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Alotaibi et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2017;3:161-8                              Journal of
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2017.33
                                                             Cancer Metastasis and Treatment

            Original Article                                                                    Open Access

           Papaya black seeds have beneficial anticancer

           effects on PC-3 prostate cancer cells

           Khalid S. Alotaibi , Haiwen Li , Reza Rafi , Rafat A. Siddiqui 2
           1 Department of Biology, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806, USA.
           2 Nutrition Science and Food Chemistry Laboratory, Agriculture Research Station, College of Agriculture, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806, USA.
           3 Agriculture Research Station-Cooperate Extension, College of Agriculture, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806, USA.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Rafat A. Siddiqui, Nutrition Science and Food Chemistry Laboratory, Agriculture Research Station, College of
           Agriculture, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806, USA. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Alotaibi KS, Li H, Rafi R, Siddiqui RA. Papaya black seeds have beneficial anticancer effects on PC-3 prostate cancer cells.
           J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2017;3:161-8.
            Article history:              Aim: The study investigated the effect of papaya seeds on prostate cancer (PC) using
            Received: 20-05-2017          PC-3 cell line because papaya seeds have effects on the male reproductive system notably
            Accepted: 11-08-2017          decreasing  sperm  concentration,  motility,  and  viability,  leading  to  azoospermia  after
            Published: 28-08-2017         short-to-long-term treatment. Methods: The black seeds from yellow (ripe) papaya and
                                          white seeds from green (unripe) papaya were harvested and then extracted in water, 80%
            Key words:                    methanol, and hexane. The cytotoxic effects of seeds extracts were determined using a
            Papaya,                       WST-1 proliferation assay. The amount of total polyphenols was determined using Folin
            seeds,                        Ciocalteu reagent.  Results: The methanol extracts from black seeds significantly (P <
            prostate cancer,              0.05) decreased cell proliferation of PC-3 cells whereas hexane- and water-extracts have
                                          no effect. However, the water-extract from white seeds stimulated PC cell proliferation.
                                          The black seeds contained significantly more polyphenols than that of white seeds. The
                                          data suggest that black seeds from papaya have anticancer effects on PCs whereas white
                                          seeds stimulated prostate cancer proliferation. The anticancer effect of black seeds may
                                          be because of their high concentration of polyphenols. Conclusion: The black seeds from
                                          papaya may have a potential to reduce growth of prostate cells; however, consumption of
                                          white seeds should be avoided as they may stimulate pre-existing prostate cancer.

           INTRODUCTION                                       reported worldwide and nearly half-8.2 million people
                                                              (about 13% of the total worldwide deaths) died from
           The  prostate cancer is  the  malignant tumor  of  the   cancer.  The cases of cancer is expected to increase
           prostate gland of male reproductive organ, which may   to  24 million  by  2035, therefore, the death toll from
           be life threatening, when spread to other body parts,   cancer is expected to increase in the future.
           predominantly  towards  lymph nodes,  and  bones. [1]
           According  to a report (2014) published  by  Cancer   The major factor contributing in prostate cancer is the
           Research, UK, an estimated 14 million cases of cancer   age, because men who have the prostate cancer are

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