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Frame et al.                                                                                                                                                     Investigating models for prostate cancer research

           cause DNA damage, this was measured in two ways,   the conclusions. This is why we advocate the use of a
           comet assays [Figure 3B] and γH2AX foci [Figure 3C].   panel of cell lines, with an understanding of the origin
           Both methods of measurement showed that stem-like   of those cell lines, such that the relevance of the result
           cells sustained less DNA damage following etoposide   can be best understood. Cell lines are excellent tools to
           treatment. Finally, Ki67 staining was carried out, and   establish methods and make an initial determination of
           this indicated that  TA cells were more proliferative   mechanism of action and effectiveness of a compound.
           (50%-90% Ki67-positive cells) than stem-like cells   However, our hypothesis is that use of patient-derived
           (10%-60% Ki67-positive cells), with patient variability   primary prostate epithelial cell cultures is more clinically
           being observed [Figure 3D].
                                                              relevant and is more representative of intra-and inter-
           Use of QPI to compare growth and proliferation of cell   tumor heterogeneity [13,15,22,23] .  Cell lines are usually
           lines to primary prostate epithelial cells cultured from   characterized  by expression of certain markers, for
           patient tissue.                                    example whether they are androgen receptor positive
                                                              or negative [24,25] .  However,  an alternative strategy  to
           What these results and previous studies have shown   compare the different cell types might be to look at cell
           us is that the model that is used can strongly impact   behavior. In order to do this we used a ptychographic

           Figure 3: Prostate cancer stem-like cells (SC) sustain less DNA damage and form more colonies than progenitor cells following etoposide
           treatment, which correlates with less proliferation. Cancer SC and transit amplifying (TA) cells were selected from primary prostate epithelial
           cell cultures, treated with 30 µmol/L of etoposide and assessed for (A) colony forming ability, (B) comet assay, (C) γH2AX foci formation
           and (D) Ki67 expression. Each symbol represents a patient sample
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       307
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