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Shephard et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Role of exosomes in prostate cancer

           capable of activating primary rat prostate fibroblasts,   in stromal  cells. EV transfer of mRNA, miRNA and
           leading to upregulation of αSMA, HGF and VEGFA .   membrane  proteins have all been  implicated.  For
           Exosomes therefore appear  to play a crucial  role in   instance, acute myeloid leukemia cell exosomes
           communication between prostate cancer cells and the   promote proliferation and migration  of bone  marrow
           surrounding stroma, with exosome-associated TGFβ1   stromal cells via transfer of IGF-IR mRNA . Similar
           essential for inducing fibroblast differentiation towards   results have been shown in  solid cancers whereby
           a disease supporting phenotype.                    exosomal  miRNAs regulate stromal cell  behavior.
                                                              Metastatic  breast cancer cells, for  example, were
           The exact origin of disease-associated myofibroblasts   shown to enhance vascular permeability, and promote
           remains unclear,  and it  has been shown that  other   tumor metastasis, via the suppression  of the tight
           cells  are  capable  of  myofibroblastic  differentiation.   junction  protein ZO-1 by exosome delivered  miR-
           MSCs, a multipotent cell type capable  of generating   105 . Gastric cancer exosomes stimulate primary
           many different types of connective  tissue, can also   mouse  liver  myofibroblasts  and  hepatic  pericytes  by
           differentiate  into  myofibroblasts  in  response  to   exosome mediated delivery of the membrane protein
           secreted factors from tumors . MSCs make up 1.1%   epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) . After
           of cells within the prostate cancer stroma  and exhibit   insertion  into the stromal  cell  membrane,  where  it
           similar tumor promoting effects to cancer associated   co-localizes  with  E-cadherin,  EGFR  activates  HGF
           stroma [40,60,61] .                                secretion by potentially suppressing upstream miRNAs
                                                              such as miR-26a/b. The subsequent increase in HGF
           Exosomes secreted by breast ,  ovarian   and       secretion promotes  gastric cancer cell proliferation,
           gastric  cancer cells  induce TGFβ1-dependent      migration and invasion.
           differentiation of adipose or cord blood derived MSCs
           to  myofibroblasts.  In  addition,  chronic lymphocytic   Exosomes are not the only EV subgroup shown to
           leukemia  exosomes have been  shown  to enhance    alter the prostate stroma phenotype. Prostate cancer
           tumor  growth  in vivo  by  inducing differentiation of   cells also secrete large oncosomes, EV between
           BM-MSCs .  Adipose derived MSCs,  meanwhile,       100-400 nm in diameter [72] , which have sustained
           differentiate in response to EV from metastatic breast   AKT1 activity [73,74] . A recent study by Minciacchi et al.
           cancer in 2D and 3D culture. This process was shown   reported  that  internalization  of  large  oncosomes  by
           to require TGFβ dependent MAPK signaling involving   prostate  fibroblasts  resulted  in  the  induction  of  a
           phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and JNK1/2 .             αSMA-positive myofibroblast phenotype. Interestingly,
                                                              induction  of  other  myofibroblast  markers,  such  as
           Chowdhury et al.  demonstrated that prostate cancer   MMP1, thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) and TGFβ1 did not
           exosomes can  also drive BM-MSC differentiation,   occur, potentially suggesting that oncosomes induce
           resulting  in  myofibroblasts  with  increased  VEGFA,   a  distinct  myofibroblast-like  phenotype.  Analysis  of
           HGF and MMP secretion, capable of enhancing cancer   transcription  factor  DNA  binding  in  treated  prostate
           cell growth. Exosome differentiated BM-MSCs drove   fibroblasts highlighted that MYC binding was essential
           prostate cancer cell invasion in a 3D spheroid model   for  this  induction  of  a  myofibroblast-like  phenotype.
           and stimulated endothelial cell migration, proliferation   The mechanism by which large oncosomes stimulate
           and angiogenic potential.  As previously  observed,   MYC-DNA  binding  has  not  yet  been  elucidated,
           exosomal TGFβ1 treatment resulted in myofibroblasts   however, as MYC has not been found to be present
           with an enhanced pro-tumorigenic phenotype compared
           to  soluble TGFβ1. Interestingly,  exosomes also   inside the EV it appears MYC is activated rather than
           modulated BM-MSC derived myofibroblast expression   delivered. This study also explored the impact of large
           of  ITGB6  and ITGB8,  encoding  for  components   oncosomes in vivo and found that prostate fibroblasts
           of integrins  αvβ6 and  αvβ8, which  are involved  in   pre-treated with oncosomes facilitated enhanced
           converting  latent TGFβ1 to the active form [67,68] . This   tumor growth. These findings are similar to the earlier
           may therefore explain  how latent  TGFβ1 delivered   results obtained with exosomes and lend support to
           by exosomes becomes functionally  active.  The     the critical role of diverse vesicle subtypes in tumor-
           predominant  population  of  myofibroblast  precursors   stroma communication in prostate cancer.
           remains  unclear. Regardless of the precursor  cell,  it
           is evident that prostate cancer exosomes can trigger   SECRETION OF STROMA-DERIVED
           differentiation  to a stromal phenotype  with disease   EXOSOMES
           promoting properties.
                                                              Stromal cells activated by cancer cell secreted
           Delivery of TGFβ1 is not the only mechanism by which   EV can initiate a positive feedback mechanism
           exosomes can stimulate pro-tumorigenic phenotypes   via release of stromal cell EV which promote
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