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Link et al.                                                                                                                                        Roles of p53 in extrinsic factor-induced liver carcinogenesis

           INTRODUCTION                                       probability of being diagnosed at advanced stages, as
                                                              well as poor responses to systematic chemotherapy
           Liver cancer is the 6th most common cancer in      and radiation therapy, prognosis of HCC is particularly
           men and the 9th most common cancer in women        bleak with an incidence to mortality ratio of 0.95 and a
           with the 3rd highest mortality rate of all cancers   5-year survival rate around 17.5%. [2,13]
           globally. [1,2]  The majority of these cases (about 80%)
           occur in Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, Mid-    Molecular mechanisms involved in liver carcinogenesis
           Africa, and West Africa, within the context of viral   remain unclear. The tumor suppressor p53, a
           hepatitis. [2-4]  Although there are genetic etiologies for   transcription factor that regulates many downstream
           hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) including hereditary   target  genes  regulating  cell  cycle  progression,
           hemochromatosis and α1-antitrypsin deficiency, [5-7]    a p o pto s is ,   D N A   r ep a i r,   sen e s c en c e,   a nd
           viral hepatitis, as well as exposure to other extrinsic   metabolism, [14,15]  is one of the most commonly mutated
           factors, such as aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), polyvinyl chloride   genes in HCC. [16,17]  Indeed, p53 is the most commonly
           (PVC), a poor diet inducing non-alcoholic fatty liver   mutated human gene, occurring in > 50% of all human
           disease (NAFLD), and excess iron exposure, remain   cancers. [18]  Additionally, in some HCC cases, proteins
           among the most common causes of liver cancer. [8,9]    such as a 26S proteasome regulatory protein, gankyrin,
           Despite vaccinations for hepatitis B virus (HBV), new   and a p53-specific ubiquitin ligase, murine double
           treatments for hepatitis C virus (HCV), regulations   minute 2 (MDM2), are elevated, hence decreasing
           governing PVC production, and restrictions preventing   p53 protein levels. [19,20]  MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can
           AFB1 contamination of food products, countries still   also inhibit p53 activity; specifically, miRNA-24, when
           struggle to prevent liver cancer. [9,10]           dysregulated in HCC, is shown to promote invasion
                                                              and metastasis by decreasing p53 levels. [21]  Thus, p53
           Surgical resection is currently the preferred treatment,   activity is impaired by multiple mechanisms in HCC,
           and liver transplantation is ultimately the most effective   hence contributing to HCC genesis. In this review
           therapeutic modality of HCC; however, it is limited by   article, we focus on HCC-inducing extrinsic factors that
           the availability of suitable organs. [11,12]  Due to a high   are etiologically associated with p53 [Table 1].

           Table 1: Extrinsic factors causing liver cancer and their association with p53
           Extrinsic factors Mechanisms of action             Roles of p53                       References
           AFB1           AFB1 is metabolized to AFB1-8,9-epoxide to   AFB1 frequently causes p53 R249S  mutation   [25,29,34]
                          form AFB1-N -guanine adducts, leading to   which enhances IGF-2 expression
                          specific mutation at p53 codon 249 (p53 R249S )
           VC             VC activated by CYP2E1 is converted into   It is unclear whether p53 plays protective   [41,43,44]
                          chloroethylene oxide, which forms bulky DNA   roles in VC-induced liver cancer
                          adducts, leading to A>T transversions in the
           NAFLD          NAFLD-induced hepatitis leads to cirrhosis and   The miR-34-SIRT1-p53 pathway plays a role   [49,51-57]
                          HCC, and dysregulation of NF-kB signaling, the   in the progression of NAFLD. However, the
                          Pl3K-ATK-PTEN pathway, insulin resistance, and  direct role of p53 in the NAFLD-mediated
                          expression of certain miRNAs (e.g. miR-34) is   HCC is unknown
                          suggested; however, the molecular mechanisms
                          behind NAFLD-mediated HCC remain unclear
           Iron           Excess iron generates ROS and decreases p53   Chronic iron overload reduces p53 protein   [64,68-70]
                          activity, leading to HCC genesis    levels by heme-mediated degradation or
                                                              increased MDM2 levels, which can increase
                                                              intracellular iron levels via a decrease
                                                              in ISCUC2, thus further promoting HCC
           HBV            HBV-induced HCC occurs following repeated   Although direct involvement of p53 in   [76,81,82,85,99,100]
                          inflammation-liver regeneration-cirrhosis process,  HBV-induced HCC is unclear, functional
                          as well as through oncogenic function of HBx and  inactivation of p53 by HBx and Ct-HBx may
                          Ct-HBx in both p53-dependent and -independent  contribute to HCC progression
           HCV            The majority of HCV-mediated HCC is via   There is no direct evidence showing   [112,118,119,123-
                          cirrhosis. But HCV core protein, NS3, and NS5   dependency of HCV-induced HCC on p53.   125,131,132]
                          are implicated in HCC development in both p53-  However, HCV core protein, NS3, and NS5A
                          dependent and -independent manners  inhibit p53 activity by binding to p53, altering
                                                              subcellular localization, or modulating post-
                                                              translational modifications
           AFB1: aflatoxin B1; VC: vinyl chloride; NAFLD: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HCC:
           hepatocellular carcinoma; ROS: reactive oxygen species; MDM2: murine double minute 2; ISCUC2: iron-sulfur cluster enzyme 2; Ct-HBx:
           HBx variants with C-terminal truncations
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