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Alotaibi et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Papaya seeds effect prostate cancer

           between 65 and 80 years, and it is rare in men who are   in inhibiting prostate cancer cells proliferation and,
           under than 40 years.  The other contributing factor   therefore, may be a good nutraceutical for preventing
           is genetics. For example,  men  of African-American   and/or treating prostate cancer in men. To determine
           descent are at a significantly higher risk of developing   the effect of papaya seeds extract on prostate cancer
           prostate cancer than white men. In fact, prostate   cell proliferation, we used both white and black
           cancer is the fourth most common reason overall for   seeds extracts for their anticancer activity using PC-3
           death in African-American men. About 19% of black   prostate cancer cells.
           men, (1 in 5) will be diagnosed with prostate cancer,
           and 5% of those will die from this disease.  Also, a   METHODS
           man who has a member of his family with prostate
           cancer is more likely to get the prostate cancer   Materials
           compared to another man.  In addition, a man who   PC-3 cells (CRL-1435) and 3T3L1 cells (CL-173) were
           inherited the faulty BRCA2 gene is more likely to get   purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA 20110), F-12K
           the more severe type of prostate cancer. [5]       and DMEM media was purchased from Gibco (Grand
                                                              island,  NY14072),  Fetal  Bovine  Serum  (FBS-BBT)
           Obesity  also contributes to  prostate  cancer.   Sex   was purchased from RAMBIO (Missoula, Montana),
           hormones are also involved  in prostate cancer     antibiotics penicillin and streptomycin (BP2959)
           development. Reduced testosterone levels have been   and  Phosphate  Buffered  Saline  (PBS;  BP399-550)
           related to obesity,  metabolic syndrome (MS),  benign   was purchased from Fisher (Fair lawn, New Jersey
           prostatic hypertrophy and even prostate cancer.    07410). Green papaya was obtained from Randolph
           Diet rich in high-fat milk and red meat, saturated fats   Farm  at  Virginia  State  University,  whereas  golden
           and omega-6 fatty  acids was found to increase the   papaya was purchased by Tex State Distributing LLC
           risk of prostate cancer whereas diet rich in fruits and   (Alaneo, TX). WST-1 (MK400) was purchased from
           vegetable decreases the risk of prostate cancer. [8-10]  An   Talkara (Shiga, Japan).
           inverse association between high intake of vegetables
           and/or fruits and incidences of cancer was reported by   Preparation of papaya seeds extracts
           a number of epidemiological studies. [11-17]  Further, the   The papaya was washed with distilled water, blotted
           preventive effect  on prostate  cancer risk  was found   dry with paper towel, and was cut into half to access
           for  a diet,  which was rich in tomato products and   the seeds. The seeds were scrapped and washed 3
           lycopene.  Unfortunately, there are conflicting findings   times with distilled water. The washed seeds were
           on the lycopene-prostate cancer risk relationship and
           the preventive role of tomato products. [19,20]    spread on a plastic trays and left for drying in a
                                                              chemical hood until a constant weight was obtained.
           Papaya fruits also contained a significant amount of   The  dried  seeds  were  grounded  to  a  fine  powder
           lycopene and anticancer activities of papaya have   using a mortar and pestle with liquid nitrogen added
           been demonstrated in a number of in vitro studies.    to keep the powder frozen. The dried powder  was
           Papaya  juice  and  pure  lycopene  caused  cell  death   flashed with nitrogen and stored at -80  C until used.
           in  the  liver  cancer  cell  line,  Hep  G2.   Papaya   A known quantity (5 g) of dried papaya powder
           seed extract exhibited anticancer activity in acute   was mixed with 100 mL of distilled water, 80%
           promyelotic leukemia HL-60 cells whereas papaya    methanol, or hexane and placed on a shaker at room
           pulp extract did not have any effect. [23]         temperature overnight.
           Papaya has also been used as a traditional medicine   The next day, the mixture was centrifuged at
           in some cultures for male fertility, suggesting its direct   1,500 g for 20 min using a Thermo Scientific centrifuge
           role  in  male  reproductive  system.   Papaya  seeds   (Waltham, MA).  The  supernatant was collected and
           are  natural  contraceptive  for  both  man  and  women.   the residues washed 2 times by suspending  them
           It is traditionally used to affect the fertility in men in   again in the respective solutions, mixing, and placing
           a reversible manner. Interestingly papaya seeds have   on shaker overnight.  The collected supernatant  was
           not known for side effects, as these are common with   pooled together and the residues were discarded. The
           pharmaceutical  contraceptive. [24,25]   It  appears  that   hexane and methanol extracts were dried in a nitrogen
           Papaya seeds have activity for male reproductive   evaporator (Organomation  Associates, Inc,  Berlin,
           system; it is, therefore, possible that papaya seeds   MA) to dryness and then subjected  to freeze drying
           may have anticancer effect against cancer of prostate   over night to ensure removal of traces of solvents. The
           gland, a vital organ of male reproductive system. We   water extract was freeze dried. The dried extract was
           hypothesized  that  papaya  seeds  can  be  effective   stored in a -20  C freezer.
            162                                                                  Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ August 28, 2017
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