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Shephard et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Role of exosomes in prostate cancer

           extracellular  space.  Vesicle  secretion  becomes   This involves an “angiogenic” switch, regulated by both
           elevated when cells are subjected to cellular stress [1,2] ,   anti- and pro-angiogenic cytokines, examples of which
           which can also result in altered molecular cargo within   include  endothelial  growth  factor,  fibroblast  growth
           the vesicle .  This  is particularly  relevant in cancer   factor (FGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), platelet-
           where stress can come from the hypoxic environment,   derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial
           nutrient  deficiency,  altered  extracellular  matrix,  and   growth factor (VEGF) [14-16] .  These responses  may
           other environmental factors.  Such vesicles are often   initially provide  the  tumor  with more nutrients and
           regarded as one of two broad subtypes, microvesicles   oxygen,  however,  the  structural  organization  of  the
           and exosomes.  Microvesicles are large, tending    vessel network is poor, and the continuously remodeled
           to  be greater than 200 nm in diameter,  dense, and   tumor  vasculature  is  disorganized  and  leaky . This
           are formed from  outward budding of  the plasma    causes  irregular  blood  flow  and  provides  invasive
           membrane. Exosomes are much smaller, typically 30   tumors with access to the circulatory system.
           to 150 nm in diameter, float at a characteristic density
           of 1.1 to 1.2 g/mL  and originate within multivesicular   PRO-ANGIOGENIC ACTIVITY OF EXOSOME-
           endosomes .  The secretion  of small, exosome-like,   ASSOCIATED PROTEINS
           vesicles  has also been reported  from the plasma
           membrane . It remains a challenge  to accurately   Cancer cell-derived EV have been shown in several
           define  vesicle  subtypes  based  on  size  alone. To  aid   studies to promote angiogenesis. In the case of prostate
           researchers, the International Society for Extracellular   cancer it is well established that c-Src tyrosine kinase,
           Vesicles has released  a position  paper detailing  the   insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) and focal
           minimal experimental requirements for defining EV .   adhesion kinase (FAK) play important roles in tumor
           Although,  the  challenge  of  defining  EV  subtypes   growth and disease progression . Src-family kinases
           remains, and is further compounded by overlap in EV   are normally  expressed  in prostatic epithelium  and
           composition , hence the term EV is often used. The   reported to transform normal cells when constitutively
           majority of  EV  present within both cell conditioned   active and up-regulated during disease initiation and
           media or biological fluids tend to be small , suggesting   progression . Cross-talk between Src and IGF-1R has
           a predominant exosome-like population. The biological   previously  been shown  to promote angiogenesis .
           significance  of  any  one  EV  subtype  compared  to   It  has  been reported that  Src,  IGF-1R  and FAK  are
           another, however, remains unknown.                 enriched in prostate cancer  exosomes .  Src  and
                                                              c-Src  are also  present in plasma exosomes derived
           The role of EV in cancer has been the studied      from prostate tumor bearing  mice; suggesting  that
           intensively over recent years . Relatively few of these   Src-enriched exosomes can promote angiogenesis in
           studies have focused on the potential role of EV, and   vivo. Src is known to stimulate transcription of VEGF
           more specifically exosomes, in prostate cancer. In this   and modulate angiogenesis  whilst IGF-1R has been
           current article, we review past studies into the role of   demonstrated  to induce  VEGF-C expression  and
           exosomes, in diverse malignancies, to identify their   stimulate angiogenesis . These observations suggest
           potential functions in disease processes of relevance   that prostate cancer exosomes  enriched  with c-Src,
           to prostate cancer.                                IGF-1R and FAK may be able to stimulate angiogenic
                                                              activity within the tumor microenvironment.
                                                              Prostate  cancer  EV  are also  likely to  be capable of
           Angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels   delivering  growth factors  with known pro-angiogenic
           from pre-existing vasculature, is a vital component in   function. For instance, EV from aggressive  prostate
           numerous  physiological  and  pathological  responses.   cancer cells have been shown to contain urokinase-
           A variety of angiogenic  signals are required  to drive   type plasminogen activator (uPA) , known to be
           endothelial maturation and subsequent re-organisation   involved in activation of  the  protease plasminogen
           with  vascular  smooth  muscle cells  and  pericytes  to   which is responsible  for vascular remodeling .
           form a functional vessel network , thereby allowing   Addition of uPA positive vesicles to less aggressive
           nutrient  and waste  product exchange [11,12] .  In  cancer,   prostate cancer cells stimulated  cell migration  and
           multiple modulators of vascular remodelling contribute   invasiveness . Although this study did not investigate
           to tumor growth and progression .  Once a tumor    the impact of uPA positive vesicles on the ability of
           lesion forms  it  will become hypoxic and nutrient   treated cells  to drive  angiogenesis,  it is conceivable
           deprived.  The secretion of growth factors activates   that prostate cancer derived EV can support endothelial
           normal surrounding  quiescent cells, to initiate a   tubule formation via delivery of pro-angiogenic growth
           cascade of events that become quickly dysregulated.   factors. Additional  pro-angiogenic  factors have been
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       289
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