating that there is no gender difference   and human bronchial epithelial cells (BS2B) to observe
           or  tissue  specificity.  Expression  of  LincRNA-p21   whether XW-05 cells have specificity.
           and PUMA in cancer tissues is not related but in the
           normal tissue it is positively correlated, perhaps due to   Part of this project was under the U.S. National Cancer
           existence of regulatory changes and disorder in cancer   Institute  to  study environmental  exposure, dose-
           tissues.                                           effect  relationship, and epidemiology  of  lung cancer
                                                              in Xuanwei. We are responsible for the questionnaire,
           In this study, we found that expression of LincRNA-p21   collection  of clinical  data,  specimen collection,
           was higher in patients from non-Xuanwei regions with   treatment, follow-up,  and prognosis.  Genomic
           smoking  index > 400  than in patients  with smoking   sequencing  is carried out by Beijing  Gene Square
           index < 400 and non-smokers, while in patients from   for National Cancer Institute. Currently, Beijing Gene
           Xuanwei,  there  was  no  significant  difference  among   Square is sequencing specimens of  421 cases, the
           the three groups (P > 0.05). The probable reason might   findings of which should be reported soon.
           be that smoking is not the main reason for lung cancer
           in Xuanwei.  The incidence  of lung cancer is higher   Authors’ contributions
           in women from  Xuanwei, even though the  majority   The study’s conception  and  design:  K.Y.  Yang, Z.Q.
           of women were non-smokers. In an experiment,       Shen
           we exposed cells to  the  byproduct obtained from   Extraction of RNA and PCR: Y.F. He, K.Y. Yang, K. Rizal
           combustion of bituminous coal, the result of which was   Patients’ enrollment  and  lung tissues and  data’s
           secretion of mediators of inflammation, damage to the   collection: K.Y.  Yang,  A.N.  Chen,  Y.C.  Huang, G.Q.
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          69
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