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Loria et al.                                                                                                                                                              CEUS in evaluation of vascularization of HCC

           screening option.                                  disc (CD) to be evaluated again. In no case were
                                                              complications manifested.
           The development of second-generation ultrasound
           contrast media and dedicated software has          MSCT
           improved the diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound   The examinations used a CT multidetector scanner of
           in the individualization and characterization of focal   GE light-speed (16 and 64 canals). All examinations
           hepatic lesions, [6-10]  as it allows clinicians to study   were done in basal conditions and after intravenous
           intralesional vascular architecture in real time in all   injection of approximately 90-120 mL of MdC, at
           contrastographic phases. [11-15]                   a 4 mL/s speed. Smart prep was always used for
                                                              acquisition of the arterial phase.
           Each contrastographic phase has its own specificity,
           useful in diagnosis; in particular, in the arterial phase,   Analysis of the images
           it is fundamental to evaluate the pattern and the grade   The vascularization of the single lesion, using both
           of vascularization, while the portal and late phase are   CEUS and CT, was classified as hyper-, iso- and
           also useful for the correct diagnosis.
                                                              hypovascular in each one of the evaluated phases,
                                                              always in relation to the enhancement of the condition
           METHODS                                            of surrounding parenchyma.

           Between January 2009 and May 2014, 67 patients
           affected by hepatocarcinoma, who presented an      Statistical analysis
           overall of 92 nodules, were examined and enrolled in   Fisher’s test was used to compare the results of
           the study. There were 23 females and 44 males with   CEUS with MSCT. Furthermore, the results of the
           an average age of 68 years, of whom 62 presented   vascularization comparing CEUS and MSCT were
           a  chronic  liver  disease,  while  5  did  not  present   evaluated in relation to the site and the size of
           any hepatic symptoms. The diagnosis of HCC was     the lesions. A P-value of < 0.05 was considered
           established by confirming the presence of a lesion,   statistically significant.
           which assumed enhancement in the arterial phase
           with wash-out in portal and late phases. The same   RESULTS
           parameters were utilized in both contrast-enhanced   In the arterial phase [Table 1], 75 of 92 nodules were
           ultrasound (CEUS) and in multislice CT (MSCT).
                                                              hyperdense in MSCT; of these in using CEUS, 66
                                                              (88%) were hypervascular [Figure 1] and 9 (12%)
           The three vascular phases were evaluated: arterial   were isovascular [Figure 2].
           (0-35 s from the injection of the MdC), portal (35-90 s)
           and sinusoidal (from 90 s to approximately 6 min).   Eleven of 92 nodules were isodense in MSCT; of
           Increases in serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein were   these using CEUS, 3 (27%) were hypervascular
           also evaluated.                                    [Figure 3], 8 (73%) were isovascular. Six of 92

                                                              nodules were hyperdense in MSCT, using CEUS,
           CEUS                                               2 (33%) were hypervascular, 4 (67%)  isovascular.
           The examinations used GE LOGIQ 5 EXPERT            Seventy-six of 92 nodules were localized at a depth
           and ESAOTE MY LAB equipment with a specific        not greater than 9 cm from the abdominal wall, 16 of
           incorporated software designed to work at low      92 were localized at a greater depth [Table 2]. Of the
           mechanical index, with 3.5 MHz convex transducers.   64 out of 76 nodules localized at a depth not greater
           The contrast medium in all cases was the SonoVue   than 9 cm that appeared hypervascular using MSCT,
           (Bracco, Italy), consisting of micro bubbles of stabilized   61 (95%) appeared hypervascular using CEUS. Of the
           phospholipids containing sulphur hexafluoride. This
           was injected as a bolus in an antecubital vein, followed   Table 1: Comparison between arterial phase seen with
           by an injection of 10 mL of physiological solution. In   MSCT and early vascular phase seen with CEUS
           no case was a second injection of MdC given. Before                   Early vascular phase seen in CEUS
           the intravenous injection, a basal echography of the   Arterial phase in MSCT  Hyper   Iso  Total
           liver was done in order to evaluate the most suitable   Hypervascular   66 (88%)  9 (12%)    75
           ultrasound window to study the lesion. The identified   Isovascular     3 (27%)  8 (73%)     11
           lesion was studied “in real time” up to approximately   Hypovascular    2 (33%)  4 (67%)     6
           6 min from the injection and the enhancement was   Total                71 (77%)  21 (23%)   92
           always compared with the surrounding parenchyma.   MSCT: multislice computed thomography; CEUS: contrast
           All phases of the tests were registered on a compact   enhanced ultrasound
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