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Frame et al.                                                                                                                                                     Investigating models for prostate cancer research

           Selection of stem cells, transit amplifying cells   Colony forming assay
           and committed basal cells                          Selected cells (SC and TA) were plated at 100-500
           Following trypsinisation of primary cultures, cells   cells per well on a collagen I-coated 6-well plate and
           were  first  selected  using  collagen  adherence.  stem   treated with 30  μmol/L etoposide or an appropriate
           cells  (SC)  and  transit  amplifying  (TA)  cells  are   dilution of DMSO for 45 min at 37  C, washed twice
           α2β1integrin  and committed basal (CB) cells are   with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and fresh SCM
           α2β1integrin . A stringent selection of  TA cells can   was added to each well. Cells were kept at 37  C and
           be achieved with 5 min adherence to collagen I.    SCM was changed every second day. An appropriate
           Any non-adherent cells can be passed on to another   amount of irradiated feeder cells were added to keep
           plate, then any cells not adhered after 20 min are   the wells confluent. After 6-14 days SCM was removed
           the  committed  basal  cells.  A  slightly  less  stringent   and cells were washed once with PBS then stained
           selection of TA cells can be achieved with a 20 min   with crystal  violet (1% crystal  violet,  10% ethanol
           adherence  where  any  non-adherent  cells  represent   in PBS) for 20 min, and after a final PBS wash, the
           the committed basal population. This latter selection   number of colonies was determined. Colonies with
           can be used when trying to achieve maximum stem    <  32  cells  and  ≥  32  cells  (5  population  doublings)
           cell (α2β1integrin /CD133 ) yield.  To select stem   were counted. Colony forming assays were also
           cells, positive selection using a CD133 microbead kit   carried out with radiation and Vorinostat treatment.
           (Miltenyi Biotec) was used [14] .                  For combination treatments, cells were treated with
                                                              0.625, 2.5 or 10 μmol/L of Vorinostat for 30 min then
           Ethics approval and patient consent                treated with a range of radiation doses.
           Patient samples were  collected with  ethical      Treatments with radiation and drugs
           permission  from  Castle  Hill  Hospital  (Cottingham,   An RS2000 X-Ray Biological Irradiator was used,
           Hull) (ethics number: 07/H1304/121). Use of patient   which contains a Comet MXR-165 X-Ray Source
           tissue  was  approved  by  the  Local  Research  Ethics   (Rad-Source  Technologies Inc. GA, USA).  A range
           Committees. Patients gave informed consent and all   of  radiation doses were administered with a dose
           patient samples were anonymized.
                                                              rate  of  0.02 or 0.08 Gy/s.  Addition of Vorinostat
           Alamar blue assay                                  (Cambridge  Bioscience)  was  carried  out  at  three
                                                              concentrations:  low,  0.625  μmol/L;  medium,
           The  alamarBlue   reagent  (ThermoFisher  scientific)   2.5 μmol/L; high, 10 μmol/L.
           was  used  as  an  assessment  of  cell  viability.  Briefly,
           cells were plated at 5,000 cells per well in a 96-well   Comet assays
           plate and treated with drug. Radiation of cells was   The comet assay was carried  out as previously
           carried  out  prior to plating.  The  alamar blue  assay   described [15,16] .  Briefly,  drug-treated  cells  were
           was carried out 24-72 h post-treatment. Cells were in   resuspended in 25 μL of PBS and mixed with 225 μL
           200 μL and a 1:10 dilution of alamar blue reagent was   of  low melting point agarose. Following  mixing, the
           added. Fluorescence was measured on a plate reader   cells and agarose were spread onto a glass slide that
           2 h after addition of reagent.                     had been pre-coated with 1% agarose in PBS. A clean
                                                              coverslip  was placed  on top until the cell-agarose
           Table 1: Patient samples                           mixture had set. Slides were placed  in lysis buffer
                                    Patient age
            Sample       Operation               Diagnosis    overnight and then incubated in alkaline  solution for
                                      (years)                            o
            209/12 LA      RP           64        Normal      40 min at 4  C then electrophoresed at 23V/300 mA
            329/13 R       RP           53        Normal      in the alkaline solution  for 40 min on ice.  This was
            434/14 LM      RP           68        Normal      followed by two washes in neutralising buffer. SYBR
            048/11         RP           -         Gl6 (3+3)
            018/11         RP           -           Gl7       Gold was applied at a concentration of 1:10,000 in TE
            035/11         RP           -         Gl7 (3+4)   buffer to stain the DNA. Following collection of images
            054/11         RP           58        Gl7 (3+4)
            665            RP           53        Gl7 (3+4)   on  a  fluorescent  microscope  (Nikon  Eclipse TE300),
            049/11         RP           -         Gl7 (3+4)   comets  were  quantified  using  CometScore  freeware
            087/11         RP           68        Gl7 (3+4)
            031/10         RP           -         Gl7 (3+4)   (TriTek Corp, VA, USA).
            034/11         RP           -         Gl7 (3+4)
            517/15 RM      RP           65        Gl7 (3+4)
            329/13 L       RP           53        Gl7 (3+4)   Immunofluorescence
            209/12 RA      RP           64        Gl7 (4+3)   Immunocytochemistry was carried out to stain selected
            545/15 LB      RP           69        Gl7 (4+3)   populations for DNA damage [γH2AX - anti-phospho-
            307/13 LB      RP           65        Gl7 (4+3)
            545/15 RM      RP           69        Gl7 (4+3)   Histone H2A.X  (Ser139) clone JBW301, Millipore,
           RP: radical prostatectomy                          UK], proliferation (Ki67 - ab15580, abcam) and a cell
            304                                                                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017
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