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Frame et al.                                                                                                                                                     Investigating models for prostate cancer research

           marker (CD49b - anti-human CD49b:RPE, Serotec      shows a varied response and reduces colony forming
           MCA743PET). Primary cells were  plated  at 10,000   ability of primary prostate cells more effectively than
           cells per well in collagen I coated 8-well chamber slides   either treatment alone.
           or in the case of rare stem cells, all stem cells collected
           were plated on the slide. Staining of γH2AX was carried   A previous investigation had shown that prostate
           out as described previously . Fixation for CD49b and   cancer stem-like cells were more radio-resistant than
           Ki67 staining was with 4% paraformaldehyde, with no   progenitor  (TA) cells and more differentiated (CB)
           permeabilisation step when staining CD49b and with   cells from  primary  prostate epithelial  cells cultured
           permeabilisation  using 0.3%  Triton X-100 for  Ki67   from patient tissue . Pre-treatment with a low dose
           staining. Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies (goat anti-  of a histone modifier, Trichostatin A, resulted in radio
           mouse and goat anti-rabbit) with fluorescent tags were   sensitisation of the stem-like cells, which was observed
           used at a concentration of 1:1000.                 as  an increase  in DNA  damage and a  decrease in
                                                              colony forming ability. To follow on from this, a clinically
           Flow cytometry                                     approved  histone  modifier,  Vorinostat,  was  tested  in
           Flow  cytometry  was  used  to  measure  expression   combination with radiation treatment. First, a panel of
           levels of CD49b on primary cells. All cell populations   cell  lines including  normal  prostate (PNT1a), benign
           (WP, TA and CB) were harvested and resuspended     (BPH-1), localized cancer (P4E6) and metastatic
           in 300  μL MACs buffer. Control (REA control (I)-  cancer (PC3), were tested using alamar blue assays to
           APC) and target (CD49b-APC human clone REA188)     measure viability following treatment with a combination
           antibodies were used (Miltenyi Biotec).  Ten  μL of   of seven drug concentrations (0.156/0.3125/0.625
           antibody was added and incubated with rotation for   /1.25/2.5/5/10  μmol/L) and six radiation  doses (2, 5,
           10 min at 4  C. Cells were washed, resuspended in   10, 25, 50, 75 Gy) with measurements taken at 24,
           MACs buffer and analyzed by flow cytometry including   48 and 72 h. The percentage viability of each of the
           a cell only control to set gates.                  highest doses alone and in combination in the cell line
                                                              panel is shown in Figure 2A-C. There is a significant
           Image capture using ptychography and image         decrease in viability in all cell lines with the combination
           analysis using cell analysis toolbox               treatment compared to drug only, however the effect
           Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) was carried out   on PC3 cells is minimal, whilst the effect on the cell
           using  a  VL21  Live  Cell  Imaging  System  (Phase   line derived from the localized cancer, P4E6, is most
           Focus  Limited,  Sheffield,  UK),  which  utilises  a   significant.  Viability  of  primary  prostate  epithelial  cell
           method known as ptychography in image formation.   cultures (n = 6) was then measured  following  single
           The  high  contrast  images  generated  by  the  system   and  combination  treatments  [Figure  2D  and  E].
           are label-free and exempt from focal drift, allowing   There was a significant reduction in viability with the
           extended time-lapse imaging [17-19] . The high-contrast   combination  treatment in normal  and  cancer  cells,
           nature of the images facilitates automated individual   however the cancer cells showed less of a reduction in
           cell segmentation and tracking with the Cell Analysis   viability. We have previously shown that radiation can
           Toolbox  software, which outputs extensive and     cause senescence of primary prostate epithelial cells
           specific  feature  measurements  for  each  cell.  As  a   rather than cell death, and so the small reduction in
           result, data analysis can include information on cell   viability as measured by alamar blue could be because
           populations in addition to individual cell information   the cells are senescing rather than dying . Therefore,
           such as cell morphology and cell kinetics.         we tested the effect  of three drug doses with and
                                                              without 2 Gy of radiation on colony formation [Figure 2F].
           Statistical analysis                               As previously seen, 2 Gy of radiation results in a 50%
           Alamar blue assays were performed in triplicate and   surviving fraction. We used 0.625, 2.5 and 10 μmol/L
           data presented as % cell viability with percentage   of Vorinostat, with and without 2 Gy radiation.  Drug
           standard error. Significance calculations were carried   alone only reduced the surviving fraction by 10%-50%
           out using the unpaired, nonparametric Mann-Whitney   with patient variability  observed.  The combination
           U-test. The P values indicating statistical significance   treatments reduced surviving fraction by 65%-95%.
           are  displayed  (*P  <  0.05,  **P  <  0.01,  ***P  <  0.001,
           ****P < 0.001).                                    Cancer stem-like cells from  patient tumor tissue are
                                                              more resistant to etoposide than the progenitor cells
           RESULTS                                            due to a quiescent phenotype.

           A combination of Radiation and Vorinostat treatment   Previous  studies  had  identified  the  cancer  stem-
           on a panel of cell lines and on primary prostate cells   like cells of primary prostate epithelial  cell cultures
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       305
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