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Schuller                                                                                                                                                                            Neurotransmitter receptors and cancer

           progression  and metastasis of numerous  cancers.   acetylcholine  and are also able to  synthesize and
           The neurotransmitters of the sympathetic branch of   release Nor and Epi in response to  acetylcholine
           the autonomic nervous system, epinephrine (Epi) and   self-stimulation  or exposure to exogenous  nAChR
           norepinephrine (Nor) are the physiological agonists for   agonists. [32-36]  In addition, it has been shown that
           β-ARs. Epi and Nor are additionally synthesized and   polymorphisms  in genes  CHRNA3  (encodes  the
           released by the adrenal medulla and are often referred   α3 nAChR  subunit) and CHRNA5  (encodes  the  α5
           to as “stress neurotransmitters” because psychological   nAChR  subunit) as well  as a copy  number  variation
           stress triggers their simultaneous  release  from the   that duplicates the  α7nAChR gene CHRNA7  are
           sympathetic nervous system and adrenal  gland. [10,11]    associated with an increased risk for lung cancer [37-39]
           The release  of stress neurotransmitters from the   and that single nucleotide polymorphisms in the β2-AR
           sympathetic nervous system and adrenal  gland  is   gene are associated with adverse clinical outcomes of
           regulated by nAChRs via Ca  influx that triggers their   pancreatic cancer. [40]
           exocytosis. [12,13]   The biology  of  β-ARs as it relates
           to cardio-vascular  disease has been extensively   An important aspect of cancer  regulation  by
           studied  and beta-adrenergic  receptor antagonists   neurotransmitters and their receptors is the significant
           (beta-blockers) and VOC blockers are widely used as   influence  of  the  mood  on  this  regulatory  network
           therapeutics for this disease complex. [14-17]     [Figure 1]. Preclinical  investigations have thus
                                                              shown  that experimentally  induced  psychological
           Discoveries that  nicotine induced the  proliferation   stress  or  treatment  with stress  neurotransmitters
           of human small cell lung cancer cells in vitro  while   have strong promoting effects on the majority of the
           inhibiting apoptosis,  effects triggered by the nAChR-  most common human  cancers via direct activation
           mediated release and re-uptake of the neurotransmitter   of cAMP-dependent  intracellular  signaling  pathways
           5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin),  first pointed   by stress neurotransmitters downstream of  β1 and
           to nAChRs as important  regulators  of a subset of   β2-ARs [29,32,41-45]  and the simultaneous suppression
           cancers. Reports that  β-AR agonists  stimulated  the   of the tumor suppressor gene p53 by beta-arrestin-1
           proliferation of lung adenocarcinoma cells in vitro and   signaling downstream of β2-ARs.  Moreover, chronic
           that  this response was inhibited  by  β-blockers  first   experimental  stress suppressed the synthesis and
           implicated β-ARs in the regulation of another subset   release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric
           of cancers. [21,22]   The  identification  of  the  tobacco   acid (GABA). [41,42]  These findings are in accord with the
           carcinogen nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone (NNK)   reported suppression of the GABA system by chronic
           as a high affinity agonist for nAChRs [23,24]  as well as   psychological stress  and in anxiety disorders such
           β-ARs  subsequently provided a direct mechanistic link   as posttraumatic stress syndrome. [48,49]  GABA is the
           between the high carcinogenic potential of this agent   main  inhibitory neurotransmitter in  the mammalian
           and its interaction  with neurotransmitter  receptors.   body and inhibits the  AC-dependent  formation of
           These studies also showed  that NNK-induced  β-AR   cAMP as well as the activation of voltage-gated Ca 2+-
           signaling in lung adenocarcinoma cells and pancreatic   channels  under physiological conditions by activating
           ductal adenocarcinoma cells triggered the release of   inhibitory  G-protein (G) signaling  downstream  of G- i
           AA, resulting  in the formation of cancer-stimulating   coupled  GABA-B-receptors.  In  light  of  findings  that
           AA  metabolites while additionally trans-activating   the GABA-B receptor has tumor suppressor function
           the epidermal growth factor  receptor pathway. [7,8,25]    in pancreatic [42,51-53]  and non small-cell  lung cancer
           Collectively,  these  early  findings  represented  the   (NSCLC) [35,41,54,55]  while  GABA also  inhibits  the  in
           starting point for a new domain in cancer research:   vitro growth of breast cancer and colon  cancer, [47,56]
           the  role  of  neurotransmitters and their receptors in   suppression  of GABA by psychological  stress has
           the initiation, progression  and drug resistance of   significant tumor promoting effects on these cancers.
           cancer and the development of novel therapeutic
           and preventive  strategies that target this regulatory   Similar to chronic stress, smoking also increases the
           network. [26-30]                                   levels of cancer stimulating stress neurotransmitters
                                                              while  suppressing cancer  inhibiting  GABA,  effects
           It was initially thought that nAChRs and  β-ARs    caused by the neuroadaptation of nAChRs to chronic
           expressed  in non-neuronal  cells and cancers      nicotine, NNK and N’-nitrosonornicotine  (NNN). In
           derived from them were exclusively stimulated by the   conjunction with the mutational activities of NNK and
           autonomic nervous system or by exposure to tobacco   NNN  at  the  K-ras  and  p53  genes,   the  resulting
           products. However, more recent studies have shown   prevalence  of cancer  stimulating  beta-adrenergic
           that numerous non-neuronal cells and the cancers   receptor  signaling  contributes  significantly  to  the
           derived  from them synthesize and  release  their own   increased cancer risk of smokers.
             72                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ April 28, 2017
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