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Loria et al.                                                                                                                                                              CEUS in evaluation of vascularization of HCC

            A                              B                               Figure 3: Arterial phase (A, C) and portal phase
                                                                           (B, D) seen in MSCT and CEUS in the same
                                                                           patient with hepatocarcinoma. In CEUS the
                                                                           nodule (arrows) is slightly hypervascular in the
                                                                           arterial phase (A) with wash out in the portal
                                                                           phase (B). The enhancement is disomogeneous
                                                                           becaus of the presence of an avascular area
                                                                           in the cranial portion of the lesion. In MSCT
                                                                           the lesion is isovascluar in the arterial phase
                                                                           (C). In the portal phase (D) it is hypovascular
            C                              D                               (black arrow head). MSCT: multislice computed
                                                                           thomography;  CEUS:  contrast  enhanced

           Table 3: Determination of vascularization seen in CEUS   Table 4: Lesions detected in portal phase using CEUS,
           related to sizes of lesions                        related to MSCT
           Arterial phase  Sizes   Early vascular phase seen in CEUS  Portal phase MSCT  Portal phase seen in CEUS
           in MSCT      (cm)  Hyper    Iso    Total  P-value                       Iso      Hypo       Total
                         ≤ 1  10 (84%) 2 (16%)  12    NS      Isodense            1 (14%)   6 (86%)     7
           Hypervascular  1-2  34 (91%)  3 (9%)  37           Hypodense          15 (18%)  70 (82%)     85
                         > 2  24 (96%)  1 (4%)  25            Total              16 (17%)  76 (83%)     92
                         ≤ 1  3 (60%)  2 (40%)  5             MSCT: multislice computed thomography; CEUS: contrast
           Isovascular   1-2    0    6 (100%)  6              enhanced ultrasound
                         > 2    0       0      0
                         ≤ 1  1 (100%)  0      1              media and the generation and development of
           Hypovascular  1-2    0    3 (100%)  3              dedicated software allow clinicians, working at a low
                         > 2  1 (33%)  2 (67%)  3             mechanical index, to study perfusion in real time
           MSCT: multislice computed thomography; CEUS: contrast   and also makes easier the study of small-dimension
           enhanced ultrasound; NS: not significant           lesions by considerably increasing the diagnostic
                                                              capabilities of ultrasound. [16-20]
           Similar results were shown for the portal and
           sinuisoidal phase  [Table 4]: 85 of 92 nodules     In the guidelines for management of HCC provided
           appeared hypodense using MSCT; using CEUS, 70      in 2005 by the American Association for the Study of
           nodules (82%) were hypovascular, the other 15 (18%)   Liver Disease (AASLD), CEUS has been considered
           being isovascular. Seven of 92 nodules appeared    among the non-invasive methods able to detect
           isodense using  MSCT; using CEUS, 6 (86%) were     the typical enhancement of HCC. This condition is
           hypovascular, 1 (14%) was isovascular.             characterized by hypervascularization in the arterial
                                                              phase with progressive wash-out of the MdC in the
           The basic pathology, a chronic liver disease displayed   portal and late phases. [21,22]  Such contrastographic
           by almost all the examined patients, did not limit   characteristics demonstrated high diagnostic validity, in
           significantly the study of intralesional vascularization   various case studies being characterized by a 92-94%
           using CEUS as compared with using CT, particularly   sensitiveness and by specificity of 87-96%.
           in the arterial phase. In the portal phase, the
           parenchymal enhancement found using CEUS was       The feedback from typical enhancement with the use
           less intense and more delayed when compared to the   of CT or magnetic resonance (MR), methods can be
           enhancement found using CT.                        considered conclusive for correct diagnosis. Also,
                                                              MR, if performed with hepatospecific MdC (BOPTA
           DISCUSSION                                         and/or  EOB),  can  also  allow  in  late  sequences
                                                              (colongiographic) the demonstration of hepatocyte
           The advent of second-generation echographic contrast   alteration characterized by hypointensity of signal
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