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Alotaibi et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Papaya seeds effect prostate cancer

           Cell culture                                       slightly  by  20%  (non-significant)  at  25  g/mL.  The
           The PC-3 prostate cancer cells were cultured in F-12K   cells viability did not change further on increasing the
           media whereas  3T3L1 cells were cultured in DMBM   papaya  seeds extract  [Figure 1A]. When cells were
           media. Both media were supplemented with 10% FBS   treated with methanol extract of papaya black seeds,
           and 1%  penicillin and Streptomycin.  The cells were   the  cells  viability  initially  decreased  significantly  to
           incubated in a humidified incubator at 37  C with 5%   60% (P < 0.05) in a concentration depends manner
           CO . Media was changed every 3 days and cells were   up to 25  µg/mL; however, the cells viability was not
           subcultured when they became confluent.
           Cell proliferation assay
           Effect of papaya seeds extract on cell proliferation
           was determined using a WST-1 assay as per
           manufacturer instructions. The assay is based on the
           reduction of WST-1 dye (brown color) by mitochondrial
           dehydrogenases in viable cells.  The reduced dye
           changes to an orange color and the intensity of color
           is proportional to number of living cells, which can be
           estimated by reading at 420 nm in a spectrophotometer.
           Cells (10,000/well) were initially incubated for 24 h in
           a 96 well plate as described above. For treatment with
           extracts, media was replaced by serum-free media
           containing varying amounts of papaya seeds extract.
           The dried water extract was dissolved in serum-free
           F-12 or DMEM media whereas dried methanol and
           hexane extracts were initially suspended in 50%
           DMSO.  The concentration of stock solution was
           250 mg/mL.  The extracts were diluted with serum-
           free F-12 or DMEM media to make 0-250  µg/mL
           concentrations  for  treatment.  The  concentration  of
           DMSO did not exceed to 0.05% and has no effect on
           cell viability.

           Determination of total polyphenols
           The extracts of papaya seed was used to determine
           the  total  polyphenols  as  described  previously. [26]
           Briefly,  the  extracts  was  incubated  with  Folin
           Ciocalteu reagent (Sigma Chem. Co., St. Louis, MO)
           and the formation of a blue chromophore from the
           reduction of phosphotungstic phosphomolybdenum
           was determined at 765 nm. The total phenolic content
           was calculated from a calibration curve using Gallic
           acid as a standard, and the result are expressed as
           mg Gallic acid equivalent per g dry weight of sample.
           Data analysis
           The data is expressed as mean ±  SD for at least 3
           replicates.  All comparisons were made by one-way
           ANOVA  with Tukey’s-HSD-post-hoc  test  using SPSS   Figure 1: The effect of black papaya seeds on PC-3 prostate
           Statistics  20  software.  All  significant  differences  are   cancer cells. Cells (10,000/well) were incubated with different
           reported at P < 0.05 and indicated by “*”.         concentration of water (A), methanol (B), and hexane (C) extracts
                                                              of papaya black seeds in a CO 2  incubator at 37  C for 24 h. After
                                                              treatment, cell viability was determined using a WST-1 assay.
           RESULTS                                            Results are expressed as mean ± SD for at least 3 replicates.
                                                              All comparisons were made by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s-
           When cells were treated with water extract of papaya   HSD-post-hoc test using SPSS Statistics 20 software. *Significant
                                                              differences between treated and untreated groups were reported as
           black seeds, the cells viability  initially  decreased   *P < 0.05
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ August 28, 2017        163
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