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Schuller                                                                                                                                                                            Neurotransmitter receptors and cancer

           differentiated cancer cells as well as cancer stem cells.  Beta-blockers should not  be used for  the  general
                                                              prevention/therapy  of cancer because they are
           There is an ongoing international discussion on the   selectively effective only in cancers that are stimulated
           potential usefulness of beta-blockers for cancer   by beta-adrenergic  agonists.  In fact, without  prior
           intervention,  with  numerous  preclinical  studies   testing of patients for increased stress neurotransmitter
           reporting  significant  cancer  inhibition  whereas   and cAMP levels, beta-blocker  treatment is contra-
           clinical  investigations  have  generated  controversial   indicated because it can promote certain cancers due
           data with some even reporting cancer promoting     to the fact that cAMP functions as a tumor promoter
           effects. [28,29,64,67-71]   The potential usefulness of   in some cancers while acting as a tumor suppressor
           beta-blockers for adjuvant cancer treatment has    in others. It has thus been shown that cAMP inhibits
           additionally been discussed in depth based by      the growth/progression of squamous cell carcinoma,
           comprehensive reviews of published preclinical     small cell lung carcinoma, [79,80]   medulloblastoma  and
           and clinical literature. [67,72,73]  By contrast, the current   basal  cell  carcinoma.   The arbitrary  use  of Ca -
           review analyzes mechanistic aspects of G -coupled   channel blockers for cancer prevention and therapy is
           receptors and their physiological inhibitors and their   equally ill advised. While preclinical investigations have
           modulating  effects  on  cancer.  The  discrepancies   identified  cancer  preventive  effects  of  Ca -channel
           between preclinical and clinical findings are thus not   blockers  in a  large spectrum of  cancers,    these
           only triggered by the potential sensitization of β-ARs in   agents not only suppress molecular  targets studied
                                                              in these cancers but additionally  inhibit  the release
           response to long-term beta-blocker therapy (decades   of Nor and Epi from sympathetic nerves,  thereby
           of treatment in people as opposed to a few weeks in   suppressing  the beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated
           experimental animals), but also by the potential impact   formation of cAMP. In turn, this effect can selectively
           of factors unrelated to β-ARs. Preclinical studies that   promote the development and progression of cancers
           have employed agonists of receptors coupled to the   in which cAMP has tumor suppressor function.
           inhibitory  G-protein  G  (GABA-B  receptors,  opioid
           peptide receptors) for the inhibition of β-AR-mediated   In summary, successful cancer prevention and
           progression of adenocarcinoma of the lungs and     improved therapeutic outcomes can be achieved
           pancreas  in vitro and  in vivo have repeatedly    by strategies that aim to maintain/restore cAMP
           shown that increases in intracellular cAMP and the   homeostasis.  Too much cAMP will promote the
           associated activation of its downstream effectors   development and progression of cAMP-driven cancers
           are key molecular events that activate  β-AR-driven   (e.g. adenocarcinoma of the lungs, pancreas, colon,
           development and progression of both cancers and can   stomach and prostate) while too low cAMP levels will
           be  successfully  inhibited  by  agonists  of  G-coupled   increase the risk for development and progression of
           receptors that inhibit the formation of cAMP by blocking   cancers in which cAMP has tumor suppressor function
           the activation of  adenylyl cyclase. [41,42,51,54,55,66,74-76]   A   (e.g. small cell lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma,
           host of non-β-AR receptors coupled to the stimulatory   medulloblastoma, basal cell carcinoma). In analogy
           G-protein G  increase intracellular cAMP, [3,77]  a   to the long-term management of diabetes by insulin
           reaction not inhibited by beta-blockers but effectively   injections that are based on blood glucose testing,
           counteracted  by  agonist-induced  signaling  of  G-  this approach requires routine testing of cAMP levels.
           coupled receptors. There is also a host of non-beta-  Beta-blockers will only be beneficial if elevated levels
           adrenergic  agents  that  increase  intracellular  cAMP   of Nor/Epi indicate hyperactive β-AR signaling.
           directly. Among such agents are caffeine, theophylline
           and theobromine contained in numerous beverages,   Authors’ contributions
           weight loss medications, sweets and candies. These   H.M. Schuller contributed solely to the paper.
           naturally occurring phosphodiesterase inhibitors   Financial support and sponsorship
           block the enzymatic breakdown of cAMP which        None.
           then  accumulates  inside  the  cells.  In  addition,
           pharmacological phosphodiesterase inhibitors are   Conflicts of interest
           widely used for the therapy of chronic obstructive   There are no conflicts of interest.
           pulmonary disease because of their anti-inflammatory
           and broncho-dilating properties. None of the clinical   Patient consent
           investigations on beta-blockers and cancer conducted   Not applicable.
           to date have adjusted their data to exclude the cancer
           promoting effects of  such non-beta-adrenergic     Ethics approval
           agents.                                            Not applicable.
             74                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ April 28, 2017
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