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Williams. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:90-4                                   Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2017.13
            Editorial                                                                           Open Access

           Liver transplantation in acute-on-chronic

           liver failure

           Roger Williams
           1 Institute of Hepatology London, Foundation for Liver Research, London SE5 9NT, UK.
           2 Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College London, London SE5 9NT, UK.

           Correspondence to: Prof. Roger Williams, Institute of Hepatology London, Foundation for Liver Research, 111 Coldharbour Lane, London SE5 9NT,
           UK. E-mail:

           How to cite this article: Williams R. Liver transplantation in acute-on-chronic liver failure. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:90-4.
           Article history: Received: 31-03-2017      Accepted: 07-04-2017      Published: 17-05-2017

           Over the past five years, we have gained much new   or bacterial infection develops in more than 50% of
           knowledge of the cirrhotic patient with liver failure,   patients within 10 years of the diagnosis of cirrhosis.
           sick enough to require admission to hospital. In   Most importantly, there is a dramatic worsening of
           Europe, this has come from the outstanding work    prognosis when this leads to involvement of other
           of the Chronic Liver Failure (CLIF) Consortium set   organs - multi organ failure (MOF).
           up by Rajiv Jalan, Vicente Arroyo, and other leading
           hepatologists to which I will be mainly referring to.    Data  from  a  French  study  as  recently  as  2014
           Shiv Sarin and colleagues in Asia Pacific despite   illustrates  how  poor  the  outcome  has  been  and
           using somewhat different definitions have reported   remains so in many hospitals throughout the world
           similar findings and for their latest views on acute-on-  for cirrhotic patients treated in the intensive care unit
           chronic liver failure (ACLF). I would refer you to the   (ICU) and requiring ventilator support.  A third only
           excellent review of Sarin and Choudhury  in Nature   of 246 consecutive patients became well enough to
           Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, published   be discharged from the ICU and of these less than a
           in 2016. The characterisation of a syndrome of ACLF   half were alive at 1 year giving a 11% overall survival,
           with  defined  subgroups  has  led  to  an  improved   10 of the 27 survivors having had a liver transplant.
           prognostic assessment and provides a new basis for   The factors found to identify the risk of death after
           determining selection criteria for liver transplantation   discharge, are measures of severity of the liver
           (LT) and of measures to enhance recovery from ACLF.       damage illness - bilirubin level, high Model for End-
                                                              stage Liver Disease (MELD) score, on ventilator for
           Some  background  first,  on  the  massive  clinical   > 9 days. Almost all of the patients in this study as
           problem that hepatology faces from liver failure in   they had respiratory failure will have had other organ
           Europe: 170,000 European citizens, it is estimated,   involvement bringing them within the designation of
           die of cirrhosis each year - the 5th most common   ACLF.
           cause of death in individuals aged 45-65 years.
           Clinical  decompensation  heralded  by  ascites,   The characterisation of ACLF by the CLIF Consortium
           hepatic encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding   was  based  on  data  from  the  EASL-CLIF Acute-

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