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Frame et al.                                                                                                                                                     Investigating models for prostate cancer research

           would  benefit  from  a  new  combination  treatment .   act as cell  cycle inhibitors  since it appears  that the
           We carried out a preliminary analysis to measure gene   reduced  proliferation  rate of the stem cells is acting
           expression, using “DNA damage signaling pathway”   as a resistance mechanism. This result also highlights
           polymerase chain reaction arrays, in primary cultures.   the need to enrich and/or sort for subpopulations  of
           Cell subpopulations (SC/TA/CB) selected and        cells within the patient cell cultures  to observe the
           enriched from primary cultures derived from different   response of rare populations of cells, since they can be
           disease states (benign prostatic hyperplasia, Gleason   masked when looking at the whole population.
           7 prostate cancers and high Gleason prostate cancers)
           were used, both untreated and treated with radiation   The use of QPI illustrates behavioral  differences
           (2  Gy).  The results illustrated variation between   between  cell  lines  and  primary cells.  By making
           patients, between disease state, and between each   measurements encompassing morphological,  kinetic
           cell type (SC, TA, CB). Exploring the heterogeneity of   and population data a cell signature for each cell type
           gene expression between disease states and between   can be established. One significant observation is the
           cell types with and without treatment may ultimately   larger size of primary cells. Also, the different growth
           lead to novel drug targets being exploited [38,39] .  and proliferation rates of the cell lines and primary
                                                              cells will impact the length of time for drugs to take
           This is the first report of chemotherapy resistance of   effect. In addition, it will be of interest to explore the
           cancer stem-like cells from primary prostate epithelial   meaning  behind the increased cell  motility  of the
           cultures.  This  study  only shows the  resistance to   primary cultures. Since, ptychography is able to identify
           etoposide, however we anticipate that this would   heterogeneous populations within a culture, the hope
           also  be true for other chemotherapeutic  drugs  that   for this technique is to use analysis post-treatment to

           Figure 6: Consequences of treatment; paths to resistance or death. Inducing cell death in cancer cells is not a single pathway and initial
           treatments may push cells to many different outcomes. To overcome cell thresholds and safeguards and push cells towards cell death,
           other stimuli may be required. This could involve sensitisers to make the initial treatment more effective or it could include inhibitors to
           prevent activation of cell survival mechanisms. Heterogeneity of response dictates that combination treatments are likely to be more
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       311
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