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Loria et al.                                                                                                                                                              CEUS in evaluation of vascularization of HCC

           within the lesion, giving further diagnostic evidence of   vascularization in relation to the legion depth was
           malignancy.                                        statistically significant. In particular, only 58% of the
                                                              lesions situated at a depth greater than 9 cm from the
           In a multicentric study (DEGUM) with 1,349 patients with   abdominal wall presented in arterial phase CEUS,
           focal hepatic lesions identified with basal ultrasound,   the same vascularization as with the corresponding
           CEUS was compared with biopsy in 75% of the cases   phase in MSCT; this contrasts with 95% of the lesions
           and in the remaining 25% with spiral CT or MR. The   situated more superficially.
           diagnostic accuracy of CEUS was 90.3%. [23,24]
                                                              In this study, the homogeneity of the enhancement
           Two other, more recent prospective studies (DEGUM)   was not evaluated because this element can be
           have evaluated the potential of CEUS  in the       extremely  variable  due  to  a  number  of  factors.
           characterization of focal hepatic lesions by comparing   Particularly in the arterial phase, inhomogeneity
           CEUS with CT and with MR; in both studies it was   of enhancement is frequently present due to the
           concluded that there are not statistically significant   presence of adipose degeneration or intratumoral
           differences. [25,26]                               necrosis. In the portal phase, a “mosaic” aspect is
                                                              often noticed, particularly in the larger lesions. [27]
           In the first study the authors concluded that CEUS
           must be used first, before using CT; they have also   The use of CEUS also allows clinicians to differentiate
           documented that CEUS utilization can considerably   HCC from other benign or malignant focal hepatic
           reduce the number of diagnostic biopsies. [25]     lesions. [28-32]
           The second study demonstrated a substantial overlap   The intrinsic limitations of CEUS vary in relation to
           between the vascularization documented using CEUS   various patient characteristics (cooperation,obesity),
           when compared with that documented using MR. [26]  various characteristics of lesions (site-dimensions-
                                                              depth), and the CEUS operator. [33]
           Gaiani et al. [16]  have found that 91% of hypervascular
           hepatocarcinoma using MSCT presented hyper-        Another  important  CEUS  limitation  is  that  the
           vascularization in arterial phase with CEUS as well,   technique focuses study on a single lesion, mainly in
           and that 75% of hypervascular hepatocarcinoma      the arterial phase, because it can often be particularly
           showed hypovascularization in portal or late phase.  challenging to evaluate the enhancement of the entire
                                                              hepatic parenchyma in a short period of time. By
           Xu  et al. [19]  reported in their series that 87% of   contrast, the panoramic views of CT and MR allow
           hepatocarcinoma, all with dimensions equal to or less   scans to evaluate the entire hepatic parenchyma.
           than 2 cm, appeared hypovascular in the portal phase,
           while 46% were isovascular in the portal phase.    In the 2010 AASLD guidelines for the management of
                                                              HCC, CEUS was removed from the protocol because
           In this study, a high comparability was demonstrated   it can give false positives in patients with intrahepatic
           between CEUS and MSCT, with 88% of nodules         cholangiocarcinoma. [34]  However, CEUS is the only
           appearing hypervascular in the arterial phase using   method that allows the study of the vascularization
           both methods, independently of lesion dimensions.   of a single lesion “in real time”. Such a possibility
                                                              provides the advantage of accurately documenting
           Two studies, however, have demonstrated that the   the neoangiogenesis typical of hepatocarcinoma,
           sensitivity of CEUS diagnosing HCC is in direct    characterized by the formation of neoartorioles at
           proportion to lesion dimensions. For the nodules with   the periphery and the inside of the lesion that can
           dimensions equal to or less than 2 cm, Gaiani et al.    be enhanced at a very early stage. Furthermore, in
           and Giorgio et al. [20]  reported a 83.3% and 56.3%   some cases (mainly in small-dimension lesions) such
           sensitivity for CEUS, respectively. Conversely, in   precocity can be transitory and thus assessable only
           nodules with dimensions > 2 cm, sensitivity was    in a continuous view.
           significantly increased by 94% and 91%, for CEUS, in
           the respective studies.                            Some studies have demonstrated that a certain number
                                                              of lesions, varying between 5% and 25%, remain
           In this study, there were no statistically significant   undetermined after a CEUS study, because they do
           differences in individualization of vascularization   not present a characteristic enhancement. [28-30]  This
           in lesions, in relation to dimensions in the arterial   number can be reduced, even if not in a significant
           phase. Conversely using CEUS, the evaluation of    manner, if a second method of CT or MR is added to
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