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Loria et al. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:316-22                              Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2016.27
            Original Article                                                                    Open Access

           Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound

           in the evaluation of vascularization of

           hepatocellular carcinoma

           Francesco Loria , Giuseppe Loria , Salvatore Basile , Giuseppe Crea , Luciano Frosina , Francesca Frosina
           1 Department of Radiology, PO Palmi, ASP 5 Reggio Calabria, 89015 Palmi, Italy
           2 Department of Radiology, PO Lamezia Terme, ASP Catanzaro, 88046 Lamezia Terme, Italy
           3 School of Medicine, University of Messina, 98124 Messina, Italy
           4 School of Medicine, Bio-Medical Campus, 00128 Rome, Italy
           Correspondence to: Dr. Francesco Loria, Department of Radiology, PO Palmi, ASP 5 Reggio Calabria, 89015 Palmi, Italy. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Loria F, Loria G, Basile S, Crea G, Frosina L, Frosina F. Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the evaluation of
           vascularization of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:316-22.

            Article history:              Aim: Early individualization of hepatocellular carcinoma is crucial to obtain good therapeutic
            Received: 04-07-2016          results, thanks to several options such as percutaneous therapies, surgical resections and
            Accepted: 18-08-2016          transplant. Aim of this study is to evaluate the vascularization of hepatocarcinoma using contrast
            Published: 22-11-2016         enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in comparison with multislice computed thomography (MSCT).
                                          Methods: Between January 2009 and May 2014, 67 patients affected by hepatocarcinoma,
            Key words:                    who presented an overall of 92 nodules, were examined and enrolled in the study. Results:
            Contrast-enhanced ultrasound,   There  was  a  significant  difference  in  the  percentage  of  comparison  of  the  vascularization
            hepatocarcinoma,              between the nodules situated at a depth not greater than 9 cm, compared to those studied at
            multislice computed thomography  a greater depth. In reference to the size of the lesion, the percentage of vascularization to the
                                          CEUS in arterial phase, compared with the MSCT, was 84% in lesions with dimensions equal
                                          or less than 1 cm, 91% in lesions with dimensions included between 1 and 2 cm, and 96% in the
                                          lesions greater than 2 cm. Conclusion: CEUS is a method capable of documenting with very
                                          reliable accuracy the intralesional vascularization of hepatic carcinoma, in a superimposable
                                          manner to the MSCT. However, CEUS also presents some limitations, mainly in relation to
                                          the site of lesions.

           INTRODUCTION                                       options such as percutaneous therapies, surgical
                                                              resections and transplant. Ultrasound examination
           Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the primitive,   and measurements of the levels of alpha-fetus protein
           most  common  malignant tumor of  the liver        in serum are the main screening options. Several
           accounting for 70-84% of hepatic tumors. The early   methods have been used to evaluate the intralesional
           identification of HCC is very important in obtaining   vascularization of hepatic focal lesions. [1-5]  Computed
           good  therapeutic  outcomes,  thanks  to  several   thomography  (CT)  is  the  second  most  common

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