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Zavridis et al.                                                                                                                                                         Radio frequency neurolysis for pain reduction

           Comparing    the self-reported pain scores of      ongoing  tissue  damage)  or  neuropathic  (caused  by
           questionnaires  prior  to  treatment  (mean  value  9.50   damage or dysfunction in the nervous system). [2,3]  The
           NRS units, range 8-10  NRS units) and  at 6 months   WHO analgesic ladder has three steps for acute pain,
           post  treatment  (mean  value  3.27  NRS  units  range   chronic pain without control, or acute crises of chronic
           2-6 NRS units), there was a mean decrease of 6.23   pain. In step 1, nonopioids, analgesics, and NSAIDs
           NRS units in terms of pain reduction and life quality   are administered to the patient. In step 2, weak
           improvement [Figure 5]. Overall mobility improved in   opioids can be added to the treatment regime. In step
           18/18 (100%) patients.                             3, methadone or strong opioids can be administered
                                                              orally or by means of a transdermal patch.
                                                              Unfortunately,  conservative  therapy  does  not
           Cancer pain has direct implications for patients’ quality   adequately reduce pain in the vast majority of oncologic
           of  life.  Cancer  pain  can  be  classified  as  nociceptive   patients  (56%  to  82.3%). [2,3]  On the other hand,
           (described  as  somatic  or  visceral  and  caused  by   numerous  studies  in  the  literature  report  significant
                                                              pain reduction post chemical or thermal neurolysis. [13-16]
                                                              Papadopoulos et al.,  who conducted treatment with
                                                              radiofrequency  ablation  of splanchnic  nerves  on  35
                                                              patients with end-stage pancreatic abdominal cancer
                                                              pain  refractory to conservative treatment, reported
                                                              significant decrease in pain scores and consumption
                                                              of opioids and significant improvement in the patient
                                                              quality of life  during a follow-up period of  6 months.

                                                              Our study included patients with a diversity of malignant
                                                              substrate, evaluating the efficacy of RF neurolysis in
                                                              celiac and splanchnic plexus (n = 9), in the thorax (n =
                                                              1), in the lumbar region (n = 2), in superior hypogastric
                                                              plexus  (n  =  5),  and  in  the  stellate  ganglion  (n = 5).
                                                              The results of our study (statistically significant mean
                                                              decrease of 6.23 NVS units on terms of pain reduction
                                                              and life quality improvement) are in agreement with the
                                                              previously mentioned success rates.

                                                              Percutaneous neurolysis has been reported as a safe
                                                              procedure  with a low  complications  rate.  The most
                                                              commonly  reported  complications  include  transient
           Figure 4: Neurolysis of lumbar sympathetic chain: three needles
           are placed over the anterolateral surface of L2, L3 and L4 vertebral   diarrhea (10-25%), orthostatic hypotension (20-42%),
           bodies                                             and local pain. Rarer  complications  include paresis,
                                                              pneumothorax,  shoulder  pain  (1%),  hemorrhagic
                                                              gastritis,  duodenitis, and death. [18-20]   In  our study we
                                                              performed continuous RF neurolysis in all our patients,
                                                              and we did not experience  any complications.  We
                                                              believe  that  continuous  RF  neurolysis  has  a  shorter
                                                              risk-benefit  ratio  than  alcohol  neurolysis,  since  it  is
                                                              a more sophisticated  and targeted interventional
                                                              technique. When compared to  medical management
                                                              by opioids, percutaneous neurolysisis superior in terms
                                                              of fewer burdensome side effects. [5,21,22]

                                                              Correct cannula positioning should always be verified
                                                              with electrical  stimulation prior to  ablation.  Two
                                                              stimulation types are performed: sensory and motor.
                                                              Successful electrical sensory stimulation triggers pain
                                                              that aligns with the patient’s usual distribution of pain.
           Figure 5: Chart illustrating mean pain scores and pain reduction   When motor stimulus is performed, there should be no
           prior to and after the neurolysis session. NVS: numeric visual scale  motor response in a threshold below 2.0 volts or below
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ March 27, 2017          63
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