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Williams                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LT in ACLF

           Excellent survival results in those receiving a liver   the three studies summarised [Table 1], [8-10]  there
           graft were also shown in the series reported by    was a statistically significant improvement either in
           Finkenstedt et al.  from centres in Austria of 144   survival or in the obtaining of a reduced MELD score
           patients fulfilling ACLF criteria of which 94 (65%)   prior to LT. I would ask you also to take note of the
           were evaluated and 71 (49%) listed for a transplant.   very recently published study of high volume plasma
           One- and five-year survival figures for the 32 (23%)   exchange in acute liver failure (ALF) showing in those
           patients transplanted were 87% and 82% respectively.   not transplanted, significant survival improvement. [11]
           Less than half of those who had got to the stage of   In ALF,  the  underling  dysfunctional  immune
           being listed underwent transplantation and deaths   reaction responsible for the multi-organ failure and
           on the waiting list were unacceptably high at 50% -   susceptibility to sepsis is very similar to that which has
           a measure of the very short period of time available   been demonstrated in ACLF.
           for these sick patients to obtain a donor organ. Only
           10 (7%) of 144 patients in this series survived without   It is relevant also in the context of LT for ACLF to
           a transplant - a similar figure to that for the French   mention a number of therapeutic measures which
           series of patients requiring mechanical ventilation   may enhance resolution and improve the survival of
           shown earlier. At present ACLF is not considered an   patients with hepatic decompensation. These include
           indication for priority or high urgency organ allocation   reduction in bacterial translocation with rifaximin or
           despite the good outcomes that can be obtained.      probiotics and oral carbon for absorption of toxic
                                                              bacterial products. Currently under clinical trial also is
           An important question to ask is whether some of    IV human serum albumin with its wide range of anti-
           the  deaths  on  the  waiting  list  could  have  been   oxidant and immunomodulatory effects. Enhancing
           prevented by the use of extra corporeal liver support   liver hepatic regeneration through administration
           devices, thereby giving more time for an organ to   of G-CsF is another approach and there is some
           be obtained and allowing more patients in the grade   experience of this use in ACLF. The mechanism is
           2 to 3 categories to be considered for LT. Currently   thought to be mobilisation of hematopoietic stem
           the answer has to be “no”. With the extracorporeal   cells to the liver leading to an increased number
           liver assist device containing a module of cultured   of CD34 positive progenitor cells stimulating the
           hepatocytes (hepatoblastoma cell clone) providing   regeneration process. This was demonstrated in the
           synthetic and detoxifying functions in addition to toxin   study of Garg et al. [12]  leading to a significant survival
           removal, survival as compared to the control group   benefit.  Duan  et al. [13]   also  reported  improved
           was improved only in those with a MELD score less   survival at 90 days, in ACLF from HBV reactivation
           than 28 and an age of less than 40 years, indicative   in association with a rise in peripheral neutrophil and
           perhaps of the potential for regeneration in this group   CD34 positive cell counts. Sarin and Choudhury
           68.6 vs. 53.6 in controls (P = 0.077). In the major   from New Delhi have pioneered this exciting new
           molecular adsorbents recirculating system trial of   therapeutic  approach  and  more  details  of  later
           albumin dialysis, there was also no significant benefit   studies are in the reference I gave at the beginning
           overall with figures of 60.7% and 58.9% at 28 days for   of this presentation.
           the treated and control groups despite improvement
           in  some  of  the  organ  failures,  namely,  hepatic   In  addition  to  the  CLIF  scoring,  a  number  of
           encephalopathy  and  circulatory  disturbances.    biomarkers reflecting the severity of liver injury and
           Possible reasons for this include the failure to correct   of multi-organ failure have been identified which may
           the systemic reaction which is such an important   add to prognostic information of the ACLF score and
           part of the underlying pathophysiology of ACLF.    may be of particular value in early diagnosis and
           Furthermore, in neither of the trials were the inclusion   in assessing progression. Hyponatremia has been
           criteria based on CLIF diagnostic criteria and scoring.   shown to have an independent predictive effect on 90
           Of the new devices currently under clinical trial, one is   days survival and plasma copeptin reflecting changes
           based on membrane absorption of endotoxin from the   in vasopressin level have been shown to improve
           circulation, the other has a more powerful microporous
           charcoal as the absorbent.
                                                              Table 1: Value of plasma exchange widely used in Far
                                                              East for ACLF from HBV reactivation
           Turning to plasma exchange which is widely used     Studies                     Changes
           in the Far East for the commonest form of ACLF,            [8]
           namely, hepatitis B reactivation. Replacement of    Mao et al.  (2010)        30 days survival 50% vs. 31.7%
                                                               Ling et al.  (2012)
                                                                                     Reduced MELD prior to LT
           the patients’ plasma with its wide range of toxins   Wan et al. [10]  (2015)  12 weeks survival 29% vs. 14%
           and mediators by fresh frozen plasma is thought to   ACLF: acute-on-chronic liver failure; HBV: hepatitis B virus; MELD:
           facilitate liver regeneration and recovery. In each of   Model for End-stage Liver Disease; LT: liver transplantation
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