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Williams                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LT in ACLF

              1.0                                                          Early transplanted d3-7 ACLF-2 or 3 patients (n = 21)
                                                               1.0     95.2% (95%CI: 86.1-100)
                                                                                    90.5% (95%CI: 77.9-100)  (95%CI: 64.2-97.7)
             Probability of transplant-free survival  0.6  42.9%  58.4% d3-7 ACLF (n = 61)  62%       Probability of survival  0.6  Non-transplanted d3-7 ACLF-2 or 3 patients (n = 120)
                                         No d3-7 ACLF (n = 135)
                                                                                                P < 0.0001
                                     26.2% d3-7 ACLF-2 (n = 42)
                                                                       23.3% (95%CI: 15.8-30.8)
                                                                                     12.5% (95%CI: 6.3-18.7)
                                     5.1%  d3-7 ACLF-3 (n = 78)  3.8%                               (95%CI: 4.6-15.4)
              0.0                                              0.0
                0                28                   60                90                120              150              180  0              28                  60               90              120             150             180
                                                                   Time (days)                                                   Time (days)
           Figure 1: (A) Kaplan-Meier’s 180-day transplant-free survival curves of patients based on their acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) Grade
           at days 3-7 (d3-7 ACLF); (B) probability (180-day) of survival in patients with d3-7 ACLF-2 or -3 not transplanted and in patients undergoing
           early (28-day) liver transplantation. Kaplan-Meier’s curves were compared using log-rank test. (Copyright Permission: Copyright © 2015
           by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Gustot et al. Clinical Course of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Syndrome and
           Effects on Prognosis. Hepatology. Publisher: Wiley)
           on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis (CANONIC)    is the observation that the final clinical grade is usually
           multicentre study of more than 1,300 patients with   reached by day 7 and at that time the prognosis in the
           liver failure from cirrhosis admitted to 29 European   individual case can be reliably predicted.
           hospitals. The subject of an excellent symposium
           published in the May 2016 issue of Seminars in Liver   The  development  of  scoring  systems  for  the
           Disease with Rajiv Jalan as Guest Editor.  ACLF    quantitation of prognosis in ACLF and for acute
           is marked by rapid deterioration in liver function   decompensation without MOF represent a major step
           in a previously compensated or decompensated       forward. The CLIF-ACLF prognostic score is based
           cirrhotic patient is accompanied by 1 or more other   on the CLIF organ failure score for 3 categories of
           organ failures - kidney, brain, circulation, lungs and   severity for the 6 potential organ failures, namely, liver,
           coagulation. Short-term mortality is high, more than   kidney, brain, coagulation, circulation and respiration
           15% at 28 days. There is often a precipitating factor   is combined with age and the white cell count as
           most frequently an exacerbation of liver damage from   independent predictors of outcome.  The scoring
           alcohol excess or HBV reactivation or the effects   ranges from 0 to 100 points. ACLF scores have
           indirectly on the liver of a variceal bleed or infection.   been shown to have superior prognostic accuracy
           Interestingly, in 40% of cases no clear precipitating   compared to MELD and other commonly used scores
           factor  is  identified. ACLF  is  to  be  distinguished   as a result of capturing the markers of inflammation
           clinically from acute decompensation in cirrhosis,   so important in the pathophysiology of the syndrome
           with similar precipitating factors but which does not   in addition to the quantitative assessment of organ
           lead to failure of other organs apart from that of the   failure  severity. The  probability  of  death  for  an
           liver and some form of non-kidney organ failure, and   individual patient at any one time can be determined
           which has very much better overall prognosis with a   by calculation of the equation, using an app or through
           < 5% mortality figure. Inflammation and the systemic   the CLIF Consortium website.
           inflammatory reaction is the driving force in the
           underlying pathophysiology as further indicated by   The major influence of the ACLF grade at days
           high white cell and C-reactive protein levels.     3-7  in  determining  prognosis  by  the  transplant
                                                              free survival curve [Figure 1]. The top 2 curves
           It is important to take note of the dynamic nature of   comprising patients with single organ failures and
           ACLF as evidenced by the findings of the CANONIC   normal or raised serum creatinine values; 62% and
           Study. With ACLF Grade 1 defined by 1 organ failure   53% are alive at 180 days. Whereas for grade 2 and
           and mild renal impairment, over 50% of the cases   3 ACLF survival figures at 180 days are considerably
           resolve or improve. But with higher grades particularly   reduced at 21.4% and 3.8% respectively. The other
           Grade 3 when there are 3 or more organ failures,   half of the figure shows how well patients with grade
           the percentage showing improvement is much lower   2 or 3 ACLF can do when transplanted; 80.9% of the
           (16%).  These figures give some indication of the   cohort of 35 patients transplanted within 28 days of
           scope for LT in ACLF. Changes in clinical status occur   diagnosis alive at 180 days and with little fall off in
           rapidly in ACLF and relevant to the consideration of LT   survival at 1 year (77%). [4]
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