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Yang et al.                                                                                                                                                           Aggressive primary hepatic histiocytic sarcoma

           Table 1: Clinical features of primary hepatic histiocytic sarcoma cases
           Case   Age/gender         Initial presentation     Tumor location/size    Clinical course     Ref.
           1     55 years/male Right shoulder and right upper quadrant pain Right lobe  Right hepatic lobectomy and   [9]
                             for about 3 months              15 cm × 11 cm × 9 cm  partial diaphragmectomy
           2     68 years/male Cutaneous langerhans cell histiocytosis and  Remarkable enlargement Died 24 h after presentation with   [6]
                             rosai-dorfman disease and splenic marginal  of spleen (24 cm,   sudden hepatosplenomegaly,
                             zone lymphoma. Patient was stable for a few compared to 14 cm from  despite treatment with systemic
                             years; then suddenly developed remarkable  2 years earlier) and liver  chemotherapy combined with
                             enlargement of spleen and liver without   (size not available)  prednisone
                             lymphadenopathy or skin lesions
           3       Unknown   Unknown                         Liver, not further   Unknown                 [8]
           4     14 years/female Left upper quadrant pain, anorexia and   Left lobe  Died 7 weeks following initial   Current
                             weight loss for 1 month         20 cm × 17 cm × 9 cm  diagnosis despite aggressive   study
                                                                                systemic chemotherapy without
                                                                                tumor resection

           characteristics  of large  macrophages  with  abundant   course. Cases arising primarily at  extranodal sites
           eosinophilic cytoplasm.   Now  HS  is  defined  as  a   often appear to go unsuspected and unrecognized.
           malignant  proliferation  of cells  showing  morphologic   Both localized  and disseminated forms of HS exist.
           and immunophenotypic characteristics of mature tissue   Systemic  symptoms  are relatively common and
           histiocytes. Immunohistochemical  studies  are critical   include  fever, fatigue, night sweats, weight  loss
           for the correct diagnosis  of HS because  it doesn’t   and  weakness.  Additionally, depending  on the sites
           have  definitive  morphologic  features. As  a  matter  of   of  involvement,  HS can also present as skin rash,
           fact,  many cases that were diagnosed  as malignant   intestinal obstruction, hepatosplenomegaly, lytic bone
           histiocytosis and histiocytic medullary reticulosis in the   lesions, and pancytopenia.  Although the liver is the
           past have been shown to be different subtypes of non-  most common site of murine HS, [11]  human primary
           Hodgkin lymphoma. [9]                              hepatic HS is very rare. To the best of our knowledge,
                                                              the present case is the fourth HS primarily arising from
           HS is extremely rare and accounts for less than 1%   the  liver. The  clinical features of  these four reported
           of all hematolymphoid  neoplasms.  It can occur over   cases are presented in Table 1.
           a wide range of ages (0.5-89 years, median age 46
           years), showing bimodal age distribution with a small   Morphologically, HS tumor consists of diffuse sheets
           peak at 0-29 years and a larger peak at 50-69 years.   of medium to large  epithelioid cells  with abundant,
           HS is slightly more common in males than females. [1]  pale eosinophilic  or foamy cytoplasm.  The nuclei
                                                              are generally irregular,  vesicular with prominent
           Although the etiology of HS remains unknown, some   nucleoli; binucleated  or large multinucleated  forms
           cases have occurred  in patients with mediastinal   are commonly seen. Mitotic activity is usually high
           germ cell  tumor, raising  the consideration  that HS   and cellular pleomorphism can occasionally be seen.
           may arise from pluripotential germ cells. Associations   Necrosis  is  common  and  an  admixed  inflammatory
           between HS and follicular lymphoma, myelodysplastic   infiltrate  of  small  lymphocytes  and  neutrophils  may
           syndrome,  and  acute lymphoblastic  leukemia  have   be seen. In  some cases,  focal areas of  spindle cell
           also been made. Moreover,  a study  has reported   morphology may be found. [12]
           trans-differentiation in patients  with HS and follicular
           lymphoma  and reported the presence  of t(14;18)   In terms of immunohistochemical  studies, HS tumor
           and immunoglobulin  heavy  chain (IGH) gene        cells are typically positive for one or more histiocytic
           rearrangements  in all of the patients, suggesting  a   markers, such as CD163, CD68 and lysozyme,
           common clonal origin of follicular lymphoma and HS.   with  typical  absence  of markers  for lymphocytes,
           Another study reported that 2 patients with HS had   Langerhans  cells, follicular  dendritic  cells, epithelial
           a clonal immunoglobulin  rearrangement, suggesting   cells, melanocytes  and myeloid cells.  The Ki-67
           a clonal  evolution  of HS from chronic  lymphocytic   index is variable. S-100 and CD1a can occasionally
           leukemia/small lymphocytic leukemia. Further research   be positive  but usually  only  with weak  and patchy
           is needed to confirm these findings. [10]          staining.  However, none of the antibodies are specific
                                                              for histiocytic differentiation; therefore, it is important
           Clinically, HS has been found to involve lymph nodes,   to evaluate with a panel of antibodies.  BRAF exon
           skin, and at many extranodal locations, especially the   15 mutational analysis shows that 62% of HS cases
           gastrointestinal  tract,  often with the presentation of   have BRAF V600E mutations. Clonal antigen receptor
           clinically  advanced  disease  and aggressive  clinical   gene rearrangement for T-cell receptor gamma, T-cell
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