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Sarkar et al.                                                                                                                                                                      Predictors of survival in HCC treatment

           therapy of the tumor recurrence, and had survival   hepatologists, oncologists and interventional
           comparable to those without recurrence. These      radiologists are closely associated, so multidisciplinary
           differences support our hypothesis that careful patient   management allowed equal access to all treatment
           selection, based on characteristics that predict a low   modalities. Finally, this study was conducted in a
           level of hepatic parenchyma fibrosis and preserved   small state with a high burden of HCC and has long
           synthetic function, can identify patients who will   term follow-up of both transplant and non-transplant
           have a good long-term outcome after non-transplant   patients.
                                                              In conclusion, this study suggests that patients
           Although APRI is not widely used in liver transplant   with  single  HCC  tumors  ≤  3  cm,  with  an APRI
           literature, we propose that this can be a helpful   ≤  0.5  and  MELD  score  <  10,  have  an  OS  after
           tool. Liver function can be inferred by prognostic   resection or ablation similar to patients undergoing
           scores such as CTP, MELD or functional tests such   transplantation. Recurrences are higher in this group
           as Indocyanine Green. Degree of fibrosis can be    than patients who underwent transplantation, however
           assessed more directly by measuring hepatic vein   recurrences tended to occur late (> 2 years). While
           pressures, liver biopsy or transient elastography.   liver transplantation remains the optimal treatment for
           These tests are often limited by operator-dependence,   HCC, perhaps this subset of patients can safely wait
           biopsy interpretation, sample error, body habitus, and   until a more urgent reason for transplant arises, in
           invasiveness. Prognostic scores have been predictive   areas where donor livers are limited. Future studies
           of short-term outcome and survival on a transplant list   validating this in a larger population could assist
           but these scores were not used specifically to assess   in directing patients with good prognosis to non-
           fibrosis, longer-term prognosis or predisposition for   transplant therapies, and allow allocation of scarce
           recurrent cancer. APRI is easy to calculate at the   donor livers to patients with a greater need.
           bedside with readily available laboratory parameters
           and does not require an expensive or invasive test.   Authors’ contributions
           We found that while an APRI ≤ 0.5 was correlated with   Concept/design, data acquisition, critical revision: L.L.
           a statistically significant OR for both 3-year and 5-year   Wong
           OS in the HR, RFA, and composite HR/RFA groups,    Manuscript preparation, data analysis: J. Sarkar
           an APRI ≤ 1.00 did not predict a survival advantage.   Data analysis: T. DeLeon
           APRI is a reasonable surrogate for fibrosis and our
           study has shown that when used with MELD < 10, this   Financial support and sponsorship
           has prognostic significance.
                                                              This paper was supported by NIH2 P30 CA071789-
           This study is limited by its retrospective nature and
           relatively small sample size. Due to the small sample   Conflicts of interest
           size, we were unable to report on the outcomes
           following other non-transplant treatments such as   There are no conflicts of interest.
           TACE and Yttrium-90. It will be necessary to validate
           these results in a larger prospective study. This   Patient consent
           analysis also reported only overall survival, as some   As this was a retrospective study, the IRB did not
           patients had recurrence of HCC that was treated    require patient consent.
           but died of liver failure or an unrelated problem. It is
           thus difficult to determine the exact effect of HCC on   Ethics approval
           survival. Because it was a retrospective study, we did   This study received IRB approval at the University of
           not account for patient comorbidities that may have   Hawaii.
           affected candidacy for transplant or overall survival.
           This is evident by the older age of the patients who   REFERENCES
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