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Shephard et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Role of exosomes in prostate cancer

           It has long been recognized that platelets can play a   ATP-binding cassette transporter that is involved in
           role in tumor progression by promoting angiogenesis,   the transportation of various substances across the
           resulting in leaky capillaries, and therefore facilitating   plasma membrane.
           tumor metastasis. The mechanism of their action has
           however remained unclear until relatively recently. In a   Drug-resistant prostate cancer cell lines can transfer
           study by Janowska-Wieczorek et al. [110] , it was shown   drug  resistance  to  non-resistant  cells via  uptake  of
           that platelet-derived EV, and exosomes released from   exosomes [121] , and other  EV [122] , shed  from  drug-
           α-granules,  can  contribute  to  metastatic  spread  via   resistant cells.  The initiation of drug-resistance is
           phosphorylation  of mitogen  activated protein  kinase   triggered by vesicular-mediated metabolic alteration
           p42/44 and serine/threonine kinase as well as the   of  drug-sensitive  cells  towards  a  drug-resistant
           expression  of membrane  type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP).     phenotype,  with  an  increase  in  glycolysis  and
           The authors also showed  that platelet-derived  EV   glycolytic capacity [123] . Such changes in metabolic
           are capable  of inducing  MMP-9 mRNA expression.   profile may also be reflected in cargo of EV secreted
           This study demonstrates that platelet-derived EV can   from  the  cancer,  and  may  represent  a  source  of
           simultaneously  activate MT1-MMPs and induce de    biomarkers useful for both diagnosis and monitoring
           novo expression of MMPs within cancer cells.       prognosis of disease [124] .
           Collectively, these studies suggests that exosomes   In  addition,  cancer-associated  fibroblasts  can  also
           may  be  capable  of  direct  contribution  to  matrix   regulate metabolic processes within neighboring
           remodeling both within the tumor microenvironment   cancer cells [125] . It was recently shown  that cancer-
           and potentially at distant sites away from the     associated fibroblast-derived exosomes can reprogram
           primary tumor.                                     prostate cancer cell  metabolism by downregulating
                                                              mitochondrial  function [126] .  Specifically,  fibroblast-
           EXOSOME-REGULATED METABOLISM AND                   derived exosomes were shown to inhibit mitochondrial
           DRUG RESISTANCE                                    oxidative phosphorylation, resulting in an increase
                                                              in glycolysis.  This may be in part due  to delivery  of
           Altered cell metabolism is a hallmark of cancer, with   metabolite cargo consisting of lactate, acetate, amino
           many cancer cells demonstrating an increase of aerobic   acids, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and lipids
           glycolysis. This results in subsequent lowering of pH,   from  fibroblast-exosomes [126] .  Activated stromal cells
           leading  to  increased  tumor  invasion,  proliferation,   therefore appear  capable  of inducing  the Warburg
           migration and drug resistance [111,112] . There is growing   effect [127,128] , an increased  rate of glycolysis followed
           interest in the role of exosomes, and other EV, as   by lactic acid fermentation, in surrounding  cancer
           modulators of cancer cell metabolism. It has been   cells through EV mediated processes. Despite further
           reported that pH of the tumor microenvironment is a   studies being required to clarify the effects of metabolic
           key factor in regulating both the release and uptake of   change on cancer progression, stromal cell EV appear
           exosomes by cancer cells [113] , suggesting a positive-  to contribute  to cancer  proliferation  and  survival  in
           feedback mechanism resulting in elevated secretion   environments low in oxygen and nutrients.
           of EV from the tumor microenvironment.
           Several  studies  have  demonstrated  a  link  between
           altered cell metabolism and the development of     As studies into the role of exosomes in prostate
           multidrug resistance in multiple cancer types [114-116] ,   cancer continue, we are likely to learn of further ways
           including prostate [117] . Prostate cancer progression is   in  which  exosomes  regulate  disease  progression.
           a complex process. In early stage disease the cancer   Whilst studies specifically on prostate cancer/stroma-
           remains androgen sensitive and can be treated with   derived exosomes may appear limited in number
           androgen-deprivation  therapy.  Over  time,  however,   there is a great wealth of knowledge on the role of
           the cancer cells become androgen insensitive.      exosomes  within  other  solid  cancers  that  remain
           Chemotherapeutic  agents,  such  as  docetaxel,  can   useful in informing us of the potential role of exosomes
           be used to treat androgen-independent disease [118] .   in prostate cancer [Figure 1].
           By this stage, however, disease relapse is extremely
           likely and the development of multidrug resistant   Prostate cancer exosomes have been shown to
           cancers results in impaired treatment. Several     regulate  angiogenesis,  which  may occur through
           factors  have  been  linked  to  multidrug  resistance [119]    exosome-mediated delivery of growth factors or RNAs.
           including  the  overexpression  of  transporter  proteins   Prostate cancer exosomes have also been shown to
           such  as  P-glycoprotein [120] ,  a  well  characterized   further regulate the tumor microenvironment  through
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       295
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