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Sarkar et al.                                                                                                                                                                      Predictors of survival in HCC treatment

           Table 1: Characteristics of study population by group
            Characteristic                    HR (n = 16)  RFA (n = 55)  LT (n = 23)  Total (n = 94)  P value
            Age (years), mean ± SD             58.6 ± 8.3  65.4 ± 10.8   54.3 ± 6.2   62.0 ± 11.0   < 0.001 *,†
            Male, n (%)                       13 (81.3%)    37 (67.3%)   21 (91.3%)   71 (75.5%)     0.067
            Cirrhosis, n (%)                   12 (75%)     51 (91.1%)  23 (100.0%)   86 (91.5%)     0.020 ‡
            HBV, n (%)                         6 (37.5%)    15 (27.3%)   8 (34.8%)    29 (30.9%)     0.661
            HCV, n (%)                         7 (43.8%)    31 (56.4%)   14 (60.1%)   52 (55.3%)     0.555
            Diabetic, n (%)                    1 (6.3%)     16 (29.1%)   4 (17.4%)    21 (22.3%)     0.125
            BMI, mean ± SD                     22.7 ± 3.3   25.4 ± 5.5   29.4 ± 4.9   26.0 ± 6.0    < 0.001 ‡,†
            Ascites, n (%)                     0 (0.0%)     18 (32.7%)   8 (34.8%)    26 (27.7%)     0.025 *,‡
            Serum bilirubin (mg/dL), mean ± SD  1.1 ± 0.7   1.5 ± 1.0     1.8 ± 1.1    1.5 ± 1.0     0.097
            MELD score, mean ± SD               8 ± 2        11 ± 4       11 ± 4        11 ± 4       0.016 *,‡
            Platelet count (x10 /µL), mean ± SD  139 ± 46   119 ± 69      109 ± 76     121 ± 69      0.394
            Tumor size (cm), mean ± SD         2.0 ± 0.6    2.3 ± 0.5     2.3 ± 0.5    2.3 ± 0.5     0.114
           *P < 0.05, HR vs. RFA;  P < 0.05, RFA vs. LT;  P < 0.05, HR vs. LT. HR: hepatic resection; RFA: radiofrequency ablation; LT: liver
           transplantation; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; BMI: body mass index
           as an Ishak score of 3 or more), and of patients with   study are outlined in Table 1. The patients were 71
           an APRI of ≤ 1.00, 98% would not have cirrhosis    men and 23 women with a mean age of 62 ± 11 years
           (defined as an Ishak score of 5 or 6). Thus we chose   and 1 HCC tumor with a mean size of 2.3 ± 0.5 cm.
           the cutoff values of APRI ≤ 0.5 and ≤ 1.00 for our   The majority of patients (73.4%) were Asian or Pacific
           study. Outcome measures included: 3- and 5-year    Islander. The RFA group differed significantly from
           survival and recurrence categorized as early (< 2   the HR and LT groups with respect to age (mean age
           years) vs. late (≥ 2 years).                       of 65.4 vs. 58.6 and 54.3 years respectively). The
                                                              HR group differed significantly from the RFA and LT
           Statistical analysis                               groups with respect to presence of ascites and MELD
           One-way analysis of variance was used to identify   score: 0% with ascites in HR group vs. 32.7% and
           significant differences between the baseline       34.8%, respectively. The mean MELD score in the
           characteristics of the three study groups defined   HR group was 8, compared to 11 in the RFA and LT
           by continuous variables: age, BMI, serum bilirubin,   groups. Patients in the LT group had a significantly
           MELD score, platelet count, and tumor size. For    higher BMI than patients in the HR and RFA groups
           groups in which a difference was identified, the Tukey   (29.4 vs. 22.7 and 25.4, respectively). Finally, the HR
           post-hoc analysis was applied to determine which of   and LT groups differed significantly with respect to
           the three comparisons (HR vs. RFA, HR vs. LT, RFA   cirrhosis: 75% in the HR vs. 100% of LT patients.
           vs. LT) contained the difference. The chi-squared test
           was used to identify significant differences between   Of the 23 patients who underwent LT, 15 underwent
           the baseline characteristics of the 3 groups defined by   locoregional therapy before LT including 2 patients
           categorical variables: gender, presence of cirrhosis,   who underwent resection, 8 RFA and 6 transcatheter
           presence of hepatitis B or C, presence of diabetes,   arterial chemoembolization (TACE) procedures; 2
           and presence of ascites. For groups in which a     patients received both RFA and TACE while awaiting
           difference was identified, the Fisher’s exact test   transplant. Mean waiting time for LT was 355 days
           was used to determine which of the 3 comparisons   (range 120-720 days). Mean MELD score was similar
           contained the difference.
                                                              between the LT and RFA groups. Most patients who
           Odds ratios (OR) were calculated for both 3-year and   underwent LT received MELD exception points in
           5-year OS for each of the patient characteristics, in   order to qualify for transplant as only 3 patients had
           each of the groups HR, RFA, LT. The OS for HR and   MELD above 15.
           RFA groups were calculated both separately and as
           a composite (HR/RFA), and compared against OS for   Overall survival
           patients undergoing LT. Results were expressed as OR   Overall 3-year and 5-year survival in all patients
           with 95% confidence interval (CI). Only results with a P   undergoing LT was significantly higher than patients in
           value < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.  the HR, RFA, and composite HR/RFA groups [Table 2].
                                                              The 3-year survival was 82.6% in the LT group, 62.5%
           RESULTS                                            in the HR group, 34.5% in the RFA group, and 40.8%
                                                              in the composite HR/RFA group. Similarly, 5-year
           Baseline characteristics                           survival rates were 73.9%, 56.3%, 27.3%, and 33.8%
           The demographics of the patients included in this   respectively.

                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ May 09, 2017                                     81
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