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Frame et al.                                                                                                                                                     Investigating models for prostate cancer research

           observe  cell behavior  in real-time  and to detect any   DECLARATIONS
           inherently resistant cells within the heterogeneous
           primary cultures.                                  Acknowledgments
                                                              Our sincere appreciation goes to the patients from
           Going  forward,  using  primary  prostate  epithelial   Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham, for providing prostate
           cultures, as part of the lab to clinic pipeline, has   tissue, and also goes to Prof. Simon Hayward for
           many advantages including patient variation, current   BPH-1 cells.
           and  follow-up  pathology,  correlation  with  patient
           outcome, representation of modern disease, close-  Authors’ contributions
           to-patient, clinically relevant and less adapted to   Conceived the overall study and wrote the manuscript:
           tissue culture conditions than cell lines. The model is   F.M. Frame
           also flexible since the cultures with typically a basal   Designed the graphics in Figures 1 and 6 and executed
           phenotype can be pushed to differentiate and express   the work in Figure 2: F.M. Frame
           luminal markers [40,41]  and 3D spheroid culture is also   Conceived and executed the experiments in Figures 4
           possible [42] . Even in the 2D culture, microenvironment   and 5: F.M. Frame, A.R. Noble
           studies can be carried out using the STO feeder    Provided technical expertise integral to completion of
           cells as a stromal mimic.  This technique has been   the experimental works: H.F. Walker
           used to elegant effect, where STO feeder cells were   Conceived and carried out the data in Figure 3: S. Klein
           engineered to express human IL-4, and this resulted   Provided technical expertise for the Quantitative Phase
           in an increase in clonogenic potential of primary   Imaging work: R. Suman, R. Kasprowicz
           prostate epithelial cells through the STAT6 signaling   Arranged permission, collection and delivery of patient
           pathway .                                          samples: V.M. Mann
                                                              Provided patient material and be the liaison between
           Several  recent  studies  using  primary  prostate   the laboratory and the clinic: M.S. Simms
           epithelial  cultures  have  shown  the  heterogeneity  of   Oversaw all work and was awarded the funding for this
           response  to  current  and  novel  treatments  including   study: N.J. Maitland
           autophagy [20,26] ,  necrosis [27] ,  cell  differentiation [44,45] ,
           apoptosis, DNA  damage [15,27] , cell cycle arrest  and   Financial support and sponsorship
           senescence [20]  [Figure 6]. Several of these can act as   FMF, ARN,  HFW  and VMM  are funded by  a  PCUK
           a crossroads for a cell resulting in cell survival or cell   Innovation Award - RIA15-ST2-022. SK was supported
           death and if we are able to predict which response   by a White Rose Fund studentship.
           may occur then we may be able to manipulate it
           towards cell death. It is not appropriate to totally   Conflicts of interest
           rely on endpoint assays; we cannot be satisfied with   RK and RS are employees of PhaseFocus Ltd. This
           a 90% reduction in cell viability without questioning   company has provided the VL21 microscope for use
           what  is  happening  in  the  other  10%  of  cells,  and   by FMF and AN. RK and RS have provided technical
           indeed characterizing these cells relative to the   knowledge and support.
           whole population. If we can identify mechanisms of
           resistance in bulk populations as well as rare cell   Patient consent
           populations we will be more able to design biologically   Patients gave informed consent and all patient samples
           relevant  combination  treatments.  In  addition,  there   were anonymized.
           shouldn’t be too much reliance on a single model.
           All models have their advantages and limitations; the   Ethics approval
           important  thing  is  to  acknowledge  them  rather  than   Patient samples were collected with ethical permission
           to ignore them. In terms of primary prostate cultures,   from Castle Hill Hospital (Cottingham, Hull) (Ethics
           heterogeneity provides an advantage to testing     Number: 07/H1304/121). Use of  patient tissue was
           therapies rather than a confounding factor. If we are   approved by the Local Research Ethics Committees.
           able to use techniques such as QPI to measure each
           individual cell as a data point we should be able to   REFERENCES
           tease apart the variation in cell responses to different
           treatments as well as identifying and characterizing   1.   El-Amm J, Aragon-Ching JB. The changing landscape in the treatment
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